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name | Document 9 NTNDetailedProposalv5.docx |
height | 250 |
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name | Gold-Guide-6th-Edition-February-2016 (1).pdf |
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For Discussion
The purpose is to support educational planning and management, enabling postgraduate deans to keep track of location and progress of trainees. NTNs also inform workforce planning
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| Comment | Owner |
1 | - following appointment to a programme, an NTN (national training number) or Deans Reference Number (DRN) will be awarded
what’s the difference between the two? which one is used when? |
2 | - for docs in NHS and non-NHS employment, but not for LAT posts
what’s a LAT post? does HEE look after non-NHS roles? ie should we be concerned with this? |
3 | - trainees should only have 1, except in pre-approved circumstances
- NTN should change to reflect that a trainee is undertaking a dual or sub-specialty programme
what should be done about those with multiple NTNs now? |
4 | - where NTN is issued, it will be held so long as
- trainee is in specialty training
- trainee is out of programme on statutory grounds
- or agreed out of programme
how do we know this is true for a trainee? |
5 | - NTN’s only awarded to programmes with CCT or CESR/CESP/CEGPR/CEGCP
- in order to receive the final award, they must have NTN
is a flag needed for those who do not have an NTN at a certain point in their training? What should the single letter suffx be, assuming there needs to be one for each of the following - CCT / CESR / CESP / CEGPR / CEGCP - can they be defined by TIS? |
6 | - core trainees will be awarded DRN, not NTN
how is a DRN different / made up? |
7 | - NTN’s are persisted through the lifetime of a programme
- even through research or career breaks
How is this currently handled? |
8 | - where inter-deanery transfer takes place, a new NTN to be issued
What should the trigger point be? |
9 | - NTN is removed where
- completion of training
- is assessed as unstable to continue
- does not comply with requirements for maintaining their registration with Postgraduate Den
- does not hold GC number
- resigns
- is dismissed
- is erased/suspended from medical register
- at Dean’s discretion
What should be the process be to "remove" an NTN? (New scenario) |
10 | - where an NTN has been removed it can be reinstated
with the old one? |
11 | - Some specialty training award NTN(I)
who specifically should have this? how do we structure the number? |
12 | - Defence Medical Services - Successful candidates for specialty training will be selected as required by the DMS. Those appointed as Specialty Registrar (StR) will be awarded a DPMD NTN by the Defence Postgraduate Medical Dean and the prefix of the NTN will remain “TSD” to designate the trainee as a Defence Deanery trainee
- once this is complete, they need to seek training as a civilian and will be awarded a new NTN
- relinquish DPMD NTN
whats the current process? |