Info |
The Model comes from the book Reinventing Organisations. The model provides a clear picture of how culture may evolve in an organisation |
He proposed different paradigms, each with their own colour and characteristics.
The metaphor of the wolf pack is useful when describing the red paradigm as people would organise into tribes with a powerful leader who inspires fear with the group's enemies and compliance within the group. This paradigm is most useful in Chaos where the powerful leader might be the only reason the group survives.
Limitation: Shortsightedness
{color:red} bla {color} doesn't work
These organisations evolved as organisations in Red which are fear-based were not able to have long term success. Amber emerged as hierarchical patterns (Roman Army or Catholic Church) enabled the focus on long term goals which is only possible with stable leadership. A strict hierarchical structure leads to stability and exerts control over lower levels of the hierarchy.
Guiding Metaphor: Army
Defining Characteristic: Strict Hierarchical Structure
Breakthrough Ideas: Long term, Strong Processes, Formal Roles
Example organisations: Public Schools (USA), Governments, Traditional Churches