6am Notification Daily Load
This job executes the ESR ETL and triggers 2 endpoints in the TCS service that then using Placements that have no following placement or placements that have no future trainee, creates EsrNotification records. These records are then picked up by two other job that run later (17:00 Application export & 17:30 Application daily)
Activity Diagram
Sequence Diagram
15:30 Applicant Load
This job kicks off the ESR ETL, it downloads a file from Azure and generates PositionInformation and PositionReconciliation records from these files. If there are issues creating these records, then a confirmation file is created and uploaded to Azure for ESR to pick up.
It then updates the records with information from Posts from TCS and pushes these records to the ESR service. Once thats done, another confirmation file is uploaded as well as RMT exceptions files are created for Position and Reconciliation. Finally the report is created for any mismatched positions.
Activity Diagram
Sequence Diagram