Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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The current list of scenarios is as follows:


Table of Contents

Process Name

AP-1 Create / Add Site Approvals

DescriptionAdmins are to complete that a site is approved within the reference table to make it available for use as a site for a post/placement
ActorsSystem AdminHEE Admins (Any Roles with access to create/update sites)

Site approval notification received off platform

Site creation notification received off platform

period is coming to an end or is not approved at present.


A new & approved site is added to the Site reference table list

When Adding placements, user should be able to use the new approved Site.

Process Steps
  1. Navigate to site Site list
  2. Select site Site to edit or create site
  3. Enter Fill in relevant fields (see Approvals list across)update and approvals dates from and to 
  4. Update/Set status to Current (if required)
  5. Link historical sites (if applicable) NOT FOR MVP
  6. Save

Site Creation

  • site name
  • site number
  • site known as
  • trust (from ref table)
  • local office (from ref table)
  • telephone number
  • address
  • post code
  • status
  • historically linked programmes
  • comments
  • Approvals

    • from date
    • to date
    • programme NOT FOR MVP
    • site type (from ref table) NOT FOR MVP
    • contact name NOT FOR MVP
    • contact telephone number NOT FOR MVP
    • document uploads NOT FOR MVP

    Alternative ProcessAP-2 Remove site approval
    • site Site must be approved to become available for use within a post/placement - this is known by the approvals from/to date being valid (i.e. not expired)

    JIRA LinksTISDEV-3115
    Audit LogN/A

    Process Name

    AP-2 Edit/Remove site approval

    DescriptionAdmins are to complete that a site is no longer approved within the reference table to make it unavailable for use as a site for a post/placement
    ActorsSystem Admin

    Site approval date is exxpired

    Manual request to make site unavailable received

    Post-ConditionsSite is unavailable for use within Posts / Placements
    Process Steps
    1. Navigate to site list
    2. Select site to edit or create site
    3. Make necessary changes
      1. Change status to inactive to deactivate
      2. amend start date
      3. amend end date
    4. Link historical sites (if applicable)
    5. Save

    Should anything else be done to remove approval? I suppose as long as we can tie off the dates that is enough.

    Should site approval be stored historically? Yes although not sure how this would work as we just recording dates?

    Alternative ProcessAP-1 Create / Add Site Approvals
    • once  site has been made inactive, it should not be available to add to posts
    • warn users about already linked posts/placements

    What should happen to a post/placement that is already linked to a site that becomes expired or is no longer approved? Nothing for MVP

    Should a user be able to see which posts/placements are linked here so they can amend them? Not for MVP

    JIRA LinksTISDEV-3117
    Audit LogN/A

    Process Steps

    AP-3 Define Trainer Pathways - NOT FOR MVP

    DescriptionAdmins can define pathway for trainers to be assessed against
    Pre-ConditionsTrainer record exists within TIS
    Post-ConditionsNew pathway defined

    Process Steps

    1. Navigate to Pathway Definition space in Trainer record
    2. Select to define new approval
    3. Define an approval type
    4. Define approval name
    5. Define start / end dates
    6. Save

    Trainer Types

    Clinical Supervisor

    Eductional Supervisor

    Clinical & Educational Supervisor


    Where should trainer types be defined? Maybe as an interim step? This is a question for SMLs I reckon

    Where should this function sit? Manage record perhaps? or again we could ask where it would logically sit?

    Where should domains be defined? Another interim step? New reference table? Are we doing domains as part of MVP?

    Is this the right process?

    Alternative ProcessN/A
    • Trainer cannot be linked to trainees if they are not approved
    do not include this for MVP
    Jira Links

    Audit Log

    Process Steps

    AP-4 Edit Trainer Pathway - NOT FOR MVP





    Process Steps
    1. Navigate to Pathway Definiion space
    2. Select pathway
    3. Define a pathway name
    4. Select trainer type
      1. add from list
      2. add new trainer type
    5. Assign domains (from reference table)
    6. Save

    Alternative Process


    Jira Links

    Audit Log

    Process Steps

    AP-5 Expiry Notification - NOT FOR MVP





    Process Steps

    Alternative Process


    Jira Links

    Audit Log

    Process Steps

    AP-6 Record Trainer Approval

    DescriptionAdmin should be able to record approval periods for a trainer in their person record

    HEE Admin

    Trainer ( ? )

    Pre-ConditionsAdmin has navigated to Trainer record
    Post-ConditionsApproval dates recorded
    Process Steps
    1. Navigate to Approval space in Trainer record
    2. Select to define new approval
    3. Define trainer type
    4. Define an approval type
    5. Define approval name
    6. Define start / end dates
    7. Save
    8. Display new approval against trainer record
    NB: there may be more than one approval record per trainer
    Alternative Process N/A
    • add multiple approvals against a single trainer

    Jira LinksTISDEV-3116
    Audit Log
    • who created and when
    • who edited and when
    dit Log

    Process Steps

    AP-7 Edit Trainer Approval

    DescriptionAdmin should be able to record approval periods for a trainer in their person record

    HEE Admin


    Pre-ConditionsAdmin has navigated to Trainer record
    Post-ConditionsApproval dates recorded
    Process Steps
    1. Navigate to Pathway Definition space in Trainer record
    2. Select existing approval
    3. edit relevant field
      1. Define an approval type
      2. Define approval name
      3. Define start / end dates
    4. Save
    5. Display updated approval
    NB: there may be more than one approval record per trainer
    Alternative Process N/A
    • no validation for MVP

    Jira LinksTISDEV-3118
    Audit Log
    • who edited and when