Further background information can be found here: Incidents and concerns logging



Please note that, from the flow above, only the items in green are in-scope for development.


Users will be able to access a summary page (Revalidation - Concerns - Summary View), then click through either in page or on an individual trainee basis (Revalidation - Concerns - Detail Screen (View) & Revalidation - Concerns - Detail (Edit/Save) ) to perform the following functions:


  1. Admin reviews all sources of information - from within TIS and from any other sources that they may have received information

  2. Navigates to concerns summary list

  3. Search & select trainee - it is assumed that all Trainees will be listed on the summary screen, but not all will have any active concerns against them 

  4. Selects to add new concern from within the detailed view

  5. Completes necessary field data (date of incident, concern type, source, date reported, employer, site, grade, status, admin, follow-up date)

  6. Adds commentary - multiple comments can be added to a single concern entry, they will be timestamped and can be edited

  7. Attaches documents - only documents with the following extensions can be attached .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .pdf - they can also be removed, downloaded and previewed in browser (.pdf only)

  8. Save - this triggers an update to the “last last updated date” datefield

Edit open concern

  1. Admin reviews all sources of information - from within TIS and from any other sources that they may have received information

  2. Navigates to concerns summary list

  3. Selects the appropriate trainee record

  4. Views the concern history

  5. Select appropriate row to edit and expands it out

  6. Updates the relevant field, adds / removes comment, uploads / removes document attachment

  7. Save - this triggers an update to the “last last updated date” datefield

Edit closed concern

  1. Admin reviews all sources of information - from within TIS and from any other sources that they may have received information

  2. Navigate to concerns summary list

  3. Selects the appropriate trainee record

  4. Views concern history

  5. Select item to edit (+end date elapsed) or status has been manually closed

  6. Update end date (enables editing) or change status flag

  7. Updates the relevant field, adds / removes comment, uploads / removes document attachment

  8. Save - this triggers an update to the “last last updated date” datefield

Additional functions / detail


Export concern record - users should be able to export the entire concerns record to PDF format, so that it can be shared with non-TIS usersPlease note that, from the flow above, only the items in green are in-scope for development.

Out of Scope

Concerns management - this is a wider function that sits outside of Revalidation and will involve a larger number of stakeholders and is thus out of scope for the current MVP solution for Revalidation