Has the post is not reconciled with a position in esr
This can be checked by….
Searching tables Esroutboundpositioninformationrecord and Esroutboundpositionreconciliationrecord and filtering by Deanerynumber for the post in question. If no records are present the post is not reconciled with an ESR position and hence cannot be exported.
You will be able to view if a post is reconciled on admins ui see ticket: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TISNEW-5141
Internal TIS team: We can also query the reconciliation and audit service for more detailed informationThe placement has missing mandatory information
This can be checked by…
Querying the deanery number you are looking at in Esroutboundapplicantconfirmationrecord and looking whether the records associated with this have Esrloadstatus of fail and an esrstatusmessage containing mandatory
Can use ESR reports in Tableau, also looking at BAU validation tools.
Query the audit system, how do we report/show on front end? Show it doesnt export.The applicant has not been exported to ESR
This can be checked by…
Querying Esrinboundapplicantdetailsrecord for the deanery number you are looking for and checking whether there is a record with a tisstatus of EXPORTED. If these records arent present then you can try querying the deanery number you are looking at in Esroutboundapplicantconfirmationrecord and looking whether there are records associated with this have Esrloadstatus of SUCCESS
-Has placement been created on tis
-Has it been added on time? 13 week - 2 day before start window*Future:
Front end esr status on placement and first exported date. Query the exporter by placement id?The applicant has been sent to ESR, but has not been processed
This can be checked by…
Querying the deanery number you are looking at in Esroutboundapplicantconfirmationrecord and looking whether the records associated with this have Esrloadstatus of fail