| Activity | E&W Midlands | Y&H | NW | NE | SW | London | Wessex | TV | EOE |
| Download Records with relevant documents; who performs this role? | The recruitment Team | The recruitment Team | The recruitment Team | HR/Lead Employer Team runs/extract Oriel Custom Report of trainees after Offer deadline | The recruitment Team depending on specialty IDs supplied by the programme Teams | The recruitment Team | Education Programme Manager | The recruitment Team | |
| Download Records with relevant documents; How many people in the LO has got access to Oriel to the full full report? | One person in the Team has got access | One person in the Team has got access | One person in the Team has got access | One person in the Team has got access | One person in the Team has got access | One person in the Team has got access | One person in the Team has got access | One person in the Team has got access | |
| Download Records with relevant documents; How often is the download made? | The download is weekly to check any new record | The download is weekly to check any new record | The download is weekly to check any new record and the Data and Programme Team are both informed of new records after download | Download from Oriel and upload into TIS are not weekly. They constantly check Oriel for new starter and upload them into TIS until post is full. It depends on availability of new record(s). | There is no Weekly extract from Oriel to Upload into TIS in this region but one big upload. There might be situations where some programmes’ recruitment might still be available after deadline, then another report is pulled after the deadline of such extra recruitment. | The Download is automated in London After the recruitment team saved the CSV file as XIsx file in SharePoint; At 10pm, BI/Dev app; At 8:30am Auto check a Download is available Auto Lookup data with TIS People Bulk Upload Template to align Auto create and generate into individual specialty spreadsheet needed for each school/specialty Auto upload template into relevant school/specialty SharePoint Folders.
| Reports are ran based on National timeline | Reports are ran based on National timeline | |
| Download Records with relevant documents; Any Document downloaded with Report? | No document downloaded with report | No document downloaded with report but the TPD do download the following which differs from school to school and documents are saved to the trainee file an application pack references submittedevidence of qualifications overseas ALS certificate (speaking English to a sufficient standard). Any additional documentation that the national recruitment team add to a particular application
| No document downloaded with report | No document | No document downloaded with report | No document downloaded with report | Application Pack | No document | |
| Run/Extract reports ; Type of reports? | One full report generated. Oriel Custom Report which contains information around equality, diversity, ethnicity, gender, disability | 4 reports generated yearly: Medical Report which contains most of the data Public Health Report Dental Foundation Report Dental Core and specialty report 3 Foundation Reports: YHFS TIS Export – FPP 2023 V2 (Priority Programme) YHFS TIS Export – SFP 2023 V2 (Specialised/Academic Programme) YHFS 2023 TIS Report FP Programme V4 (standard YH Foundation Scheme trainees)
| One Full report is generated excluding the foundation doctor | Different reports; Core, Higher, academic, Foundation, Dentist depending on the national timeline. Academic Round- Academics trainees are first pulled then Core trainees in round 1(Academic could be a bit of Round 1 because of clinical interviews), round 2 will be higher trainees and so on depending on the timeline. | Different reports; Core, Higher and academic. No Foundation and GP in the report | One full report generated. Reports generated by the recruitment team includes Foundation Doctors Records which follows the same process. | GP: Extract Report without sensitive data and get sensitive data later Foundation and other specialties: One full Report | | |
| Run/Extract reports ; What format? | CSV | CSV | CSV | CSV | CSV | CSV files but save as XIsx file in SharePoint | CSV | | |
| Run/Extract reports ; Where is the report saved? | SharePoint | SharePoint | SharePoint | SharePoint | SharePoint | SharePoint | SharePoint | | |
| Mapping of reports Who does the mapping? | The LO Admin | Data Analyst - The recruitment Team notify the Data analyst moment the reports are downloaded from Oriel | Data Officer | HR/Lead Employer Team | Programme Team | HET Team. Programme/Data Focus Admins for each School/Specialty | | | |
| Mapping of reports What activities is done in the mapping? | Manually remove person’s record without GMC number Fills in the recruitment Import template with Oriel received trainee details including ApplicantIDs, Surname and GMC AND with fields that do not come from Oriel e.g Programme and curriculum details (sometimes it is difficult to find the information in Oriel) Using the People Bulk Upload Template in TIS to upload into TIS and at the same time split the full data into different programme appointment for the programme Team but hide sensitive data - equality and diversity etc Saved into another folder in SharePoint for the different programme Teams to access Inform each programme Teams of the created records in TIS and the location of the folders so that placement can be added.
| Check if necessary data are in the report If contain necessary data then run a VBA process to arrange columns and merge files which will be a Mirror of the 4 report If there are missing GMC number, create a separate file for person’s record without reference number (GMC/GDC) in Oriel and follow the process when GMC number is received Add record to the Export Data file which can be accessed by all the member of the Data Team who will follow the next part of the process Add the Programme and curricula details. For more complicated area e.g ACCS or Academics who are already on TIS, the Specialist Data Analysts add the programme and curricula Check out missing data e.g. address line 2, gender fields etc Create a file to be uploaded to TIS from the Import sheet which is unto populated Uploads the files with the required details to TIS using the People/People Updates bulk upload function in TIS Other specialised Data Analyst then go into TIS to add placement. If foundation records, TPM get updated emails of Foundation trainees in late August time from Trainee and then update TIS using People Bulk update template.
| The Recruitment Team notify the Data Officer and the Programme Team (but sensitive data are made hidden for the programme Team)
Data Officer set up the recruitment template
Align template with Oriel report by using series of formulae and look up tables
Data Officer import raw Oriel data into recruitment template which converts these raw into a TIS bulk upload template
If no missing data, import data to stage to test and fix errors
But if missing data, missing data is highlighted in the bulk template
Hide sensitive data and lock password to protect
Save in SharePoint
Each school/programme review and confirm data
Data Officer upload to TIS
Notify Programme/School record is created
Programme/School bulk add placement (this could be manual).
Manually Map/Match the custom Reports with the new starter template which is a mirror of the TIS People Bulk Upload Template; Manually Add programme and curriculum details (which includes start and end dates) to the template Carry out pre-employment Check on Trainees before uploaded on Trac (using a different template) which is the pre-employment system Complete Occupational Health template and upload to Occupational Health system.
After 1 - Manually Add programme and curriculum details (which includes start and end dates) to the template, Check for missing GMC/GDC If missing GMC, Ask Trainee or go to GMC connect to get number and if not supplied, GMC/GDC number is not available, it goes into TIS as UNKNOWN. Most of the time to meet CoP deadline. Some international Trainees might not have GMC/GDC number Split the Template into different specialties and upload each into TIS After record is created in TIS, Lead Employer Team/HR get the Trainee Rotations from TPDs/specialties by send template without sensitive data to TPDs (Lead Employer Team/HR hide sensitivity data from TPDs. TPDs gets names, interview ranks and email) Lead Employer Team/HR Update the placement template with the rotations received from TPDs Lead Employer Team/HR Bulk upload Placement into TIS Lead Employer Team/HR ask the Programme team to check and confirm the grades
| After the recruitment Admin saved the report in the common SharePoint;
The programme Team filter on GMC number to check missing GMC number
If missing, email trainee to send number within a deadline
If not submitted withing deadline, programme check GMC connect
Update Oriel report with number
Programme Team amend on the Oriel report the field’s language that are not matching the TIS fields language e.g. Ethnic origin, Gender, Sexuality, Religion, Nationality etc ANDadd Programme and curriculum details for each trainee on the Oriel reportProgramme team transfer the Oriel report into the TIS People bulk upload template
Upload to TIS
After record is created, Programme Admin/ Specialties Bulk upload Placement into TIS after the people bulk upload is done
After report/Spreadsheet is auto saved into specialty SharePoint
Preprogramme and Team Data Focus Admin in HET Check data correctness. If second run duplicates is removed
Update with programme and curriculum and other missing data like GMC/GDC Number
Request Missing GMC/GDC number from Trainees
If not received, Update Spreadsheet with ‘UNKNOWN’ or ‘0’
Data Focus Admins for each School/Specialty uploads the spreadsheet to TIS using the People/People Updates bulk upload function into TIS
Programme Admin Bulk upload Placement into TISLink to process | See link to process | See link to process | See link to process | See link to process | See link to process | See link to process | See link to process | See link to process | |
| Mapping of reports What template is use? | CSV>Oriel Custom Report >,Recruitment Import Template/TIS Bulk upload template | CSV>Export Data file>Import Data file | CSV>Recruitment Spreadsheet> TIS Bulk Upload | CSV> New Starter Template (Mirror of TIS people Bulk Template) | CSV> TIS Bulk Upload | CSV>XIsx>Specialty Spreadsheet template (Mirror of TIS people Bulk Template) | | | |
| Mapping of reports What software/app is used? | No identified software Note: LO split those without GMC/GDC number from Oriel and check on TIS to ensure any duplicate record is not created. Foundation and Dental, International Medical Graduates (IMGs) foundation are most likely not to have these numbers. TISid are added to keep track when manually adding. For the second round of upload, already upload/created records are removed before new upload is done
| Software - VBA/sql script /snag to identify anomalies | This uses a series of formulas and look up tables, which should hopefully make things a little easier to understand Note | No app/software | No app/software | There is an Auto App | | | |
| Bulk Upload data Person Record to TIS Who Upload to TIS | Admin | Data Analyst | Data Officer | Lead Employer Team/HR | Programme Team | Data Focus Admins for each School/Specialty in HET | | | |
| Bulk Upload data Person Record to TIS What Template? | Use the People Bulk Upload Template/recruitment Import template | Export Sheet/Import Sheets | Recruitment Template/People Uploads Bulk Upload Template | People Uploads Bulk Upload Template | People Uploads Bulk Upload Template | People Uploads Bulk Upload Template | | | |
| Bulk Upload/Upload Placement Who add placement | Programme Admin- Each Programme Admins are informed by the LO Admin when their records are created in TIS. Admin share individual folder with the programme Admin. The Programme Admin inform the TPDs of who is joining their programme, upload the placement/rotation into TIS | Data Analyst | Programme teams/Schools | Lead Employer Team/HR | Programme Admin/ Specialties manager | | | | |
| Bulk Upload/Upload Placement What Template? | Bulk Placement template | Manually Add placement when trainee records are created | Manual/ Bulk placement template | TIS bulk placement template | Bulk placement template | TIS bulk placement template Note: GP manually upload placement | | | |
| Is it the same process for Foundation and other specialties? | Yes, not really any difference between foundation, GP, academic or the rest of rounds 1 and 2 in terms of process – just different timelines (as the recruitment rounds happen at different stages) and the local team that is directed to that information. UKFPO and GPNRO do provide some reports for foundation and GP recruitment directly to local teams, but it is often not enough for them to work off of, so they typically wait for our process even if the national recruitment offices sent in information earlier. | No. Foundation Process is mapped Foundation Process: - Information Analyst contact the Foundation Team to set up Oriel Reports. This are requested around February Foundation Team generate reports and confirm release data to the analyst Information Manager runs the Foundation Recruitment Report from Oriel. This reports are available around March/April Information Manager/Team review data set to check missing Programme Description in SFP and FPP reports If missing data, Make a request to Foundation Team Send Missing Programme Description Information Manager/Team Manually add to the data set Data Analyst re-order columns to be in TIS People Bulk upload format Data/Information Team remove all work Permit & Visa details (As requested by the Sponsorship team) and qualification details because all information are out of date/incorrect from Oriel Get more up to date Visa/Work permit details from Sponsors. Note: This is added later either by them or we will add via an import sheet sent to us.
Note: Data/Information Team runs SQL to take Qualification from GMC and update the data set (This only work currently for trainees with a TIS record)>Remove Trainee without GMC number and exported to a different spreadsheet. Then ask trainee to supply information and when received upload to TIS>Data Analyst Upload Trainees with GMC using People Bulk Upload into TS | | Yes, follow the same process | No Contacts: Foundation; MADDOCK, Suzanne (NHS ENGLAND - T1510) suzanne.maddock2@nhs.net GP; SLOMAN, Richard (NHS ENGLAND - T1510) richard.sloman@nhs.net | Yes Reports generated by the recruitment team includes Foundation Doctors Records which follows the same process | | | |
| Pains/Challenges | Lot of manual mapping of data to suit TIS Language | In 2022 the Foundation team confirmed that the ‘Disability’ field in Oriel had been replaced by ‘Day to day activities limited?’ this should be uploaded to the Disability field on TIS as part of the import. TIS and Oriel not speaking the same Language
| Pain Point | Pain Point Not all of the data are pulled from Oriel because they are missing in Oriel Fields not matching with TIS fields Programme and Curriculum details depends on Team experience and TIS as it’s not clearly stated in Oriel.
| Pain Point Oriel- TIS does not talk the same language around some data fields e.g Ethnic origin, Gender, Sexuality, Religion, Nationality etc. Louise to send list. Programme team have to amend these fields before uploading to TIS . This impact the deadline dates in the code of practice One person per region has access to pull data from Oriel 90% work on the full report file but some specialties create their own files to work on separately
| Pain Points Meeting CoP deadlines Manually adding Programme, rotation and curriculum Changing Oriel language to suit TIS languages
| | | |
| Other Comments | Each LO has got someone/one person per region that pull full information around equality and diversity records, ethnicity, gender, disability details from Oriel. This is a CSV file. There is a national project to know if documents should be pulled but at the moment, Midland to pull the documents. Trust can download docs. LO split those without GMC/GDC number from Oriel and check on TIS to ensure any duplicate record is not created. Foundation and Dental, International Medical Graduates (IMGs) foundation are most likely not to have these numbers. TISid are added to keep track when manually adding.
| The Recruitment team download a new starter spreadsheet using the reporting tool so that they can inform the TPM teams which trainees they are getting. Recruitment would inform our team of the Oriel report names as soon as they are created usually early in the new year and would notify us of the upgrade deadline (ie when we can run the reports) 2 or 3 months before the date.In YH the protected characteristics are included in the 4 Oriel reports created by our Recruitment team, they are not extracted separately. For Foundation process: The Sponsorship team asked us to remove all Work Permit & Visa details because the information from Oriel is out of date by the time trainees are starting and the Sponsorship team have more up to date information. This is added later either by them or we will add via an import sheet sent to us.
Qualification details are also added at a later date (using another import). We have an SQL script that takes. Qualification from the GMC but only currently works for trainees with a TIS record. This is because qualifications on Oriel don’t match those held by the GMC and any subsequent reporting looks messy. This only applies to F1s as all other grades will already be on TIS with qualifications.
| Data always go into TIS regardless of complete information or not because of CoP and Rotation The recruitment team extract the data and store in common SharePoint for extraction by the Data/Information Team and the Programme Team Recruitment Team do a weekly refresh and inform the Data/Information team and the Programme Team of new additions and withdrawals. And the data team then use their template to flag already recreated records before uploading new trainees. This is done weekly. This data contains no Foundation Doctors
| This Information comes from the team experience and looking into TIS for the information. What comes from Oriel is the Offer/specialty which sometimes don’t match the programme Report pulling depend on national timelines. Report generations depends on offers made at different time- The reason for rounds of report generation Download from Oriel and upload into TIS are not weekly, it happens when it needs to happen. They constantly check Oriel for new starter and upload them into TIS until post is full. It is the same timeframe for CoP for Lead Employer as it is for other Local Offices. The CoP for Lead Employer is to tell the Trust and Trainees where trainees are going which is the same timeframe of 12 weeks
| Incomplete data e.g (GMC/GDC); Email doctors to request for the number before uploading spreadsheet to TIS There is no Weekly extract from Oriel and Upload into TIS in this region but a big upload. There might be situations where some programmes’ recruitment might still be on even after deadline, then a report is pulled after the deadline of such extra recruitment. There are different reports that can be generated from Oriel. National Recruitment webpage has got deadlines/timeline for different specialties. Reports are generated in rounds based on the timeline in the national recruitment timeline. Each of these specialties have got a vacancy ID number that will be used by the recruitment team to download reports from Oriel.The key specialties are: Core specialties Higher Specialties Foundation
Programme give vacancy ID number to Recruitment Admin of what specialty data report to pull from Oriel Please note that about 90% of Specialties work on the same full report but few do create their reports from the full report to work on. Programme and placement details comes from Oriel also. Curriculum don’t come from Oriel but from TIS Each specialty manager upload the placements for their respective trainees. The placement comes from Oriel most of the time There is a recruitment planner in the region that is used in placement and ranking. The TPD get involve in this decision of placement sometimes. There also what is called Long Term Planning and Distribution Posts
| Reports generated by the recruitment team includes Foundation Doctors Records which follows the same process For Missing (GMC/GDC), Request is made to Doctors to supply. If GMC/GDC number is not available, it goes into TIS as UNKNOWN or 0. Some foundation/ international Trainees might not have GMC/GDC number. For Programme, Rotations, and curriculum details, the Information comes from the team experience and looking into TIS for the information. What comes from Oriel is the Offer/specialty which sometimes don’t match the programme. This is a manual process of updating these details on the spreadsheets before upload to TIS. This is a challenge for the programme. After Trainee record is created in TIS, the programme team then add the placements/Rotations to the records using the Placement Bulk Upload template
| | | |