Versions Compared


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  • Trust Users should only see the posts and people (trainees & trainers) related to their Trust
  • Trust users should be able to see the Placements and Assessments of People they can access (currently they can't see Assessments, this was acceptable)
  • Trust users should NOT be able to see the sensitive data fields of People they can access (ok to see the sensitive data tab, just not the 4 fields)
  • Ideally a Trust's People list will show future and past trainees as well as current (possible to also achieve past/future via reporting, without implementing in TIS)
  • For clarity, Trust admins will NOT have access to the TIS Admin section, Programmes, Revalidation & Concerns


  1. Allocating all Trust administrators to a new role in Keycloak - one role for all Trust admins
  2. Linking a Trust Admin to their Trust - initially only one Trust
  3. Implementing authorisation following the existing (flawed) model as a tactical solution
  4. Limiting access to TIS at the top menu level - Trust Admins will only have visibility and access to People, Post and Post Programmes L1 menu items (not Programmes, Assessments, Admin)
  5. Limiting access to Sensitive data fields within the Sensitive data L2 menu in People - Trust Admins won't see the four sensitive data fields in People records
  6. Limiting access to TIS data within People and Post - the List and CRUD for both People and Posts will only show People/Posts relating to the Trust(s) of the Trust Admin
  7. Read Only access to Programmes and Posts, Read/Write access to all data visible in all People L2 tabs

We will return to re-implementing authorisation once a new design has been established to provide appropriately secure roles and permissions.
