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Data issueScenario Business Decision

Not connected to Designated Body


Start Date of Programme is in the future

  • New starter recruited but has not started working and not working clinically anywhere else.

These doctors will have records and assigned to programmes to commence in the future

Connect to relevant DB

Reval Officer from NE says that trainees should not be connected until the day they start with a DB. Trainees do not need to be connected to a DB as they can be revalidated by the GMC. Rare but does happen.

2Non Trainee Doctors

Non-trainee doctors employed directly by HEE and not working clinically anywhere else .

These are usually Associate/Deputy Deans and Programme Managers.

Connect to relevant DB but only if the RO is aware and has approved the connection
3Vistor Trainee

Visiting training on an Out of Placement (OOP) arrangement :

  • OOPC - Out of Programme ( on a career break)
  • OOPT - Out of Programme (Training)
  • OOPR - Out of Programme (Research)
  • OOPE - Out of Programme (Experience)

A visitor trainee will retain their 'home' DB. The visitor trainee must not be connected to recipient/host DB.

This is an exception that should not be connected

4Military Trainee Military trainees are managed by the Defence Deanery and not HEEThis is an exception that should not be connected
5Provisionally Registered DoctorsProvisionally registered trainees on F1 placementsThis is an exception that should not be connected. Point of interest, FP1 trainees are connected to their training trust and change DBs upon successful completion of FP1 and commencement of FP2.
6Programme End Date has Passed
  • On completion of training programme - ARCP Outcome 6
  • Released from training - ARCP Outcome 4.
  • Resignation from programme
Disconnect from DB
7Attached to the wrong Designated BodyTrainees that a are wrongly attached to a DB. This discrepancy is likely to be identified on the GMC list of trainees and on investigation, the trainee will not be attached to a programmeDisconnect from DB


User needs

Functionality in TIS to enable a Revalidation Administrator to connect or disconnect individual trainees from the designated body**
Functionality in TIS to enable a Revalidation Administrator to bulk connect or disconnect trainees

Functionality to flag up to a Revalidation Administrator where a trainee is joining a training programme and needs to be connected:

  • new starters
  • they have had an application to transfer between local offices (Inter-Deanery Transfer) approved and the date of the transfer **
  • have been disconnected inappropriately (i.e. before the end of their training programme or at the end date but before Final ARCP - they don't have an outcome 4/6 - or revalidation has taken place). If a trainee disconnects themselves from their DB an email is sent to the DB informing them. In the NE for example the number of trainees is of a manageable number that the Revalidation Officer can contact the trainee to ask why they have disconnected themselves. This may not work in local offices with a larger cohort of trainees.

Functionality to flag up to a Revalidation Administrator where trainees are not on a training programme with the DB:

  • they have not yet started their programme and have attached too early
  • they are beyond their Curriculum Completion Date and have an Outcome 6
  • they have an Outcome 4
  • they have resigned from a programme and the date of their last day
  • they have had an application to transfer between local offices (Inter-Deanery Transfer - IDT) approved and the date of the transfer **
Functionality to flag up to a Revalidation Administrator discrepancies between the GMC Connect list and HEE's database of who should be connected to the local team
** As we develop the new core there could/should be functionality to transfer trainees between designated bodies in a single step i.e. not require one local team to disconnect and another team to connect separately. Will need to be built with appropriate approval workflow based on agreed policy and business rules - e.g. which local office (outgoing or incoming) responsible for changing connection NB: IDT's require approval from Postgraduate Deans (Responsible Officers) from both local teams
