- To keep record of meetings/engagement with stakeholders
HEE Regional meeting held on 22/02/2019 at 13:00 on Study Leave Fields on TIS
Attendees: Ade Adekoya, Alistair Pringle (Chair), Dave Rayner, Sarah Nicholls, Julie Khan, Jo Stevens (to add others)
questions and Responses
Dave Rayner : Raised question that the piece of work was more on what trainees are training on rather than funding focused - To capture funding, London has got two parallel stream from which trainee can choose from; Want to know if it the fields will not only covers trainees claim but not trust cost delivery side- . Response: It seems Ashley covered this on the template in: Study Leave - Recording on TIS (Draft)
Sarah Nicholls: How possibly for people to get the elements they do need? Action: To Alistair to meet with Ashley on this
Jo Stevens - Do we envisage that trainee can apply for study leave and get approval: Response was No : No, as leave manager will cover this as this piece of work is to capture what field we need on TIS to record study leave.
Some Some Feedback we might consider for future meeting on Study Leave Fields on TIS:
- Maybe people need to know that (not just) the national group (I don't know who they are) that will determine the requirements but all stakeholders will contribute.
- Maybe we need to let them know that we're aware of the possibly future impact (if any?) of the the study leave fields that we are working on on TIS with leave manager procurement
- Maybe emphasis more that the leave manager procurement is different from the Study leave Field on TIS - as it seems Julie don't know the difference.TIS
- London - Dave raised the issue of the trust cost delivery side which has got two parallel streams - though it seems Ashley has covered this on the table - my need more clarification