A bulk upload tool was developed in TIS for MVP for uploading Oriel trainees which requires pre-population from Oriel Reporting tool or in some Local Office’s what is known as the Rotor tool to transform/map the Oriel data along with Reference data (e.g. Nationality, sexual Orientation etc.) to what TIS can successfully upload on the designed rationalised template. https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NTCS/pages/532709384/Bulk+Upload+Templates?search_id=0741c6f7-8530-4dcb-8e35-93bd049a0bcf&additional_analytics=queryHash---bf8348b4107daaacf154ae780e1d5a7ee7a98f912d22e70c1f808550aaf26ef9
Pre-Discovery Discussion and Assumptions
# | Question | Comment | Owner | Jira Ticket | ||||||||
1 | In the workbook on sub heading 3, there are fields that are reference data from Oriel and require further data mapping to be done. | Agreed that wherever possible we will adopt Oriel ref tables to avoid having differences and having to map the data. Ashley to check impact on ESR interface to determine which tables we can do this for. Agreed that nationality will have to align with ESR as data passes through interface so this must be mapped. | Data Leads | |||||||||
2 | In the workbook on sub heading 3, there are fields that are not necessarily mandatory on Oriel and would therefore only pull through if the applicant/trainee has provided the information on their application form, e.g. National Insurance number, Religious belief, Sexual Orientation etc. | Recommendation is that if completed in Oriel that it is pulled through into TIS. | Data Leads |
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3 | In the workbook on sub heading 3, there are fields that are on the Recruitment Import template but not Oriel. Which of these fields are required in the template and where would these be sourced from? Which of these should be mandatory? | Feedback received from Claire and Alice as to which one to keep on the template and which one to remove. Draft version consolidated and added to dev story. Concern over mandatory fields in the template. E.g. DOB may not be available for non-trainees. | Data Leads |
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4 | Workbook on sub heading 4 was put together with input provided by Claire Lehoux. Although separate from Reference data mapping, there still need to have legacy data tidied up in the DR. Not related to the Oriel integration but for data quality in general. | Data Leads |
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5 | Workbook on sub heading 5 has a list of Immigration statuses discrepancies that requires mapping. Oriel reference data for 2017 and 2018 have different list of values that will be passed on to TIS. | Agreed not to map and just take Oriel values as Intrepid data is not accurate and up to date. Regarding the 2 new questions added for immigration on 2018 application form in Oriel, the recommendation is to record these as 2 new fields on TIS.
Oriel to fix their extract to send those values. | Data Leads |
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6 | Reference data changes on Oriel will need to be coordinated with TIS going forward. | Data Leads |
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7 | Custom report can be built on Oriel to extract a list of trainees for specific programme/s where they have accepted an offer or withdrawn after accepting. This task is to:
| Ashley and Claire met to discuss and Recruitment lead is currently working on this. Concern raised over Dental trainees. They are expected to use the agreed approach in order to import trainees from Oriel into TIS. Ashley - To speak to Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed), to add channel on Microsoft Teams to get feedback over: - Done
| Data Leads |
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8 | Documents will be be extracted from Oriel and stored on TIS in a data structure on Azure to be consumed by the Bulk Upload function during trainee records creation. | For info only. | Data Leads | |||||||||
9 | The Recruitment Import template may need to be changed to have new columns or some columns removed if not needed. For e.g. ApplicantID may need to be added to accomodate for the above Process. Some of the columns in the current Recruitment import template in its current format, will overlap with the fields that are received from Oriel. Do we want to keep them in the template? Which of the overlapped fields would be best to be manually filled? | ApplicantID will be added. - Done Next steps are: SImilar action to #3. ApplicantID = ORIEL PIN | Data Leads |
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10 | The Recruitment Import template will be used both for creating and updating records on TIS. In a scenarion where records already eixist on TIS, what should be the best course of action by the Upload function? For e.g. should all or a selection of fields on TIS be updated/overwritten? | The template will be used with the relevant fields populated so that existing person record on TIS can be matched with to update the record. The rules for finding a matching person record are
If an existing person exists on TIS, then update with populated values from the spreadsheet and pull Oriel stored data from Azure storage to update the person record with programme and curriculum details. | Data Leads |
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11 | Oriel XML file format |
💪 Jira Tickets
KeyTicket No | Summary | Created | Updated | Assignee | ReporterStatus | Resolution | |
30/Jan/18 11:37 AM | 12/Sep/18 2:53 PM | Unassigned | Reuben Noot | To Do | Unresolved | ||
11/Jan/18 11:06 AM | 06/Aug/18 5:05 PM | Ashley Ransoo | Ashley RansooDONE | Unresolved | |||
Review GMC LRMP Fields to see see if an ETL is required to bring any of them | 05/Jan/18 4:43 PM12/Sep/18 2:55 PM | Ashley Ransoo | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | ||
14/Dec/17 11:11 AM | 07/Mar/24 9:04 AM | Ashley Ransoo | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | ||
14/Dec/17 9:28 AM | 06/Aug/18 5:04 PM | Ashley Ransoo | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | ||
Oriel Integration - Confirm the Recruitment Import template fields for TIS going forward | 11/Dec/17 2:17 PM | 07/Mar/24 9:04 AM | Alice Thompson | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | |
Oriel Integration - Create Oriel Custom Report | Fields Definition | 11/Dec/17 2:12 PM | 07/Mar/24 9:04 AM | Claire Le Houx | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | |
Oriel Integration - Immigration statuses Reference data mapping | 11/Dec/17 2:08 PM07/Mar/24 9:04 AM | Claire Le Houx | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | ||
Oriel Integration - Confirm fields required in the Recruitment Import template | 11/Dec/17 1:48 PM | 07/Mar/24 9:04 AM | Alice Thompson | Ashley RansooDONE | Unresolved | ||
11/Dec/17 1:40 PM | 07/Mar/24 9:04 AM | Alice Thompson | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | ||
Oriel Integration - Oriel Reference data requiring further mapping | 11/Dec/17 1:27 PM | 07/Mar/24 9:04 AM | Claire Le Houx | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | |
Create mapping document for Oriel-TIS-Recruitment Import fields for data leads | 07/Dec/17 11:48 PM06/Aug/18 5:04 PM | Ashley Ransoo | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | ||
Create high level business process for Oriel Trainees Import | 07/Dec/17 11:41 PM | 06/Aug/18 5:04 PM | Ashley Ransoo | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | |
19/Nov/17 8:37 PM06/Aug/18 5:04 PM | Ashley Ransoo | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | |||
19/Nov/17 8:33 PM | 06/Aug/18 5:04 PM | Ashley Ransoo | Ashley Ransoo | DONE | Unresolved | ||
15/Nov/17 1:40 PM | 12/Sep/18 2:53 PM | Ashley Ransoo | Former user | DONE | Unresolved | ||
06/Nov/17 3:24 PM12/Sep/18 2:54 PM | Former user | Graham O'Regan | DONE | Unresolved | |||
18/Oct/17 11:18 AM06/Aug/18 5:04 PM | Unassigned | Graham O'ReganDONE | Unresolved | ||||
18/Oct/17 8:37 AM | 08/Feb/18 7:03 PM | Chris Mills | Graham O'Regan | DONE | Unresolved | ||
18/Oct/17 8:37 AM08/Feb/18 7:03 PM | Chris Mills | Graham O'ReganDONE |
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