Topics & Questions - To be sorted before meeting:
GMC meeting
Question | Answer |
Q 1 - Is there a GMC Roadmap? | |
Q 1a - Query for which Designated Body a |
doctor is associated with |
Item | Person (Time) | Notes | |
Q 1b - Query the Responsible Owner for a Designated Body | |
Q 3 - Can developers get access to GMC connect? |
SLAs? <<<I (Rob) have agreed with the GMC that a formal SLA or Agreement won’t be developed>>>
Is there any plan that GMC will be providing values to some GetDoctorsForDB endpoint’s payload fields like “DoctorStatus” etc, which are reserved for future development?
GMC do not have an external facing test environment for external users. This could be possible, with an appropriate business case.
Q 4 - What is the support process when we have a problem? | Advised to phone 01619236250 for any issues. The engineer will take details and issue an incident number. We are advised to give as much information as we can. If we need to send detail, they will conform email address at the time. Support Desk Opening hours – 0800-1730 Note: Phone is better than email, as emails are not routinely monitored. Escalation – the engineer on the phone will check connection coming through, username and password issue they can deal with that straight away. If it is an IP address issue, the engineer can whitelist the IP address.
Q 5 - In the GMC Revalidation 2.9, ref GetDoctorsForDB page 36. In Response Types (page 36/37) there values which are reserved for future development. What are these values and are they going to be developed? | |
Q 6 - On 1st April 2022 we will be moving into NHSE/I and our designated body will change. How do we manage this change at the API level? | At date, the GMC are still scoping this problem. There will be changes to the designated bodies and to the API. The responsible officer ID will also change. If an organisation wants to change its name or merge with a new organisation, GMC must create a new organisation, this will have its own new unique ID. The GMC will close the old one and migrate the doctors to the new org. GMC will have a plan for this by Christmas, but changes will not take affect till March next year, a test cycle could be added into the plan.
- Action - Knowledge sharing and how to steer roadmap going forward – Rob (and team) to have a call offline with Peter
- Action - TIS to do a Show and tell for GMC to explain what we are trying to achieve.
- Action - Rob to liaise regarding plans for designated office change, in order to manage wider business risk that has been raised as part of the merger with NHSE/I
- Query - GMC may investigate the frequency of updating their test environment.
List of attendees
TIS Team Rob Pink – TIS Lead and temp product manager Ade Adekoya – Business Analyst Steven Howard – FE Developer Yafang Deng – FS Developer Cai Willis – Developer Saedhia Mohammed – Prog admin
| HEE revalidation leads Phil Skelton – Revalidation & Accreditation, Thames Valley Elena Gonzalez – Operations Manager London & KSS Stuart Morris – Service Delivery Manager London & KSS
| GMC Team Holly Chadwick - Reval Team Manager Chris Evans - Service Desk Manager, IS Raghavendra Pullagujju - Senior Business Analyst, IS David Gaunt - Test Manager and 2nd line support manager, IS Peter McNair - Reval API Product Manager, IS