The Model comes from the book Reinventing Organisations. The model provides a clear picture of how culture may evolve in an organisation
In the book reinventing organisations, Frederic Laloux recounts the history of how people have worked together in organisations.
He proposed different paradigms, each with their own colour and characteristics.
The metaphor of the wolf pack is useful when describing the red paradigm as people would organise into tribes with a powerful leader who inspires fear with the group's enemies and compliance within the group. This paradigm is most useful in Chaos where the powerful leader might be the only reason the group survives.
The breakthrough ideas command authority where a leader sets a direction and people follow allowing them to work towards a common goal and the division of labour where people specialise in a specific type of work that benefits the overall group
The main limitation for red organisations is that they are shortsighted which is required to survive the chaos
Guiding Metaphor: Wolf Pack
Defining Characteristic: Powerful Leader
Breakthrough Ideas: Command Authority and division of labour
Example organisations: Mafia, street gangs and tribal militia
Limitation: Shortsightedness