Page Contents:
- Active Working (images on the wall)
- Use Cases
- JIRA link
- For Discussion & Assumptions
- Agreed Next Steps
Active Working
Use Cases
JIRA Tickets
For Discussion
# | Question | Comment | Owner |
1 | NEW: ability to see historical posts against a programme [related to PROGRAMMES COMPONENT] is this something that we can add into an existing story, related to Programme & Curricula | I suggest creating a separate story for this | Alex Dobre (Unlicensed) Reuben Noot (Deactivated) |
2 | Tariff Rate reference data - how to manage knock on effect when this is changed? | Russell Steel (Unlicensed) | |
3 | Rule: Post views are not limited to local only < - can this be confirmed? | JW - No, on refection I suspect that we should limit to local view as we will still need a way to allow users to filter so that they see and can report on only the posts in their local office. | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
4 | TIS-12: Do we want to update to link / unlink posts and programmes? Update to align with correct format for whole | JW - Updated to reflect both the need to link and unlink posts to and from programmes | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
5 | TIS-14: is the story wording accurate? | Story seems ok. the 'so that' is perhaps a bit specific but it is the main reason to capture the info. Looks good to me to (JW) - perfectly accurate | |
6 | TIS-410: do we need a story about re-linking? | i think we do as this process is different to linking as you only need to change the programme post membership to 'current' from 'inactive'. is this correct Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) ? JW - Interesting question. I think that the re-linking issue is just another version of the linking issue. We either link or unlink and as long as we can keep the history of when a post was linked to a programme then there isn't a need for a 'relink' story. Suspect that I could be looking at this in a too simplistic way so am happy to be corrected. | |
7 | TIS-12: do we need a story about unlinking programme and post? | Yes if we are going to set the post programme relationship to 'inactive' rather than completely remove it in order to retain the post programme membership history. | |
8 | TIS-13: is this still required, Reuben to confirm? | I'll pass this to Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) - we've now discussed this field and how it is used to capture the funding Local Office rather than the one the containing Programme is managed by - all this once confirmed by Joanne I think should be driven through the create story. So we should retired TIS-13 or rewrite it to be a more clear reporting story Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)? | Reuben Noot (Deactivated) |
9 | TIS-325: is this a valid MVP requirement? How do you envision this being displayed? filter, flag? etc? | This is just a report currently called the vacancy matrix. The requirement here is for admins to easily be able to see when a post is vacant but also to pull of a list of such posts. JW - I thought we had removed this story as when we went through the user journey there were three stories that were in essence the same (reporting on fil rates and vacancies - two sides of same coin). Think TIS-304 is the real MVP and this story is met via access settings. | |
10 | TIS-651: is this part of the create post journey? Should it be mandatory? where post is for GP? | It is part of creating a post for GP posts based in a practice. Some local offices may manage this differently so not sure it should be mandatory. JW - not MVP as recording the trainer against a post cannot currently be done (info received from my GP colleague here in NE) I have removed the MVP tag | |
11 | TIS-381: is this a valid MVP requirement? How do you envision this being displayed? filter, flag? etc? | This requirement is a report or list again. it's basically saying users should be able to pull off lists of training posts as required. JW - I think this was one of the stories that was removed when we went through the post user journey along with TIS-325. TIS-304 covers this requirement too. | |
12 | TIS-10: is the wording of the story accurate? | JW - Yes, and the wording supports the most basic requirement of post funding which is that (a) is the post funded and (b) the funding stream e.g. tariff, trust etc. | |
13 | TIS-647: TBC how necessary this is for MVP (JW)? | JW - used by 7 local offices so is MVP | |
14 | TIS-628: This has been made an MVP story, even though there isn’t equivalent functionality now; is wording accurate, can we get an example into the ticket, it’s a sub-requirement of create post | JW - currently happens in Intrepid so is definitely MVP. Is one of the most basic and essential ones | |
15 | TIS-627: is this truly a an MVP requirement, is there any other way leave approver is defined (i.e. by person) and if so, do we need both? | Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) is asking the East Midlands about this today as they are the ones who use on line leave management at its most enhanced functionality | |
16 | TIS-671: link old and new posts (because a post has been disestablished) | New story created | Ify |
17 | TIS-672: ability to see historical programmes view against a post [POSTS] for discussion | New story created | Ify |
Agreed Next Steps
- Review Use Cases - JW / AP DONE
- Update Data Validation Table - JW / AP / IO DONE
- Update/add JIRA stories - IO DONE
- Refinement session (internal) - Russell, Alex, Steve, JW, AP, IO DONE
- Answer questions above - various
- Update Use Case scenarios - JW
- Validation session - JW / AP / SMLs
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