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  • Scope
  • As-Is User Interface for Oriel import
  • As-Is Recruitment Import /Bulk Upload People
  • To- Be Bulk Oriel import and Upload scenarios
  • Discussion and assumptions


  • Ability to bulk import people via spreadsheet
  • Ability to manage oriel import of trainees before bulk creating/committing them into TIS  (May not be required if ingest process is fully automated.)

As-Is User Interface for Oriel Import

As-Is Recruitment Import / Bulk Upload people

To- Be Bulk Oriel import and Upload scenarios

Process Name
PP6 - Bulk Upload of People
DescriptionA user should be able to add a list of individuals to create multiple person records in one go.

A link under 'People' meganav for Bulk Upload People is envisaged.

Intrepid Excel Template is Intrepid Recruitment Import Template v11.xls

For TIS, the only mandatory fields identified in the template are:

  • Surname
  • Forename 
  • Role (The only roles would be 'Doctor in training' and 'Trainee'.)
ActorsLocal office admin
Pre-conditionsLogged in
Authorised User

Post-conditionsSearched for person in entire database
Process steps
  1. Download the template from TIS
  2. Populate the spreadsheet with people records
  3. Upload spreadsheet
  4. System validates spreadsheet
  5. System creates new records based on spreadsheet values
  6. System presents a list of newly created records for review/update
  7. Account/Profile of trainees created??
  8. Notifications sent to trainnes with credentials??

Alternative flowPP5 - Create person (single)

Error: this GMC/GDC/Public Health number is already held by a person on the database

Error: mandatory fields not completed

Error: Structure of the template expected by the import does not match, i.e. file format/column names/order expected do not match

Error: Duplicate rows identified in the spreadsheet

Error: Duplicate record of a person already exist on the system.

Error message appears to let the operator know what the reasons for non import are. The errors should be corrected on the import spreadsheet before the import function is tried again.  It is possible to select records to be imported if some of the records are correct but the best course of action is to correct all inaccuracies and import the entire spreadsheet in one go.

The total number of records that have been imported is shown to the operator.

Mandatory fields should be defined on the import spreadsheet to avoid the non import of records.

JIRA Reference


TISDEV-2579 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Audit LogWho created the people record and whenLog changes to any of the field values and when and who made
the changes.
Visually presented to all
Process Name
PP7 - Manage Oriel Import of Trainees (In TIS we plan to fully automate the ingest process)

Automated ingestion process of trainees import should automatically map trainees to programmes, map reference data (e.g. immigration status, title etc.) along with non-reference data (e.g. Surname, Date of birth etc.) during the creation or update of the trainees records on TIS.

The process is to take place every morning by a job.

Users should be able to view a summary of recently imported trainee person records.

Note of caution - the reference data in Oriel does not always match the values in Intrepid. I.e. For the specialty if the Oriel value is "General Medicine" and the Intrepid value is "General (internal) Medicine", this data will not be updated automatically. This is the same for all reference data such as Title, Country, Grade, NTN, Nationality, etc.
Trainees may already exist on the Intrepid and therefore the existing record will be updated
Field-to-field mapping of Oriel to Intrepid/TIS:
41 fields mapped (column 'TIS ORIEL Mapped' = 'TRUE')
ActorsAutomated Process 

Scheduled job is active and running

Oriel XML import files are accessible

Post-conditionsNew trainees records created or existing trainee records updated
Process steps
  1. Validate that the trainees on the list are new starters or existing trainees in the local office
  2. All mandatory fields are parsed
  3. Reference data mapped
  4. Programme details mapped
  5. Account/Profile of trainees created??
  6. Notifications sent to trainnes with credentials??
  7. Confirmation received of successful import and/or updates to existing records.

Alternative flowPP6-Bulk upload of People
  1. Update (do not create) when a person's record already exists in the database 
Where mandatory fields are not completed at time of import suggest a quality dashboard/data extract be produced to indicate the missing values in each person record for re-import.
JIRA Reference


TISDEV-3047 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Audit LogWho created the people record and whenLog changes to any of the field values and when and who made
the changes.
Visually presented to all

Discussion and assumptions

1Where do you envisage the Oriel bulk import and Bulk upload people navigation to be?A link under People meganav.Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)

Note: The Oriel import in Intrepid isn't a template as it is a direct link from Oriel to V10. The user must select the successful applicants by programme and bring them into the V10 system. 

The new Oriel Import created in Intrepid v10.76 allows trainees to be directly imported from Oriel once they have had their offer accepted and the vacancy has been updated in Oriel to produce a “Workforce Extract” file.
It is possible to put your new (or existing) trainees into programmes and placements via the new import interface but these are not field mapped as with the information below.
Oriel Import user guide - Intrepid Data Ingress

How do you envisage the page of the Oriel bulk  import to be like before creating them on TIS and what fields should be made available on that page forr editing?

Which of those should be mandarory?

The interface may not be needed at all if we manage to map programme details to the trainees in the oriel import such that as part of the Oriel integration the ingest  is completely automated so applicant records are added straight into their programmes in TIS.

The problem is that the applicant files do not have the programme numbers so we need to find a way of mapping them. Each programme has the Local office name against it and we have from Oriel most of the reference data from Hicom. 

Next step is to get a list of programmes for Data managers to tidy up to match the GMC approved list of programmes. (Sunil Rochani (Unlicensed) will extract the spreaddheet to send to them) and ask them to look at creating a spreadsheet per local office that maps the programme number we have against the data in the Oriel application files.

Fields currently populated from oriel:

  • Applicant name
  • Grade
  • Documents

Fields that can be manually populated:

Programme details:

  • Programme 
  • Curriculum
  • Membership type
  • Start date
  • End date

Placement details:

  • National post no./NTN
  • Placement type
  • Start date
  • End date
Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)

PP6 - What are the required validation rules for bulk upload of people? Which of these are MVP?

  • The following spreadsheet was reviewed by JW and the only mandatory fields are:
    • Surname
    • Forename 
    • Role

Some rules could be:

  • Structure of the template expected by the import to be validated against, i.e. file format, column names and order expected to be validated against
  • Duplicate rows in the spreadsheet
  • Duplicate record of a person that already exist on the system to be validated against
  • etc.
Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)

Some trainees may not have a specific ID, so if they are not this type of trainee (doctors, dentists, non-medical public health trainee), we assume they should have a type of ID, if no ID is included in the spreadsheet, they cannot be uploaded; however other types of trainee (healthcare scientists & pharmacists) type trainees can be uploaded without an ID.

  • HCS and Pharmacists to be looked at Post-MVP. An additional column for a TIS system generated ID might be the way forward to uniquely identify a trainee in the import.
Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
6Should we also allow bulk update of records via the bulk upload of people for records that already exist on the system?

Yes - GMC number is the unique identifier

Foundation - Some trainees may not have GMC number, a second source of identifying the person would be the email address.

Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
7PP7 - What are the required validation rules for creating trainees using the Oriel import? Which of these are MVP?

As per #3: The interface may not be needed at all if we manage to map programme details to the trainees in the oriel import. 

  • All mandatory fields on the Oriel import user interface to be completed (TBD)
Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
8Should TIS allow more than one trainees with the same GMC/GDC/PH number to be created within TIS? If not, then editing of 2 records on TIS to have the same GMC/GDC/PH number should also not be allowed.


Added validation rule for the second  statement to the following story:

TISDEV-2575 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
9Should the Oriel import user interface where you do the editing allow records/rows that pass validation to be created even though the lot may have rows that fail validation? I.e. either the whole import fails beacuse of 1 bad row Or allow good rows to be imported regardless and flag bad rows that needs to be corrected/re-imported.Agreed that the rows that pass validation will upload successfully whilst the rows that failed to upload will be flagged to the user to be corrected for re-uploading.
10What are the filters that should be available on the Oriel import interface to facilitate the import, should it be necessary to have one? E.g. import by Local Office, or Programme.As per #3.Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
11Are the programmes and placements created on Intrepid ahead of the trainees being imported from Oriel?

So that the admin can then choose a Programme to import trainees against.  

Programmes and Posts should be on TIS ahead of the import.

Terminology incorrect on the Oriel import UI - Placements won't be there but Posts will. 

Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)

No. You cannot add a Programme or placement to a trainee until they exist on the system. The Programme itself will already exist before the trainee is imported but this then allows you to create a Programme membership once the trainee is imported.

AR: Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) - I think there is a gap in the understanding of how trainees end up on Intrepid. I have found and reviewed the user guide (Intrepid Data Ingress) and on V10 "It is possible to put your new (or existing) trainees into programmes and placements via the new import interface". So my understanding is you can add the Programme and Placement details at the point of importing new trainees to the system.

12Reference data from Oriel may not match reference data on Intrepid or TIS. Since going forward, reference data will have to map to ESR, we should therefore get Oriel reference data to be mapped to TIS reference data (which is aligned to ESR) when parsing the xml files. Is this a correct assumption to make? 

When bi-directional flows in ESR is enabled, ESR will have to be the master. 

The reasoning behind this is in a scenario where records hava been updated in ESR and therefore updated on TIS but not Oriel. If Oriel then sends updates to TIS, it may not find the record to update.

Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)

How will the Oriel import uniquely match trainees that are already on TIS to receive updates via Oriel import? Is there some sort of table that reference unique records on intrepid to unique records on Oriel? E.g <ApplicantID> from Oriel to <PersonID> from Intrepid?

Quoted from Intrepid "Trainee matches are established using their Surname and GMC Number values."

This is true for one programme, but if an applicant has applied to a different programme in a subsequent year with a different Surname for e.g. what currently happens? Does a duplicate record gets created in Intrepid?

SR: In TIS <Applicant ID> is uniquely matched to TIS ID for a person record. 

Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed) Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)


Will the automated import/ingest of oriel trainees into TIS be tied up with their account/profile creation? I.e. People records created as well as their Account/Profile with potentially notifications sent out to them with their login details?

Speaking to Joanne Watson (Unlicensed), Form R Part-A needs to be completed before they start training. This will take burden off Local Offices as well as a means to get trainees to fill in incomplete information on their profile. 

Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)
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