This diagram outlines the data flows between TIS, the National Data Warehouse (NDW) and Intrepid. The diagram shows Phase 1, (rebase enabled) which existed up until all Local Offices had implemented onto TIS and Phase 2 which began when we disabled the TIS inbound ETL and enabled the outbound to Intrepid.
Note Phase 2 evolved through iterative design, specifically to simplify the Intrepid-NDW flows.
TIS - Intrepid Data Flows V1.2.pptx
NDW detailed design
A more detailed design of the Intrepid-NDW ETL and how the TIS-NDW ETL is consumed by the NDW can be found in this design and diagram from John Thompson - this is a static copy from - please refer to John Thompson for updates.
DR2 Tables to NDW - part 1 spec.xlsx
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