Page Contents:
- Descripton
- Scope
- User Journey
- Scenarios
- Field Validation
- Related JIRA ticket links
- For Discussion & Assumptions
- Agreed Next Steps
The management of the ARCP pathway. Trainees are assessed against the competencies/ requirements of the curriculum/curricula they are following throughout their training. Formal assessment will occur at least once a year. Encompasses the planning of the assessment to final outcome
Component: TIS-631
Create Assessments Event
Batch Create Assessments Event
View / Edit Assessments Event (Admin)
Batch Edit Assessments Event (Admin)
View Assessments Event (Trainee)
Complete & Submit Form R (Part A) << covered under Trainee UI
Complete & Submit Form R (Part B) << covered under Trainee UI
View Historical Form R Submissions << covered under Trainee UI
Record & Extract ARCP Outcomes
User Journey
JIRA Tickets
# | Question | Comment | Owner |
1 | Are assessment events linked to People records & their Assessment Outcomes? | Yes, the assessment event should appear in the trainee record. Assessment outcomes are given for each assessment event (even if the outcome is 'Not Assessed') and a user/trainee should be able to track their progress through training by looking at their assessment events as the event should happen at least once every 12 months. | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
2 | Should users be able to view assessment event as part of Person? Or just outcomes? | See above | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
3 | Online self-evaluation for HCS trainees is out of scope | Story removed from MVP | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
4 | List view of Assessments to indicate the year of trainee, or highlight just those in penutimate year? Related to TIS-83 | The assessment record should show the year of training assessed for every event - again so the user/trainee can see the training programme progression e.g. ST3, ST4, ST5 and ST6 etc. | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
5 | Does pre-assessment detail relate to scheduling or is more related to adding evidence ahead of assessment event, or combo of the two? | Scheduling. Evidence of progression against competencies is logged in the trainee's e-portfolio system which is separate to TIS. It is an HEE requirement that is assesses its trainees at least once every 12 months so all we need to do is record the event itself. | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
6 | What does Trainee get to see typically? | Those without access to the trainee portal currently see nothing of Intrepid. They do have access to their e-portfolio system though as the trainee is the person who logs their evidence of competence progression but this is outside of TIS. | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed), Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) |
7 | why is there revalidaion within Assessments on Intrepid? Is it necessary to go through Reval as part of an assessment? | If there are significant changes recorded on Form R, trainee may require revalidation. Good question. When revalidation came in it was decided that trainees should complete their self-declaration once a year. This has formed the basis of the Form R Part B. As a happy coincidence trainees also need to be assessed once a year so it was deemed sensible to wrap both requirements into the one event so the Reval requirements were taken under the wing of the assessment event too. | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
8 | What is an activity? | ? No idea - where is this from?? | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
9 | Is generating ARCP pdf needed? If so, what for? | Some local offices (the NE for example) still use hard copies and get the trainees and TPD/Panel chair to sign the forms. One for more research with the SMLs to see who else uses the hard copies. | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
10 | WHy do admins need to download Form R? If it is to send on, then can we cover this through direct send/submit by trainee? | See answer to question 9 above | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed), Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed), Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed), Reuben Noot (Deactivated) |
11 | Can the template for ARCP be made into a web form, or must it be the spreadsheet? | Is this the ARCP upload?? | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
12 | Where does the data come from to complete the ARCP form? | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) | |
13 | Should admin users be able to complere Form R Part A and/or part B as on trainees behalf? | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) | |
14 | Should users be able to view Form R Part A and/or B as part of Assessments or just the fact that those are available on the trainee records and when it was last updated prior to Assessments? Is it MVP? | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) | |
15 | What is the relationship between ARCP outcomes and NTN? | @Joanne Watson |
Agreed Next Steps
- answer questions
- eview scenarios and write up in detail
- specify field validation changes & rules
- refine stories to reflect user journey, scenarios and field validation