2024-03-28 Trainee-UI PR merged with main before prerequisites were in place


Mar 28, 2024



@Edward Barclay



In Progress



A version of Trainee-UI was pushed to prod before the production API’s for the notification service had been updated



for ~30 minutes users in the production version of the app would receive a popup in the top right of the app informing them that their notifications could not be loaded.


Non-technical Description

A version of the app was pushed to the production site before the back-end work was fully in place, this version was to display the notification Icon as well as a table of notifications. Because the back-end was not in place the app was unable to fetch the list of notifications causing to to trigger an error message stating that notifications could not be loaded. This was affecting the stage for approximately 30 minutes.


  • A version of the app was pushed to production

  • The back-end work for the APIs was not completed for production .


  • checking the app after upload of the latest version


  • The API’s were deployed to production allowing the latest version to work as intended


All times in GMT unless indicated

  • 28 Mar 2024 08:41:56 - latest version of the app pushed to production server.

  • 28 Mar 2024 08:45 - Upon reviewing the app an error message was noticed stating that notifications could not be loaded.

  • 28 Mar 2024 08:46 - Cause of error message found to be that the API's were not in place for production

  • 28 Mar 2024 09:08 - APi’s are deployed to the production site fixing the error message

Root Cause(s)

  • A new version of trainee-UI was pushed to production before the back-end had been put in place to handle the changes.

Action Items

Action Items



Action Items



Back-end API’s applied to production

Reuben Roberts







Lessons Learned

  • review the protocol for rolling back the app to a previous version and document the process in the DEV Handbook

  • PRs with a long turn-around time for review and merging should be flagged as prerequisites for related work, to avoid dependency issues.