TIS21 Confluence Space

This page is being updated

The current TIS vison is:

A suite of interoperable information systems that simply work, and we are flexible enough to meet our changing requirements. TIS will be:

> User-centred.
> Flexible.
> An opportunity for HEE to develop knowledge.

Note that as part of our future operation, the vision for TIS will be reviewed, alongside the vision for our services and products. TBC.

Our current strategic objectives are (with updated progress)

  1. Rationalising information systems - Since 2016 we have significantly reduced the number of systems from the 135 recorded as being in use.

  2. Improved data management and reporting - Demonstrable improvements in data access, reliability and reportability.

  3. Enhanced stakeholder engagement - We built good feedback loops with stakeholders and have started to refocus on UCD.  User satisfaction better understood.

  4. Adherence to good governance - Aligned to corporate rules and general transparency and compliance.

  5. Demonstrating value for money - In the four years to 2021/22 we tracked £12.7M savings from rationalising information systems.

Note that the strategic objectives (or goals) are being reviewed, so will be changing.

Our users:

Our user communities consist of:

  • Trainees, specifically postgraduate doctors in training, dentists and public health trainees.

  • Some elements of the wider workforce e.g. dental who use course management systems.

  • Our staff in various roles, primarily supporting functional areas e.g. assessment, or training programme management, revalidation, or course management.

  • Our data consumers e.g. from finance, workforce planning or local/regional/national functions who are making operational and strategic decisions.

  • Staff in c. 180 Employer Trusts, covering a number of roles e.g. from HR managers and education centre staff, programme directors, finance/ESR personnel and rota coordinators, and so on.

Team structure coming soon (removed the old one as it’s so out-of-date)
