New Meeting Date - WTE Reports Discussion

New Meeting Date - WTE Reports Discussion

Demo - https://tabanalytics.data.england.nhs.uk/#/projects/1272

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Questions from Data Analytics Team

  • Application Counts Questions:

    • As not all records have a status of ‘Applied’, for Application Counts an ApplicationID with any status except ‘In Progress’, 'Application withdrawn before submission' is considered to be an application. Are there any other statuses which should not be included?

    • Application Status of ‘Longlist Unsuccessful’ produces a record with a NULL Grade. Is this expected? Should those with this status be excluded from Application Counts completely or just those with NULL Grades?

    • Should all NULL Grades be excluded from Application Counts no matter the status?

    • For Offer Year 2025-2026, why for some specialties is there already a ‘Round 2’ present? Why do some specialties have a Round 2 but not a Round 1?

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