A outline of MVP Workarounds for TIS Components

For the initial launch of TIS, there are a number of functions that will not be available to users, because of this, workarounds were proposed to representatives of each region and local office. Local Office teams had the opportunity to agree, or propose new solutions; the outputs are collated within the relevant tickets on TIS.



JIRA Link to issues: LINK TBC

In summary, workarounds would require users to 

  • complete a manual / off-TIS process, with documentation and recording completed within a Spreadsheet or other database tool

Manual Solutions that required templates were provided as follows:

  1. Form R, Part A << already on local office websites
  2. Form R, Part B << already on local office websites
  3. ARCP Outcomes Form << do they need a blank template provided?
  4. Absence (still under review with Data Leads) << what’s the latest?
  5. Approvals << ???
  6. Trainers v Placements << ???

  • continue to use HICOM tools if they were already doing so and the component had been renewed for them for a set period of time

HICOM tools were renewed for the folloing modules and local offices

  • Cases - local office1, 2 , 3 etc
  • CBMS
  • Leave manager
  • Placement manager

  • use reporting to support their view data requirements

Reporting is available to all users via the NDW tool, there are certain reports that have already been created, or will be created to support users; however there are also some workarounds that will require that users extract or view data from the reporting tool. These functions are detailed within the tickets in JIRA.

  • use some other functionality within TIS to support their processes

TIS also has a variety of functionality that will support the user in acheiving a like goal, or a longer way of achieving the goal of certain defined tickets - the issue is the shortcut process has not yet been developed; these are also detailed within the tickets specifically, as well as described in FAQs or the user guide (below)

The FAQs and a user guide were defined to support users through usage of both the workarounds and wider aspects of TIS

FAQs: https://healtheducationengland.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/TIS/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=%7Bdc74ea68-a18f-4c68-8bc7-958ddf31017c%7D&action=default

User guide