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This is a page to capture the on-going discussions with different regions stakeholders in the Vacancy working group regarding the management of vacant posts processes in various regions with the aim of coming up with a nationalised process for recording this information on TIS in a consistent manner so that Code of Practice information can be reported on.


Angela Fletcher, Helan Raynor, Kay Appleyard, Fiona Ball, Jenny Albon, Helan Friedrichsen,  Joanne Watson, Nazia Akhthar,  Chris Norman, Maria Kist, Lynn Bradley, Dale, Gwylim, James Harris, Alistair Pringle, 

Questions and Discussions with stakeholders 23/01/2019 

#Questions/DiscussionsComments and points for further discussion
1What are problems we are trying to address?
  •  Performance issue of recording huge amount of placecholders on TIS against a post and rendering this on the UI
  •  Reports of Code of practice and defining what those should be nationally
  •  What needs to be reported on?
  •  What does BMA asks for?
  •  What are the 'exceptions'?
  •  How code of practice can or should look?
  •  Definition of the level of detail of the reports
  •  Audits: Making the placement last amended date available in NDW for reporting
2Who are we trying to address those problems for?
3What are the expected benefits if those are addressed?
  • Better code of practice reporting
4Why is the purpose/s for Local Offices to record placecholders?
  • Initially used to inform trusts of vacancies
  • Allows London to generate a change report for Trusts - 12 weeks snapshot taken from the datawarehouse, runs a comparison on specific fields to see what changes have been made

e.g. Reports: All trainees in a programme, All posts in a programme etc.
Allows code of practice reporting, e.g. no of posts notified 12 weeks before placement start date, no of trainees moved from trusts, amount trainees moving NPN.

  • If post is vacant for a year, am I going to get a returning trainee type of reporting.
  • Which trainees missed the 12 weeks code of practice compliance?
5Who are the Local Offices who use placecholders on TIS and and who use an offline process?
  • North: DR Vacanct / Dr Hold
  • Lynn, NE: Dr Vacant
  • London - Dr Hold / Dr Recruit - 20 different categories altogether

     10 reasons hold - PMD...
     10 recruit placeholders - IDT, Statutory, Reccruit on reserve, Exam PGD...

  • South: None, done via programme teams rotations
  • Yorkshire & Humber: track locally on spreadsheets, offline
  • Other regions need to speak to their Programme teams to find out
6Which Local Offices do not use placeholders at all and why?
7For those who are using a process of some sort, what are the problems you are currently facing with your current way of recording placeholders?
8What are the various types of placeholders you record and for what reasons each of them is recorded?
  •  Dr Vacant
  •  Dr Hold
  •  Dr Recruit etc.
  • London - Dr Hold / Dr Recruit - 20 different categories altogether
  • Any more 
9Which regions record which one/s of the above types and are they for the same reason?

Is there a national requirement to what London is currently required to report on given the high level of granularity? If not can an MVP fields set be agreed to be recorded on TIS?

e.g. - Vacancy type (Vacancy, on hold, recruitment etc. tbd), Vacancy reason, dates from and to, Exported to ESR, last modified placement date etc.

11Keeping the current placeholders updated - How does London do that? Do they use the bulk placement update function on TIS to do that?
12Can these be categorised/grouped?
  •  3 categories - Angela to provide a slimmed down version of their reports and propose to BMs
  •  Angela took an action to categorise and review with the BMs a proposal
13Can this be looked at properly of how this can be nationalised rather than rushing something for a deadline?
14Are placeholders transferred to ESR?
15London: They are excluded in the ESR interface for London. Trusts can access them on Sharepoint portal.
For those that use the TIS-ESR interface, yes. (ESR Streamlininig group - consideration for these placeholders)

16Is there a requirement to transfer them to ESR?

Discussion to have with the Devs and UX/UI:

As a Local Office Admin
I want to record posts placeholders in a consistent way on TIS
So that I can produce reports on Code of Practice

1. How do we record this on TIS to support better code of practice reporting?
- Current performance issue of recording huge amount of placeholders on TIS against a post and rendering this on the UI
- Data model impacts?
- UX/UI: Tick boxes and reasons to record and to report on....suggestion from Lynn?
- Impact on Placement Planning Tool development
- TIS-ESR Interface impacts if recorded on TIS or change is made to the current way of recording

2. Posts level information on TIS:
- Historical Placements
- Recording the vacancy information on the Posts
- What vacancy information to record?
- Automatic flagging of posts that are vacant/are due to be vacant?
- Based on the categories yet to be proposed
- Vacancy type: Vacant/On hold
- Vacancy reason
- Date from and to etc.
- Export to ESR (Yes/No)?
- last moified placement date
- Those information to be available to NDW for reporting

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