Order | Field name | DR field | Reference Table | Example value | Other fields available in DR | Type (free text, drop down, check box) & Interaction (autopopulate etc) | Mandatory (Y/N) | Validation / Error Messaging | Filter (Y/N) | Search (Y/N) | Sort (Y/N) | List (S) / Detail (D) | Notes | Delete field | |
Form R - Part A | |||||||||||||||
Section 1: DOCTOR'S DETAILS | |||||||||||||||
1 | Forename | Forenames | DR | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | ||||||||||
2 | GMC-Registered Surname | LegalSurname Should be GMC surname as per guidance at top of the form | DR | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | ||||||||||
3 | GMC Number | GMCNumber | DR | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | ||||||||||
4 | Deanery / HEE Local Office | LocalOfficeName | DR | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) and Ashley Ransoo Shall we populate this field form PersonOwner table? | |||||||||
5 | Date of birth | DateOfBirth | DR | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | ||||||||||
6 | Gender | Gender | DR | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | ||||||||||
7 | Immigration Status | EEA Resident Permit to Work Settled | TBC | Resident/Settled/Work Permit Required | Pre-populate Read-only | In the form R it asks for the trainee's immigration status which can be 3 options listed. In Intrepid there is currently 3 fields that this information resides in which are all drop downs. | |||||||||
8 | Primary Qualification | Qualification | DR | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | If there are multiple qualifications, which one to display? How to extract the Primary Qualification? | Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) and Ashley Ransoo How do we determine the primary qulification, e.g. if is there a list? | ||||||||
9 | Date Awarded | Date Attained | DR | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | If there are multiple qualifications, which one to display? How to extract the Primary Qualification? | |||||||||
10 | Medical School Awarding Primary Qualification (name and country) | Medical School | DR | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | If there are multiple qualifications, which one to display? How to extract the Primary Qualification? | |||||||||
11 | Home address | AddressLine1 AddressLine2 AddressLine3 AddressLine4 AddressPostCode | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | Line 4 is a left over from Intrepid, if made editable, then the user should be allowed to update the whole address as an object and without a Line 4. | ||||||||||
12 | Contact Telephone | TelephoneNumber | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | |||||||||||
13 | Contact Mobile | MobileNumber | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | |||||||||||
14 | Email Address | EmailAddress | vwPerson | Pre-populate Read-only | This allows for multiple at the moment, again a left over of the merged and migrated emails from Intrepid. Consideration on which one to display and what to allow in an edit scenario. | ||||||||||
Section 2: DECLARATIONS | |||||||||||||||
15A | I confirm I have been appointed to a programme leading to award of CCT | N/A | N/A | Selection Choose one between 15A - 15F | |||||||||||
15B | I confirm that I will be seeking specialist registration by application for a CESR | N/A | N/A | Selection Choose one between 15A - 15F | |||||||||||
15C | I confirm that I will be seeking specialist registration by application for a CESR CP | N/A | N/A | Selection Choose one between 15A - 15F | |||||||||||
15D | I confirm that I will be seeking specialist registration by application for a CEGPR | N/A | N/A | Selection Choose one between 15A - 15F | |||||||||||
15E | I confirm that I will be seeking specialist registration by application for a CEGPR CP | N/A | N/A | Selection Choose one between 15A - 15F | |||||||||||
15F | I confirm that I am a core trainee, not yet eligible for CCT | N/A | N/A | Selection Choose one between 15A - 15F | |||||||||||
16 | Programme Specialty | Curriculum specialty/Programme name | vwProgrammemembership | Pre-populate Read-only | There is no Programme specialty field so we could either use 'Programme name' or the main 'Curriculum Specialty' | If there are multiple current programme membership, how do we decide which one to choose? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) and Ashley Ransoo | |||||||||
17 | Specialty 1 for Award of CCT | Curriculum end date of main curriculum | vwcurriculummembership | Pre-populate if 15A is selected Read-only | |||||||||||
18 | Specialty 2 for Award of CCT | Curriculum end date of secondary curriculum | vwcurriculummembership | Pre-populate if 15A is selected Read-only | |||||||||||
19 | Royal College / Faculty Assessing Training for the Award of CCT | vwCollege | College | Pre-populate Read-only | From where this college data come? Ashley Ransoo and Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) | ||||||||||
20 | Anticipated Completion Date of Current Programme (if known) | vwAssessment | ProgrammeEndDateWithPOG | Pre-populate Calculation Read-only | ATM we don't have assessment in our Trainne Details. How do we pre-populate it? Ashley Ransoo and Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) | ||||||||||
SECTION 3: PROGRAMME | |||||||||||||||
21 | Training grade | vwPlacement | GradeName | Pre-populate Read-only | Only applicable if completed post training start date | ||||||||||
22 | Date Started | vwPlacement | StartDate | Pre-populate Read-only | Only applicable if completed post training start date | ||||||||||
23 | Post Type / Appointment | Programme Membership type | vwProgrammemembership | Pre-populate Read-only Smart Search; FTSTA / LAT / MILITARY / SUBSTANTIVE (default) / VISITOR | |||||||||||
24 | Full Time / % of Full Time Training | vwPlacement | WholeTimeEquivalent | Pre-populate Read-only | |||||||||||
Section 4: SIGNATURE | |||||||||||||||
25 | Trainee Signature | N/A | N/A | Populate with Trainee name
| |||||||||||
26 | Date | N/A | N/A | Pre-populate
| Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) and Ashley Ransoo Which date to be recorded? Do we need to override the submission date or go for new field called modified date? | ||||||||||
Section 5: HEE ONLY | |||||||||||||||
27 | National Training Number / Deanery Reference Number | N/A | N/A | Hidden from trainee until post submission NTN viewable once created No view/editing for Trainee unless submitted (in Historical view) Free Text for Admin | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed), Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) - further discussion needed; at what point is the NTN created? What is the trigger? (cc Ashley Ransoo) | ||||||||||
28 | GMC Programme Approval Number | N/A | N/A | No editing for Trainee No view/editing for Trainee unless submitted Free text for Admin | " | ||||||||||