Trainee UI
Page Contents:
- Description
- Scope
- Designs
- User Journey
- Trainee UI - Scenarios
- Trainee UI - Field Validation
- Related JIRA ticket links
- For Discussion & Assumptions
- Trainee UI - Trainee Feedback Contacts
The Trainee User Interface (UI) is the web application HEE Trainees use to interact with TIS. It will be designed to prioritise mobile use ('mobile first design') and will function on larger screens.
This component includes stories covering generic elements, but doesn't include UI functions which are specific to a single component, e.g. Menus and Navigation stories can be found here, but the FormR self assessment would be found in the Assessments component.
Component: TIS-622
Summary Page
Personal Details
Programmes & Curricula
Assessment Reviews
Form R (A / B)
TIS Trainee UI - Log in, Placements - Mobile & Desktop
User Journey
Intrepid / Mobile App Review
For easy reference on questions
JIRA link
For Discussion
# | Question | Comment | Owner |
1 | Why are the trainees going onto TIS? | Trainees have a vast ecosystem of forms and systems that they have to use. Even within HEE different systems, forms and processes are used to achieve the same purpose. It is desirable for trainees and HEE that the ecosystem is consolidated and simplified in order to improve efficiency. | |
2 | What do they need or want to do? | Trainees will be using to TIS to complete forms, check/amend information and make expense claims. e.g Form R, OOP application, trainee relocation expenses, updating personal details (address). | |
3 | Where else do they have to go? (i.e. GMC or other) | GMC Connect, College E-portfolios, Electronic Staff Record (HR), websites (to print off paper forms), Intrepid, Synapse << kill / parallel strategy discussion required | Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) Reuben Noot (Deactivated) |
4 | What do they do/ have to do on the GMC site? | Update GMC with personal details, complete the National Training Survey | |
5 | What do they do/have to do on Sync (London based trainee portal)? | They have a trainee portal called 'Synapse' - which they describe as more a 'facebook for the London Deanery' in that it’s more content/comms than applications/forms. Its organised by Speciality. It does include a forms builder, and may have some plumbing to Intrepid through a precursor system Mpar (sp) which is still used (validate).They explained that a number of trainee facing business processes are very admin heavy - we used example of relocation - no single place to browse, no single point of contact to ask, so a trainee would be redirected by whoever they contacted until they found someone who could provide them with a word templated form and tell them who to submit it to. They hope to standardise the collection of forms (trainee applications) listed on the document attached and have them initially just submit to an email queue that an admin processes. ‘taken from Alisons notes after interviewing London users’ | |
6 | In ‘HEE_Intrepid Screen Review_Trainee 060717’ it mentioned: As a trainee, I need to be able to view and edit my preferred training plan (programme) so that I can keep these details up to date and accurate. Do trainees choose their own programme? or is it dictated to them due to path/previous course etc? I’m assuming the latter. | Trainees apply for a Programme but some Programmes e.g Foundation and General Practice are made up of placements in variable specialties. In some of these Programmes the Consultant in charge (Training Programme Director) will consult with the trainee on which specialties they want to do placements in as part of their programme. I believe this is what the trainee is referring to here. From my understanding this customised planning of trainee placements is on the way out where it still exists. Due to the need to publish trainee placements to the trainees earlier than before under the junior Doctors contract terms it means that there is no time in the recruitment timescales for this to happen. Even Programmes that are more homogenous like Cardiology where you only do Cardiology placements still do placements at varying sites so trainees will often have a preference about where they are geographically located. For our purposes I would say they key requirement here is for them to be able to view the details of their training and NOT edit. | |
7 | Please explain again the difference between placement and programme - is a placement made up of different programmes OR is a programme made up of different placements? | A Programme is made up of placements. Usually a trainee will do between 1 and 3 placements a year either 12 months, 2 at 6 months or 3 at 4 months. a Programme is between 2 years (Foundation) and 8ish (General Surgery). When you have successfully completed all your placements and assessments then you are deemed to have qualified from your Programme as a Consultant | |
8 | What is your understanding of the first release/MVP of the trainee portal? From my understanding the MVP is : |
| |
9 | What is your understanding of the standard functioning trainee portal? | The current Intrepid system provides the ability to do the above. I’m not 100% on how the OOP application and course booking systems interact with trainees. | |
10 | What is your understanding of the blue sky thinking of the trainee portal? | My view is that any and all trainee interactions with HEE should be managed through TIS. This includes forms, communications, notifications. This includes interaction with HEE non admin staff such as Training Programme Directors and trainers. | |
11 | Is there a ‘kill service/run parallel strategy’? i.e. whenever we add a service to TIS trainee portal it should either be switched off (at some point) elsewhere to avoid more duplication or we agree/are aware it runs in parallel. | Yes there will have to be periods of dual running for users while we retire legacy systems/processes I imagine. I suppose the process will differ depending on what Service we’re shipping and where. e.g A lot of trainees are still completing paper form Rs for local teams and then scanning and sending back to admins whereas in Thames Valley they have been using the Intrepid form R functionality. This is the sort of thing Rob intends to have project managers oversee with the Business Managers so they can ‘own the business change.’ | |
12 | If we do not have a ‘kill service/run parallel’ strategy can we get a list of all the things the trainees do on other sites/services so we can create a ‘kill service/run parallel’ strategy? | There will be a strategy of some sort but may be helpful to have this information regardless. | |
13 | What is an ePortfolio? What are they related to? How do the trainees interact with them?how many are there? what is the cross over with TIS? | E-portfolio is a Royal College system. There are many Royal Colleges :Medicine/Surgery/Psychiatry/etc E-portfolios allow trainees to upload all their evidence from their workplace assessments. Trainees are expected to reflect on their performance in each placement while they’re supervisors are required to contribute also. Although the ARCP only occurs once a year a trainee is being constantly assessed and it is the outputs of this constant assessment that are uploaded to e-portfolio. Information on the trainee e-portfolio is then used by the panel members to assess the trainees performance over the year and the an outcome will be awarded. ARCP panels will often sit around a laptop with a trainee e-portfolio open and review together. There is a degree of cross over with a number of the versions of e-portfolio and what we record on INTREPID. | |
14 | I understand a Programme is made up of placements but how do posts fit in here and what are rotations and how do they fit in this ecosystem? | In order for a placement to be setup you must have a vacant post to occupy. Posts are standalone entities I think of as funding slots. The post becomes a placement when a trainee is added to it and some dates attached. The reason it has to be managed this way is that HEE pay trusts a flat rate for each post. It does not matter whether we can recruit a trainee to that post or not. We have still committed to funding that position within the trust so they are allowed to use that money to recruit temporarily to cover the service if we cannot find a trainee to fill it. Rotations are more similar to Programmes but I wouldn’t worry too much about them. We had a session with everyone around the table in the office a couple weeks ago. Probably easier to explain in person. Essentially it’s functionality that allows users to break down Programmes into smaller, more manageable groupings of posts and people. | |
15 | If trainees have to update personal details on GMC or are threatened with admin pain of death, why can’t TIS suck in that data? or vice versa but I assume GMC is the daddy here. | We could potentially pull information from GMC but they are indeed the ‘Daddy’. I expect we require a lot more information than the GMC as well as they only require correspondence address. | |
16 | What is the Form-R used for? | Form R has part A and B. Part A is an update to personal details form but the part B is the more important ‘Self Declaration’. This is where trainees indicate whether they have been involved in any incidents over the past year (since their last assessment). Obviously there are other sources to check but it’s a probity test. Part A - personal information, completed at the start of any new programme and / or when personal details need to be updated, however this is rarely done Part B - completed annually Currently administered differently across local offices - paper form + scan + email, PDF form + email, Intrepid form etc. | |
17 | What does OOP stand for? | Out of Programme. Could be sick, maternity and there are 4 types of OOP you can apply for. OOPE – work experience OOPC – Career break OOPT – Training OOPR - Research | |
18 | What do each of the additional systems do? See Steve’s original q3 (worth seeing where there might be duplication) | There is definitely duplication. Some of it may be unavoidable but we want to remove as much of it as possible. The College eportfolio duplication for users is one of the most high profile farces in HEE that we are committed to solving but this is likely to be a considerable time off due to the complexity of working with a number of different organisations all with different (minimal) technical capabilities. From a trainee perspective it doesn’t affect them as the admins are the ones required to input the data for the trainee. | |
19 | Are we aiming at replace any others, in addition to Intrepid & Synapse? | We intend to incorporate/replace any interactions between trainees and HEE within TIS. From a systems perspective this likely includes other forms but for MVP the focus is very much on the above. | |
20 | What’s could feasibly be brought in-line with the new app? | N/A | |
21 | Who owns the registration process for trainees? | The Oriel recruitment system which we will need to hook into for MVP as there is currently functionality allowing bulk import of trainees from Oriel into INTREPID. | |
22 | What is KSS? | Kent Surrey Sussex. It’s one of the 4 amalgamated London local teams. KSS is moving in to the South. Not sure of timescales, or impact, but bear this in mind. This will be the first test to see if the org structure on TIS can be changed to move a team into a new region. I will update when I know more. | |
23 | If Synapse is a social tool, why does it contain admin? | Not sure. Will speak to Simon this week (17/07/2017) to get more info on all London systems. | |
24 | is there a development or rollout plan for Synapse that we need to align with/inform? | No formal rollout, keep in contact with Clare Le Houx for information | |
25 | “customised planning of trainee placements is on the way out”, according to what/whom? | Basically the timescales of recruitment dictated by the new Junior Doctor’s contract mean it’s just not possible for most Programmes. There may still be some consultation done within some of the smaller programmes where appropriate but due to cuts there are even less Programme Director’s to manage this than ever before. | |
26 | URL - same for admin & trainee? | Potentially use same for both, given different permissions as currently in Intrepid; proposition is that they are the same (Steve) | |
27 | What is relationship with Self Declaration & ARCP? | Self-declaration must be submitted prior to ARCP being completed | |
28 | ESR v intrepid | ESR is fed from Intrepid for post and placement information; holds mirror image of data; can also feed Intrepid with information but there are no known instances of this happening in any local team | |
29 | Migration of existing students onto new TIS platform - what considerations should be made? Related to TIS-629 | To be discussed via user management | |
30 | Assumption that fields will not be sortable / filterable? | See field validation | |
31 | In Intrepid, there are currently 3 levels of security; are they all needed? What's the impact of removing the pin if any? Russell Steel (Unlicensed) Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) | It looks like Hicom use a PIN as they feel that the email address is not unique enough; | |
32 | Legal notices displayed on the login screen- do they need to be displayed? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) | ||
33 | What is the user control panel used for in Intrepid? Is it not required now? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) | N/A | Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) |
34 | GMC/GDC details appear to be editable in Intrepid; why are you now making this GDC, GMC read-only Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) | There is no need for trainees to be able to update their own GMC details they are assigned a number for life which should not change unless unique circumstances. | Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) |
35 | Intrepid allows search functionality for People, Placements, Activity Summary << what results do these bring? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) | a trainee will not need a search function within the UI as they are only looking at data that relates to them which is not extensive. | Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) |
36 | Intrepid shows professional associations - what are they and how should they be shown now, if at all? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) | need to investigate further. | Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) |
37 | Teaching Sessions - are they needed what are they? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) | This is just to record how many teaching sessions a trainee has attended as part of their Programme as a certain attendance is required. | Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) |
38 | UX Considerations | TIS Trainee UI - Summary of initial findings | Steven Pettengell (Unlicensed) |
39 | Form R - pdf must be produced in same format as its currently in? | Yes | Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) |
40 | Form R Part B - electronic signatures rules | See Form R Part B | Former user (Deleted) |
41 | Form R Part B - Are the form numbers necessary? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) this is not clear in the guidance... | Former user (Deleted) | |
42 | Steven Pettengell (Unlicensed) | ||
43 | Former user (Deleted) |
Agreed Next Steps
- Discuss Form R design and process w/Steve (IO)
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