Trainee UI - Scenarios
The Trainee User Interface (UI) is the web application HEE Trainees use to interact with TIS. It will be designed to prioritise mobile use ('mobile first design') and will function on larger screens.
This component includes stories covering generic elements, but doesn't include UI functions which are specific to a single component, e.g. Menus and Navigation stories can be found here, but the FormR self assessment would be found in the Assessments component.
Summary Page
Personal Details
Programmes & Curricula
Assessment Reviews
Form R (A / B)
Since the scope of the Trainee View is limited to current functionality of Intrepid (and to a lesser extent Synapse), the scope relating to Trainee JIRA tickets should be as follows:
- TIS-540
- TIS-684
- TIS-681
- TIS-539
- TIS-683
- TIS-92
- TIS-682
- NEW STORY REQUIRED - form R, part A
Out of Scope:
- TIS-193
- TIS-196
- TIS-200
- TIS-20
- TIS-171
- TIS-174
- TIS-319
Process Name | T-1 New Registration | Comments MVP - move to Admin UM |
Description | Admin has the ability to register a user to use the TIS system | Trainees will not be requesting access we will send creds out as part of the onboarding process. We will have to consider how we migrate the current trainees onto TIS. |
Actors | Admin | |
Pre-Conditions | Trainee must have registered via Oriel to a particular region | |
Post-Conditions | Trainee has access to new TIS system - login / logout capability | |
Process Steps |
| Admins should be able to trigger welcome message, credentials message, oriel manual upload User able to change their password once logged in for the first time. User name will be email address. |
Alternative Flow | Non-oriel import (Dentists / Other Academic Trainees) | |
Rules |
| |
JIRA Reference | TIS-629 | |
Monitoring | No need to report on this | Oriel upload to be considered separately |
Process Name | T-2 Trainee Login | Comments MVP |
Description | Trainee has the ability to login using the details they were registered for the service with | I expect all trainees will require new login credentials but they will not have to 'register' as we will send out logins as and when we migrate trainees to TIS. The process will be the same for Synapse users as they are transitioning from one system to another. |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | Trainee has been registered on system | |
Post-Conditions | Trainee is able to view the login space | |
Process Steps |
| |
Alternative Flow | T-17 Forgotten Username T-18 Forgotten Password T-19 Username / Password Error T-XX: update login details | |
Rules |
| |
JIRA Reference | N/A to be created | |
Usage Monitoring | No users logging in Further discussion required |
T-3 Trainee Logout | Comments MVP | |
Description | Trainee has the ability to logout of the system | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | Trainee has been registered on system Trainee has validated their registered details | |
Post-Conditions | Trainee leaves logged in view of system securely | |
Process Steps |
| |
Alternative Flow | N/A | |
Rules | N/A | |
JIRA Reference | N/A | |
Usage Monitoring | TBD |
Process Name | T-4 View Summary | Comments MVP |
Description | Trainee has the ability to view the summary screen | |
Actors | Trainee System | |
Pre-Conditions | Trainee is logged in | |
Post-Conditions | Summary details in view Navigation menu available | |
Process Steps |
| Fields displayed
Alternative Flow | N/A | |
Rules |
| |
JIRA Reference | TIS-704 | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-5 View & Edit Personal Details | Comments MVP |
Description | User has the ability to view and update their own details | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | Trainee is logged in to their own account | |
Post-Conditions | Trainee can see currently stored details in an editable format Trainee can make and save changes to specified details System updates personal details centrally | |
Process Steps |
| Relevant Fields: Surname Non-editable (editable by central admin team) |
Alternative Flow | N/A | |
Rules |
| |
JIRA Reference | TIS-540, TIS-278 | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-6 View Programme | Comments MVP |
Description | User has the ability to view their Programme details | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | User is logged in | Not as such, the details of the Programme are the placements and assessments which we have considered. |
Post-Conditions | System presents relevant detail | |
Process Steps |
| Fields
Alternative Flow | N/A | |
Rules |
| |
JIRA Reference | TIS-684 | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-7 View Placement | Comments MVP |
Description | User has the ability to view their Placement details | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | User is logged in | |
Post-Conditions | System presents relevant detail | |
Process Steps |
| Fields Start Date |
Alternative Flow | N/A | |
Rules |
| |
JIRA Reference | TIS-681 | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-8 View Assessment | Comments MVP |
Description | User has the ability to view their Assessment details | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | User is logged in | |
Post-Conditions | System presents relevant detail | |
Process Steps |
| Fields Review (date) |
Alternative Flow | N/A | |
Rules |
| |
JIRA Reference | TIS-705 | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-9 View Courses | Comments |
Description | User has the ability to view their Course details | Do we need this as part of the MVP? Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | User is logged in | |
Post-Conditions | System presents relevant detail | What details can be seen? |
Process Steps |
| Should there be a summary view of courses? |
Alternative Flow | T-19 Book Course | Is this necessary for MVP? |
Rules | View Only | |
JIRA Reference | TBD | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-10 Submit Form-R (Part A) | Comments MVP |
Description | User is able to submit the form that will update their personal details with the GMC | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | User is logged in Available to medical trainees only | |
Post-Conditions | User personal details are updated in TIS across all systems User personal details are updated with HEE Admins | |
Process Steps |
| Manual Trigger perhaps more appropriate dependent on design. Fields
Alternative Flow | T-20 No submission of Form R (Part A) | |
Rules |
| What's the deadline for submission by new trainees? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) |
JIRA Reference | N/A | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-11 Submit Form-R (Part B) | Comments MVP |
Description | User is able to submit the form to the Admins at the appropriate time annually | |
Actors | Trainee GMC | |
Pre-Conditions | User is logged in Form-R submission is imminent | Cannot be submitted at anytime, it is usually requested by the local office prior to the ARCP, I think the timescales differ in different local offices. To be confirmed whether there is a trigger requirement in TIS for admins - IO |
Post-Conditions | Form-R (Part B) is submitted | |
Process Steps |
| Unsure. May be best to keep both parts A&B together in their own space. Steve to confirm |
Alternative Flow | T-16 Save as draft before submission | Yes i think the trainee should be able to save the form as they go or autosave as with other areas of the system. |
Rules | Validation as per data table
| Rules around submission TBD - AP |
JIRA Reference | TIS-539 & TIS-92, story for save drafts | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-12 Submit OOP | Comments |
Description | User is able to submit their OOP request digitally from end to end | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | Logged in | |
Post-Conditions | OOP form submitted | Where is the result sent? Administrator will need to receive the form in order for it the details to be checked and the application either accepted or denied by the designated authority (Dean or deputy) |
Process Steps |
| |
Alternative Flow | Save draft | Is this necessary? Yes |
Rules | TBD | |
JIRA Reference | TBD | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-13 Submit LTFT | Comments |
Description | User is able to submit their LTFT request digitally from end to end | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | Logged in | |
Post-Conditions | LTFT request sent | Where is the result sent? Administrator will need to receive the form in order for it the details to be checked and the application either accepted or denied by the designated authority (Dean or deputy) |
Process Steps |
| |
Alternative Flow | N/A | |
Rules | TBD | |
JIRA Reference | TBD | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-14 Submit Expenses | Comments |
Description | User is able to submit their Expenses request digitally from end to end | |
Actors | Trainee | Any others? |
Pre-Conditions | Logged in | |
Post-Conditions | Expenses form submitted | Where do they receive outcome / follow up? |
Process Steps |
| |
Alternative Flow | N/A | |
Rules |
| |
JIRA Reference | TBD | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-15 Access Help & Support - TO BE DISCUSSED FURTHER | Comments MVP? |
Description | User is able to access technical and administrative support for their journey through the application | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | TBD | |
Post-Conditions | TBD | |
Process Steps | TBD | Display phone number & email address |
Alternative Flow | TBD | |
Rules |
| |
JIRA Reference | TBD | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-16 Save as draft before submission | Comments MVP |
Description | User is able to draft and save the form, to come back to later | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | Logged in | |
Post-Conditions | Draft saved and accessible to be completed later | |
Process Steps |
| |
Alternative Flow | T-11, T10 | |
Rules | TBD | |
JIRA Reference | TIS-539 & TIS-92 | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-17 Forgotten Username | Comments Out of scope, manual process |
Description | User has ability to login after they have forgotten their username | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | User is registered user | |
Post-Conditions | User has a reminder of their username | Not secure |
Process Steps |
| |
Alternative Flow | N/A | |
Rules | N/A | |
JIRA Reference | TBD | |
Audit Log |
Process Name | T-18 Forgotten Password | Comments MVP |
Description | User has ability to login after they have forgotten their password | |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | Username recognised | |
Post-Conditions | User is able to login succesfully | Not secure |
Process Steps |
| |
Alternative Flow | N/A | |
Rules |
| |
JIRA Reference | TBD - new story | |
Audit Log | TBD |
Process Name | T-19 Book Courses | Comments |
Description | User has the ability to book new Courses | Do we need this as part of the MVP? Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) |
Actors | Trainee | |
Pre-Conditions | User is logged in | |
Post-Conditions | System presents relevant detail | What details can be seen? |
Process Steps |
| |
Alternative Flow | T-9 - View Course | ?? |
Rules | Validation Rules? | |
JIRA Reference | TBD | |
Audit log | TBD |
**New SCENARIO - manual completion & submission of form R**
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