Trainee UI - Scenarios

Trainee UI - Scenarios


The Trainee User Interface (UI) is the web application HEE Trainees use to interact with TIS. It will be designed to prioritise mobile use ('mobile first design') and will function on larger screens.

This component includes stories covering generic elements, but doesn't include UI functions which are specific to a single component, e.g. Menus and Navigation stories can be found here, but the FormR self assessment would be found in the Assessments component.

Summary Page 

Personal Details
Programmes & Curricula
Assessment Reviews
Form R (A / B)

Since the scope of the Trainee View is limited to current functionality of Intrepid (and to a lesser extent Synapse), the scope relating to Trainee JIRA tickets should be as follows: 

  • TIS-540
  • TIS-684
  • TIS-681
  • TIS-539
  • TIS-683
  • TIS-92
  • TIS-682
  • NEW STORY REQUIRED - support 
  • NEW STORY REQUIRED - form R, part A

Out of Scope:

  • TIS-193
  • TIS-196
  • TIS-200
  • TIS-20
  • TIS-171
  • TIS-174
  • TIS-319

Process NameT-1 New RegistrationComments MVP - move to Admin UM
DescriptionAdmin has the ability to register a user to use the TIS system

Trainees will not be requesting access we will send creds out as part of the onboarding process. We will have to consider how we migrate the current trainees onto TIS.

Pre-ConditionsTrainee must have registered via Oriel to a particular region
Post-ConditionsTrainee has access to new TIS system - login / logout capability 
Process Steps
  1. Import trainees from Oriel
  2. Trigger welcome message send -  inform trainees of what TIS is about, support, login details to follow
  3. Trigger credentials send

Admins should be able to trigger welcome message, credentials message, oriel manual upload

User able to change their password once logged in for the first time. User name will be email address.

Alternative Flow

Non-oriel import (Dentists / Other Academic Trainees)

  • Username format: valid email address
  • No account validation
  • Password to be autogenerated
  • All users given appropriate access for "Trainee" role

JIRA ReferenceTIS-629

No need to report on this

 Oriel upload to be considered separately

Process NameT-2 Trainee Login Comments MVP
DescriptionTrainee has the ability to login using the details they were registered for the service with

I expect all trainees will require new login credentials but they will not have to 'register' as we will send out logins as and when we migrate trainees to TIS.

The process will be the same for Synapse users as they are transitioning from one system to another.


Trainee has been registered on system

Post-ConditionsTrainee is able to view the login space 
Process Steps
  1. Trainee enters username
  2. Trainee enters password
  3. System validates details
  4. System presents logged in view of system
Alternative Flow

T-17 Forgotten Username

T-18 Forgotten Password

T-19 Username / Password Error

T-XX: update login details

  • Error: Invalid email/password entered

JIRA ReferenceN/A to be created 
Usage Monitoring

No users logging in

Further discussion required


T-3 Trainee LogoutComments MVP
DescriptionTrainee has the ability to logout of the system

Trainee has been registered on system

Trainee has validated their registered details

Post-ConditionsTrainee leaves logged in view of system securely 
Process Steps
  1. Trainee selects to logout
  2. System logs user out
  3. System presents logged out view
Alternative FlowN/A 
JIRA ReferenceN/A 
Usage MonitoringTBD 

Process NameT-4 View SummaryComments MVP
DescriptionTrainee has the ability to view the summary screen



Pre-ConditionsTrainee is logged in

Summary details in view

Navigation menu available

Process Steps
  1. User logs in
  2. System presents summary
  3. User navigates through view

 Fields displayed

  • Current Placement End Date & Site (Steve to confirm)
  • Next Placement Start Date & Site (Steve to confirm)
Alternative FlowN/A 
  • Read only
JIRA ReferenceTIS-704 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-5 View & Edit Personal DetailsComments MVP
DescriptionUser has the ability to view and update their own details
Pre-ConditionsTrainee is logged in to their own account

Trainee can see currently stored details in an editable format

Trainee can make and save changes to specified details

System updates personal details centrally

Process Steps
  1. User navigates to Personal Details space
  2. System presents personal details in editable view
  3. User makes changes to relevant fields
  4. System validates changes
  5. System saves changes

Relevant Fields:

Known As
Maiden Name
Email Address
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Address 4
Post Code

Non-editable (editable by central admin team)
GMC / GDC Number
GMC / GDC Status
EEA Resident
Permit to Work
Visa Issued

Alternative FlowN/A 
  • View & Edit select fields, see data table

JIRA ReferenceTIS-540, TIS-278 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-6 View ProgrammeComments MVP
DescriptionUser has the ability to view their Programme details 

User is logged in

Not as such, the details of the Programme are the placements and assessments which we have considered.
Post-ConditionsSystem presents relevant detail 
Process Steps
  1. User navigates to programme view
  2. User views Programme data
  3. User selects to leave Programme Detail view
  4. System presents summary view 


  • Programme Name
  • Curriculum
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Managing Deanery

Alternative FlowN/A 
  • View only
  • View will show historical programmes, current and future programmes if applicable
JIRA ReferenceTIS-684 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-7 View PlacementComments MVP
DescriptionUser has the ability to view their Placement details 
Pre-ConditionsUser is logged in
Post-ConditionsSystem presents relevant detail 
Process Steps
  1. User navigates to summary view
  2. User views Placement data
  3. User selects to leave Placement Detail view


Start Date
End Date
Placement type

Alternative FlowN/A 
  • View only
  • Detailed view should present historical, current and future placements
JIRA ReferenceTIS-681 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-8 View AssessmentComments MVP
DescriptionUser has the ability to view their Assessment details 
Pre-ConditionsUser is logged in
Post-ConditionsSystem presents relevant detail 
Process Steps
  1. User navigates to Assessment view
  2. User views assessment data 
  3. User selects to leave Assessment Detail view


Review (date)
Curriculum Assessed
Grade at Time
Period From
Period To

Alternative FlowN/A 
  • View only
  • Detailed view should present historical, current and future assessments
JIRA ReferenceTIS-705 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-9 View CoursesComments
DescriptionUser has the ability to view their Course details Do we need this as part of the MVP? Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
Pre-ConditionsUser is logged in
Post-ConditionsSystem presents relevant detail What details can be seen?
Process Steps
  1. User navigates to summary view
  2. System presents summary information
  3. User selects to view detail
  4. System presents detail view
  5. User selects to leave Course Detail view
  6. System presents summary view 
 Should there be a summary view of courses?
Alternative FlowT-19 Book Course Is this necessary for MVP?
RulesView Only 
JIRA ReferenceTBD 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-10 Submit Form-R (Part A)Comments MVP
DescriptionUser is able to submit the form that will update their personal details with the GMC

User is logged in

Available to medical trainees only


User personal details are updated in TIS across all systems

User personal details are updated with HEE Admins

Process Steps
  1. User navigates to Form R, Part A space
  2. System presents form in editable view
  3. System autopopulates relevant fields
  4. User makes changes to relevant fields
  5. System validates changes
  6. System saves changes
  7. User signs the form 
  8. User selects to submit Form-R (Part A)
  9. Form-R (Part A) is sent to HEE Admins
  10. Historical view of submissions is updated

Manual Trigger perhaps more appropriate dependent on design.


  • forename
  • GMC registered surname
  • GMC number
  • Deanery / HEE local team
  • DOB
  • gender
  • immigration status
  • primary quaification
  • date awarded
  • Medical Scool
  • Home Add
  • Contact Tel
  • Contact Mob
  • Preferred email
  • Prog Spec
  • Spc 1 for Award of CCT (non-mand)
  • Spec 2 for Award pf CCT (opt)
  • Royal College/Faculty assessing training for the award of CCT
  • Anticiapted completion date f curr prog if known
  • Options - confirmations x6 (see data table
  • declaration of programme
Alternative FlowT-20 No submission of Form R (Part A)
  • Autopopulation will be required from personal details and other sections, where appropriate
  • Must be submitted for new trainees
 What's the deadline for submission by new trainees? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
JIRA ReferenceN/A 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-11 Submit Form-R (Part B)Comments MVP
DescriptionUser is able to submit the form to the Admins at the appropriate time annually




User is logged in

Form-R submission is imminent

Cannot be submitted at anytime, it is usually requested by the local office prior to the ARCP, I think the timescales differ in different local offices.

To be confirmed whether there is a trigger requirement in TIS for admins - IO

Post-ConditionsForm-R (Part B) is submitted 
Process Steps
  1. User navigates to Form R Part B space
  2. System presents form details in editable view
  3. User completes relevant fields
  4. System validates fields
  5. System saves changes
  6. User signs form (tbc as with Part A)
  7. User selects to submit Form-R (Part B)
  8. Form-R (Part B) is sent to Admin UI
  9. Historical view of submitted Form's updated

Unsure. May be best to keep both parts A&B together in their own space. Steve to confirm

Alternative FlowT-16 Save as draft before submissionYes i think the trainee should be able to save the form as they go or autosave as with other areas of the system.

Validation as per data table

  • Error message: cannot be edited once submitted, as no longer a draft
Rules around submission TBD - AP
JIRA ReferenceTIS-539 & TIS-92, story for save drafts 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-12 Submit OOPComments
DescriptionUser is able to submit their OOP request digitally from end to end
Pre-ConditionsLogged in
Post-ConditionsOOP form submitted

 Where is the result sent?

Administrator will need to receive the form in order for it the details to be checked and the application either accepted or denied by the designated authority (Dean or deputy)

Process Steps
  1. User navigates to XXX space
  2. System presents form details in editable view
  3. User completes relevant fields
  4. System validates fields
  5. System saves changes
  6. User selects to submit OOP request
  7. OOP request is sent to XXX
  8. Historical view of submitted Form's updated
Alternative FlowSave draft

Is this necessary? 


JIRA ReferenceTBD 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-13 Submit LTFTComments
DescriptionUser is able to submit their LTFT request digitally from end to end
Pre-ConditionsLogged in
Post-ConditionsLTFT request sent

Where is the result sent? 

Administrator will need to receive the form in order for it the details to be checked and the application either accepted or denied by the designated authority (Dean or deputy)

Process Steps
  1. User navigates to XXX space
  2. System presents form details in editable view
  3. User completes relevant fields
  4. System validates fields
  5. System saves changes
  6. User selects to submit LTFT request
  7. LTFT is sent to XXX
  8. Historical view of submitted Forms updated
Alternative FlowN/A 
JIRA ReferenceTBD 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-14 Submit ExpensesComments
DescriptionUser is able to submit their Expenses request digitally from end to end
ActorsTraineeAny others? 
Pre-ConditionsLogged in
Post-ConditionsExpenses form submittedWhere do they receive outcome / follow up? 
Process Steps
  1. User navigates to XXX space
  2. System presents form details in editable view
  3. User completes relevant fields
  4. System validates fields
  5. System saves changes
  6. User selects to submit expenses request
  7. Expenses are sent to XXX
  8. Historical view of submitted Forms updated
Alternative FlowN/A 
  • can be edited any number of times
  • Error message: cannot be edited once submitted, as no longer a draft
JIRA ReferenceTBD 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-15 Access Help & Support - TO BE DISCUSSED FURTHERComments MVP?
DescriptionUser is able to access technical and administrative support for their journey through the application
Process StepsTBD Display phone number & email address
Alternative FlowTBD 
  • display contact details as per local office where they were registered OR
  • display central contact details (if available)
JIRA ReferenceTBD 
Audit LogTBD 

Process NameT-16 Save as draft before submissionComments MVP 
DescriptionUser is able to draft and save the form, to come back to later
Pre-ConditionsLogged in
Post-ConditionsDraft saved and accessible to be completed later 
Process Steps
  1. User navigates to relevant form
  2. System presents form details in editable view
  3. User completes relevant fields
  4. System validates fields
  5. System saves changes
  6. User leaves relevant space without submitting the form
  7. System stores draft
Alternative FlowT-11, T10 
JIRA ReferenceTIS-539 & TIS-92 
Audit LogTBD 
Process NameT-17 Forgotten UsernameComments Out of scope, manual process
DescriptionUser has ability to login after they have forgotten their username
Pre-ConditionsUser is registered user
Post-ConditionsUser has a reminder of their username Not secure
Process Steps
  1. System User contacts HEE by telephone / email
  2. HEE provides username

Alternative FlowN/A 
JIRA ReferenceTBD 
Audit Log
Process NameT-18 Forgotten PasswordComments MVP
DescriptionUser has ability to login after they have forgotten their password
Pre-ConditionsUsername recognised
Post-ConditionsUser is able to login succesfullyNot secure
Process Steps
  1. User selects password reminder
  2. New password is autogenerated
  3. New password is sent to registered email address
  4. User logs in using password sent
Alternative FlowN/A 
  • no validation
JIRA ReferenceTBD - new story 
Audit LogTBD 
Process NameT-19 Book CoursesComments
DescriptionUser has the ability to book new Courses Do we need this as part of the MVP? Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
Pre-ConditionsUser is logged in
Post-ConditionsSystem presents relevant detail What details can be seen?
Process Steps
  1. User navigates to summary view
  2. System presents summary information
  3. User selects to view detail
  4. System presents detail view
  5. User selects to book Course
  6. System presents Booking view 
Alternative FlowT-9 - View Course ??
RulesValidation Rules? 
JIRA ReferenceTBD 
Audit logTBD

**New SCENARIO - manual completion & submission of form R**

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