A Prioritisation of TIS Components for MVP
A Prioritisation of TIS Components for MVP
Outstanding Components Mini-Workshop
Date: 06 - September
Attendees: Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed), Joanne Watson (Unlicensed), Alex Dobre (Unlicensed), Former user (Deleted)
- challenge in estimation as we do not have a full view of complexity even though we complete analysis
- there are 14 sprints till end of March + 1 week
- Components have been re-prioritised, however given the complexity of and length of time taken to work through components thus far, the assumption is that not all Components will be completed as part of TIS development
Priority Order
- must have
- de-prioritise placement manager story to post MVP
- develop individual / bulk placement tool & drop placement manager
- develop individual / bulk placement tool & keep placement manager for those that use it currently (requires Hicom support)
- develop individual / bulk placement tool & placement manager replacement
- must have
User Management (Admins & Trainees)
- must have
- UI to be developed based on UX design requirements and permissions strategy
Trust UI
- must have
- additional filters to existing functionality
Trainer UI
- as with Trust UI
- must have
- is being completed automatically, UI needed to access
- MVP covered as part of reporting
Other Key Functions
- soft/hard delete
- audit log
- archiving
- document store
- continue with elaboration of all components
- continually refine development components in to meet MVP requirements
Actions for this page
- Include context, links out to pages
- Suggest recommended work arounds if not completed by March
- Manual
- Hi-com supported
- Other?
Slack: https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/
Jira issues: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=14213