Reference Data

Reference Data

Definition of Reference data for TIS

Ashley RansooAdewale AdekoyaAlistair Pringle (Unlicensed)James Harris

  • What data is classed as Reference data?
    • A list of nationally agreed values, e.g. ODS list for Sites
    • Normally would form part of exchanges between other systems, e.g. ESR, Oriel etc.
    • Managed by Data leads
  • Who can manage this data?
    • Data Leads
  • When can changes be made to them?
    • We'll need to rationalise the business process to manage reference data (e.g. changes/additions/inactivations) - James HarrisAshley Ransoo
  • What is Reference data supposed to be aligned with in some cases? e.g. other exchanging systems like Oriel, ESR, GMC, NHSD National Workforce Datasets
  •  The rationale behind why Curriculum, Specialty are considered reference in the business world
    • Curriculum and specialty are national which are dictated by a combination of the GMC and the royal colleges. They are maintained by the data leads but they follow a strict national standard. Those two then fit most nicely in reference as they operate as reference tables
    • A programme is a local instance of the training of a curriculum. The office applies to the GMC for approval to train a curriculum and have to show sign off by the college of that curriculum. When that's approved, the GMC give a number which is the programme number or GMC approval code. That code is then applied to sites which are approved to train that curriculum. This is where the association of the post to the programme number comes into play. It's actually the approval of the programme to the site via the post. Therefore Programme doesn't classify as Reference, given its local aspect. 


TIS stores a range of reference data which will be assembled from a number of existing sources, including Consolidated Intrepid data and nationally agreed data sets e.g. the NHS ODS for Sites. This data will be available for Create/Read/Update/Delete to a limited number of administrators with specific permissions to maintain the data through the Admin UI. This component covers the management of this Reference Data.

Note: Some reference data sets where very specifically aligned to a single component, e.g. Person or Programmes and Curricula may be managed within those components for increased clarity.

Component TIS-664

Reference Tables Improvements

This is a list of improvements to be made to Reference tables discussed with the Product Owner and Data Manger so that these can be managed more efficiently. The list of improvements are categoried as:

  • A. Use refactored Component (A ticket for each); Add status field, Search bar, Filtering, Allow Editing/Adding/Make Inactive using the new layout
  • B. Remove from UI/FE
  • C. Columns in Reference relabeling/removal
  • D. Align values with Oriel/NWD/ESR (DLs)
  • E. Tech improv. move to Reference

Working Group: Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed), James Harris ,Ashley Ransoo ,Adewale Adekoya ,Sebastian Kwok (Unlicensed)

(tick) - Done

(question) - To Do

No.Reference Column

A.Use refactored Component? (Discuss split at refinement)  TISNEW-3687 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Add status field
  • Search bar
  • Filtering
  • Allow Editing/Adding/Make Inactive using the new layout

B. Remove from UI/FE?

TISNEW-4284 - Getting issue details... STATUS

C. Columns in Reference relabeling/removal

TISNEW-4285 - Getting issue details... STATUS

D. Align values with Oriel/NWD/ESR (DLs)?

E. Tech improvt. move to Reference?

TISNEW-4286 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Jira Ticket
1CollegeY - (tick)

  • Abbreviations to be updated

2CountryY - (tick)


  • Country number → Country
  • Nationality column → is this in use?
  • List to deactivate  TISNEW-3668 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Y -  TIS21-2172 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (question) 

4Curriculum Sub Type

Y - (tick) 

(error) Enumerated list used in code - Needs refactoring, Reference List not in use.

5DbcY -  TIS21-2174 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (question) 

6Ethnic OriginY - (tick)

7Funding IssueN/AY

8Funding TypeY - (tick)

9Gdc StatusY - (tick)

10GenderY - (tick)

11Gmc StatusY - (tick)

12GradeDone already under TISNEW-3678(tick)

Data leads to tidy up grade label grade name.

13Inactive ReasonN/A - Y

14Leaving DestinationN/A - Y

15Leaving ReasonY - (tick)

16Local Office

Y -  TIS21-2157 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (question)

17Marital StatusY - (tick)

18Medical SchoolY - (tick)

19NationalityY - (tick)
  • Country number → Is this in use? If not remove

20Permit to WorkY - (tick)

Y - Move from hard-coded list to Reference
TISNEW-4260 - Getting issue details... STATUS
21Placement TypeY - (tick)

22Programme Membership TypeY - (tick)

23Record TypeN/AY

24Religious BeliefY - (tick)



Role Category

Y - (tick)

26SettledY - (tick)

27Sexual Orientation

Y - (tick)


Done already under TISNEW-3678(tick)


Y -  TIS21-2152 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (question) 

30Specialty GroupY -  TIS21-2153 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (question) 



Y - Devs to investigate if still needed for BE

32Tariff RateN/A  Y

33TitleY - (tick)

34Training Number TypeN/AY

35TrustDone already under TISNEW-3678 - (tick)

User Stories

Item no.User Story Acceptance CriteriaJira

As a Data Lead
I want all user roles that have access to Admin L1 menu, except HEE TIS Admin, to be able to only manage Sites, Trusts and Programmes
So that References are not updated in an ad-hoc manner

Note: Programmes is not currently part of Reference in TIS although it should, but considered as Reference in the business domain.

Access to managing programmes should remain unchanged to current Roles.

Given there are a number of admin roles that currently have access to Admin L1 menu
When their permissions have been adjusted, excluding the HEE TIS Admin role
Then the adjusted roles should only have access to manage Sites and Trusts from TIS References
And not the rest of the reference tables in TIS

Given HEE TIS Admin should be the only user role assigned to Data Leads to provide them access to manage reference tables
When the permissions have been adjusted
Then HEE TIS Admin to be the only role that can access and manage all Reference tables in TIS.

TISNEW-3887 - Getting issue details... STATUS





Discussion & Assumptions

Item no.QuestionCommentOwner
1Should this be a super user role?

superseded by current implementation.

TISNEW-3887 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This has been discussed with the data leads and they have suggested and agreed the following to avoid the above situation and also to have more control on the References data that has a direct impact on data quality:

  • All admin roles that currently have access to Admin L1 menu, with the exception of HEE TIS admin, to have access to only manage
    1. Sites,
    2. Trusts,
    3. and *not* the rest of the reference tables in TIS
  •  HEE TIS Admin to be the only role that can Data Leads would have against their User setup, that provides access to the management of all Reference tables in TIS.

Are there any Reference tables/data set that currently do not exist, but should be made Reference table?

E.g. Outcomes and Outcome reasons in Assessments? 

Assessment Outcome types from Assessments form part of Reference, they are nationally agreed - Ticket to make reference in the future.

JIRA Tickets

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

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