Specialties & Sub-Specialties
Specialities effectively act as a categorisation system within TIS. They are applied to Posts, Placements and Curricula (currently). There is some complexity in how this categorisation is applied to Posts and Placements, so this will be explored in more detail below, in summary:
As of there are 138 Specialities with a status of Current (1048 in total if you include Inactive ones)
Managing Specialities
Specialties are managed via the Admin menu on the TIS UI - a standard List and CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) and are stored in the TCS microservice database in the Speciality table as can be seen here:
Specialty Types
Specialty Types are an attribute of Specialties which constrain where the Specialty can be used as categorisation. i.e. when you create/edit a Post only the Specialties with SpecialtyType of Post appear in the Specialty dropdown in the Post CRUD UI.
A Specialty can have one or many of the following Specialty Types; PLACEMENT / CURRICULUM / POST / SUB_SPECIALTY as can be seen in the CRUD above. These are normalised out from the Specialty table in TCS to a SpecialtyType table:
Specialty Groups
Specialty Groups whilst still present in the TIS application as of are scheduled to be retired - - TISDEV-4312Getting issue details... STATUS
Categorising with Specialties
TIS allows a Curricula to be categorised with just a single Specialty, and this is stored directly in the TCS table Curricula as SpecialtyID, as can be seen below:
- Curricula can have a single Specialty
- Curricula Specialty dropdown contents limited to Specialties with SpecialtyType of Curricula and status 'Current' <not implemented by TIS currently> - TISDEV-5007Getting issue details... STATUS
TIS allows a Post to be categorised with a Specialty in 3 ways as can be seen on the Posts UI below, these are defined as Primary Specialty, Other Specialty and Sub-Specialty.
- Posts can only have a single Primary Speciality
- Primary Specialty dropdown contents limited to Specialties with SpecialtyType of Post and status 'Current' <'Current' is implemented in TIS but SpecialtyType of Post isn't at present> - TISDEV-5008Getting issue details... STATUS
- Posts can have multiple Other Specialties (chosen from Specialties with SpecialtyType of Post)
- Other Specialties dropdown contents limited to Specialties with SpecialtyType of Posts and status 'Current' <'Current' is implemented in TIS but SpecialtyType of Post isn't at present> - TISDEV-5008Getting issue details... STATUS
- Posts can have multiple Sub-Specialties (chosen from Specialties with SpecialtyType of Sub-Specialty) <'Current' is implemented in TIS but SpecialtyType of Sub-Specialty isn't at present> - TISDEV-5008Getting issue details... STATUS
These relationships are all stored in a TCS table called PostSpecialty as seen below using a PostSpecialtyType:
TIS allows a Placement to be categorised with a Specialty in the same 3 ways as Posts - as can be seen on the Placements CRUD UI below. These are Primary Specialty, Other Specialty and Sub-Specialty.
- Placements can only have a single Primary Speciality
- Primary Specialty dropdown contents are limited to Specialties with SpecialtyType of Placement and status 'Current' <not implemented by TIS currently> - TISDEV-4258Getting issue details... STATUS
- On Placement create, the Primary Specialty is pre-filled with the Primary Specialty of the parent Post
- Placements can have multiple Other Specialties
- Other Specialties dropdown contents are limited to Specialties with SpecialtyType of Placement and status 'Current' <not implemented by TIS currently> - TISDEV-4258Getting issue details... STATUS
- Placements can only have a single Sub-Specialty (chosen from Sub-Specialties of the parent Post)
Note: there is an ongoing discussion / request with data quality leads to limit the Placement Primary Specialty and Other Specialty dropdown contents to those of the parent Post
TISDEV-4258Getting issue details...
(How does this business rule overlap with the constraint of SpecialtyType=Placement?
Suggestions that its useful for certain types of Placements which don't have a Post or other edge cases - do you want to codify these into the system, or leave the edge cases at TIS Admin discretion?)
These relationships are all stored in a TCS table called PlacementSpecialty as seen below using a PlacementSpecialtyType field:
Note: Intrepid used to provide SecondarySpecialty on Placements in addition to the above, this was deprecated as it wasn't utilised (182 Specialties on 1.8 million Placements)
- TISDEV-4313Getting issue details... STATUS
TIS Stories/Tasks
Original research into Intrepid's implementation
Intrepid Implementation (V10)
- Particular Specialties can be valid for Posts, but not for Placements, for example “Core Medical Training”
- As such, it’s possible to limit which Specialties can be assigned within either a Post or a Placement in order to reduce the list length of the drop down
- Post Specialty can be seen as a parent of Placement Specialty by certain Local Offices
- Post Specialty can either be specific or generic i.e. Cardiothoracic Medicine v Core Medical Training
- Multiple Post Specialities can be assigned, especially true where a generic specialty has been added
- Placement Specialty must be the same as (if Post Specialty is specific) or different to (if Post Specialty is generic) the post specialty
- If there are multiple specific Post Specialties, the Placement Specialty can be any of these
- Intrepid: multiple specialties need to be added to the Post currently so that they can then be selected within a Placement as a placement specialty
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