As-Is end-to-end LTFT process for Wessex
Drawio sketch | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Actor |
Postgraduate Doctor in Training | The applicant for LTFT |
Training Programme Director (TPD)/Delegated Programme Team | Part of application approvers: check if trainee can be accommodated into programme programme For GP Application
Educational Supervisor | Recommended trainee discuss their intention to go LTFT with ES |
Trust LTFT Team | If application is submitted late; They issue letter of support to trainee as part of approval process. |
Head of School | Provided approval for GP |
Rota Coordinator | Plan Rota with trainee and work schedule |
LTFT Admin (Part of role for Business Support and Education Programme Support Officers) |
Associate Dean |
Application Numbers Feb 2022 to Aug 2023; STATS – (From online form used since March 2023
umbers of applications showing highest number in a single day of 8.
Rotation and application deadlines
Email Template | Body / Content | ||
Less Than Full Time Training Programme
Thank you for completing the application form for less than full time training.
I am pleased to inform you that you meet the criteria for eligibility under disability or ill health / caring responsibilities / welfare and wellbeing / unique opportunities / religious commitment / non-medical development / flexibility for training and career development to continue your training as a LTFT trainee. You are required to fully comply with the LTFT Guidance.
Approval of your LTFT training is subject to the following:
Effective date from: XX To: XX (include for welfare and wellbeing or flexibility for training applications) Percentage: XX
(Include for welfare and wellbeing or flexibility for training) Your LTFT status will be in place for a 12-month period only. Should you wish to remain LTFT after this time you will need to re-apply for LTFT training 16 weeks before the rotation during which your LTFT period ends.
This email is your certificate of eligibility which must be provided as evidence of your LTFT training percentage to your employers.
Please contact your Medical HR team immediately so that any rota changes can be discussed and agreed to ensure they meet both educational and service needs. These will vary between Trusts and departments and will need to be reviewed with each rotation.
Any request to change your LTFT training percentage from that stated above must be approved by NHS England, Wessex 16 weeks prior to the rotation during which you want to change percentage. To change percentage please complete a new application form via our website. Please note that it is normal practice to only approve one change of percentage in a twelve-month period. Additional evidence will be required for any further change in that period.
I would like to wish you all the best in your training and if you have any further queries, please can these be directed to your education programme manager or officer in the first instance.
Yours sincerely Dr Phil Rushton Associate Dean
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Less Than Full Time Training Programme
Thank you for requesting a change to your less than full time training (LTFT) percentage. I am pleased to inform you that the Associate Dean and Programme Manager have approved this change.
Approval | Rejection (insufficient evidence) | of your LTFT training is subject to the following:
Effective date from: XX Change in Percentage from XX to XX Type of Change: Permanent/Temporary (If temporary, date to revert to original percentage)
**IF TEMP** – Should you wish to remain at your new working percentage after the end date above you will need to re-apply for LTFT training 16 weeks before the rotation during which your LTFT period ends. If no application is received, you will automatically revert to your previous percentage.
This email is your certificate of eligibility which must be provided as evidence of your LTFT training percentage to your employers.
Please contact your Medical HR team immediately so that any rota changes can be discussed and agreed to ensure they meet both educational and service needs. These will vary between Trusts and departments and will need to be reviewed with each rotation.
Any request to change your LTFT training percentage from that stated above must be approved by NHS England, Wessex 16 weeks prior to the change date. The change form can be found on our website. Please note that it is normal practice to only approve one change of percentage in a twelve-month period. Additional evidence will be required for any further change in that period.
I would like to wish you all the best in your training and if you have any further queries, please can these be directed to your education programme manager or officer in the first instance.
Yours sincerely Dr Phil Rushton Associate Dean |
Less Than Full Time Training Programme
Thank you for completing the change of percentage form to return to full time training.
I am pleased to inform you that the Associate Dean and Programme Manager have approved this change as detailed below:
Effective date from: XXX
This email is your certificate of eligibility which must be provided as evidence of your training percentage to your employers.
Please contact your Medical HR team immediately so that any rota changes can be discussed and agreed to ensure they meet both educational and service needs. These will vary between Trusts and departments and will need to be reviewed with each rotation.
Please note that on returning to full time training your LTFT status has been removed and if you wish to train at LTFT in the future you will need to reapply. Please note that it is normal practice to only approve one change of percentage in a twelve-month period. Additional evidence will be required for any further change in that period.
I would like to wish you all the best in your training and if you have any further queries, please can these be directed to your education programme manager or officer in the first instance.
Yours sincerely Dr Phil Rushton Associate Dean
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Thank you for your application to increase your training percentage. The Programme Team have discussed this with your TPD and advised that unfortunately your application cannot be supported at this time, due to lack of capacity on the current rotation. Applications will be considered for the October 2024 rotation.
The Associate Dean, Medical HR and Programme Team/TPD must be unanimous in their support for a LTFT application. Without all three approvals unfortunately we are not able to progress your application.
I have copied your Programme Team and TPD into this email if you wish to discuss this further. I have also copied in Medical HR for their information.
If you would like to appeal the LTFT decision you can also respond directly to this email and we will pass that on to the Associate Dean for LTFT for discussion.
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Rejection – application not made within window | |||
Rejection- include appeal procedure | |||
LTFT/Change of Percentage Application for Test Programme | |||
LTFT/Change of Percentage Application for Test - Gwil Test - Williams 1234567 | |||
Dear Dr XXX
Thank you for your application to train LTFT / change your working percentage / return to full time training. I am sorry to hear this is a difficult time for you.
As your application has been received less than 16 weeks before your programme rotation date (MMMM YYYY) supporting evidence from the Trust Medical HR department that you are rotating to is required in order to progress your application please.
I have copied in your Education Programme Manager/Officer for their awareness and the Trust Medical HR department for your next rotation, so you will easily be able to make contact. Please include what you have applied to change your percentage from and to, and the start date that you have requested these changes from, so they know if they are able to support it.
This evidence will need to be sent back to england.ltft.wx@nhs.net please.
In addition, the window for non-urgent LTFT applications for your rotation period is closed. We do accept late applications but the Associate Dean will require a reason for the late application and why your request should be prioritised (for example a change of circumstances not known at the 16 week deadline). Please could you supply a short statement which we can attach to your application.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. | ||
REQUEST FOR HR AGREEMENT (When an application is for the current rotation/very late notice) | Dear Dr XXX
Thank you for your application to train LTFT. train LTFT / change your working percentage / return to full time training. I am sorry to hear this is a difficult time for you.
As your application has been received with an immediate requested start date supporting evidence from the Trust Medical HR department that you are rotating to is required in order to progress your application please. I note you have stated on your application form that you have acquired that confirmation so please do forward that to us as soon as possible.
I have copied in your Education Programme Team for their awareness and the relevant Trust Medical HR. For speed I can confirm you have requested XXX with a requested start date for that of XXX.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. | ||
Thank you for your application for LTFT training. I am sorry to hear this is a difficult time for you.
As you have applied for LTFT under the health and disability category we will need supporting evidence from a GP/OH practitioner please in order to progress your application. This evidence should specifically recommend reducing your working percentage to aid your situation.
Please could you obtain relevant evidence and email it to us at england.ltft.wx@nhs.net
I have copied your TPD into this email for their reference. |