Steps e.g: Dates - Venues - Panels - Trainees - Evidence - Outputs - Comms
General discussion
- Specialties using NHS ePortfolio - set up most of the assessment on ePortfolio
- Anaesthetics - set up panel on ePortfolio; set up ARCP record (event) form → no Outcome form. Link each trainee to the panel - can open up panel on the day and see all trainees on ePortfolio
- Outcome form on NHS ePortfolio exactly the same as on Intrepid
- Use spreadsheet maintain assessments information and to manage scheduling (cut and paste from one spreadsheet into the other)
- Essential to double check dates when run a report on the programme to make sure you have extended where appropriate
- Use electronic Form R own Intrepid - email trainees (not via ePortfolio)
- Which ePortfolio you use determines how you set up assessments. Outcomes - varies as to whether you put on Intrepid first then ePortfolio, or vice versa. ePOrtfolio is important as it's what the trainees sees and on their own training record - some people don't put full details on Intrepid as no time
- Annoying that not automatic update/notification of ePortfolio (some email them and some not)
- Postgraduate Dean does't want us to see everyone who gets Outcome 1/6 - just 2/3/4 and potentially 5. But doesn't always work
- Some TPDs want to see them in year order not by outcome
- Venues are booked through external management company Calders - don't hold them at HEE as no wifi. They are often not appropriate as Calders don't understand our requirements - so generally phone around ourselves to find local venue