West Midlands visit - 13/02/17

West Midlands visit - 13/02/17

Assessments Administrators workshop


  • Anthony Miller-Crolla - ACCS, Anaesthetics, Intensive Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine, Core Surgical Training
  • Nahida Kausar - Programme Administrator, Medical Specialties Higher
  • Lisa Waldron - Programme Administrator, Core Medical Training
  • Mandy Guest - Programme Lead, Medical Specialties Higher
  • Tony Smith - Programme Support - Foundation

  • Joanne Watson - TIS HEE
  • Alison Parr - TIS Transform


Identify current processes for main steps in assessments journey including systems/tools used and links between them

Relationships e.g. between: ePortfolio - Intrepid - Access database - Spreadsheet - Outlook

Steps e.g: Dates - Venues - Panels - Trainees - Evidence - Outputs - Comms


General discussion

  • Specialties using NHS ePortfolio - set up most of the assessment on ePortfolio
  • Anaesthetics - set up panel on ePortfolio; set up ARCP record (event) form → no Outcome form. Link each trainee to the panel - can open up panel on the day and see all trainees on ePortfolio
  • Outcome form on NHS ePortfolio exactly the same as on Intrepid
  • Use spreadsheet maintain assessments information and to manage scheduling (cut and paste from one spreadsheet into the other)
  • Essential to double check dates when run a report on the programme to make sure you have extended where appropriate
  • Use electronic Form R own Intrepid - email trainees (not via ePortfolio)
  • Which ePortfolio you use determines how you set up assessments. Outcomes - varies as to whether you put on Intrepid first then ePortfolio, or vice versa. ePOrtfolio is important as it's what the trainees sees and on their own training record - some people don't put full details on Intrepid as no time
  • Annoying that not automatic update/notification of ePortfolio (some email them and some not)
  • Postgraduate Dean does't want us to see everyone who gets Outcome 1/6 - just 2/3/4 and potentially 5. But doesn't always work
  • Some TPDs want to see them in year order not by outcome
  • Venues are booked through external management company Calders - don't hold them at HEE as no wifi. They are often not appropriate as Calders don't understand our requirements - so generally phone around ourselves to find local venue

Discussion on areas of duplication

Areas of duplication

Assessments screen - Intrepid & ePortfolioWM-F/HST
Outcome form - Intrepid & ePortfolioWM-F/HST
Assessments & ARCP in ePortfolio - top level input to disseminate the fields → ePortfolio → TISWM-F/HST
Sickness absence - Intrepid, ESR - put on ESR by trust so have to download it from there and manually input to IntrepidWM-F/HST
Trainee details - Intrepid, ESR, ePortfolio plus e.g. Recruitment tracker (spreadsheet kept by Programme & Recruitment teams?) - should have one input and send to everyone who needs itWM-F/HST
Duplication leads to data errors as multiple manual entry of same detailsWM-F/HST
NTN - need to input this in 4 or 5 places - add to Programme, NTN tab, new starters spreadsheet, ePortfolio (by trainee - required to set up their account)WM-F/HST
Dates of ARCP - need to record on Intrepid as wellWM-F/HST

Develop user stories for an ideal system to support the assessments process

User needs/ User stories


Mandy Guest - Programme Lead, Medical Specialties Higher

As a Programme Lead Medicine I want:
  • somewhere to record how much GIM a trainee has done, feed into a report, so that I can be clear whether the trainee wants Stage 1 (ST3-ST4), Stage 2 (ST5-ST6), PYA (ST6) or Final (ST6-ST7) 300 trainees currently (trainee to add this?) - currently use FIRTH calculator? (Speed of progress depends on placement and OOP)
  • Form Rs significant event/complaints to feed into Assessments so that I don't have to go to Form R to view and copy into Assessments Revalidation Form R tab
  • OOPs/ML feeds into Assessments tab as current post so I don't have to check placement so that it is easily identifiable
  • trainee addresses to be automatically amended on trainee record so that I don't have to copy and paste into address separately
  • ePortoflio ARCPs core data and outcomes to be fed in from Intrepid so that I don't have to duplicate copy& paste it
Nahida Kausar - Programme Administrator, Medical Specialties Higher
As an ARCP administrator I want:
  • to be able to pull out a report of trainees in each specialty with a break down of whether they are LTFT, Academic, Military, OOP/Mat leave adding up to show how much training time they have undertaken since last ARCP so that I can schedule trainees for ARCP appropriately and with correct panel member
  • to be able to check availability of panel members over various dates to allow me to best schedule and select dates for ARCPs
  • to be able to only create ARCP forms once and add all details required to one form, that can then be filtered to other forms that they are required so that can reduce the time taken to input in spreadsheets

Lisa Waldron - 

As a Programme Lead I want:
  • robust and easy reporting mechanisms so that I have confidence in the info and don't have to cross-reference
  • to input info ONCE! To stop duplication - what a waste
  • all notifications to be managed by TIS - to avoid using a number of systems
  • Outcome 3s to automatically be placed in a vacant post
General discussion
When I search for a trainee I want to see all relevant details on one page - name, specialty, programme of the trainee on the 'staff list' (? not sure what this is - assume just on search results) - Liked the 'Trainee card' when shown on prototypeWM-F/HST
Want a calculator to work out progression dates for LTFT - e.g. if trainee working 70%, 80%, 90% etcWM-F/HST
Panel scheduling tool - need to know who can do what and when - Doodle pollWM-F/HST
ESR → TIS sickness - can this be on the interface?WM-F/HST
Robust and easy reporting mechanism - confidence of data it's pulledWM-F/HST
Manage notifications and responses - attached to that event (so that I don't overlook important emails related to assessment event)WM-F/HST
Outcome 3 trainees - put into posts that are vacant for extra time in training (have 'pool' of vacant posts that trainees who need to be extended can be put into, subject to QA by TPD)WM-F/HST
As an administrator I want to reduce duplication of NTN so that I can (can't read this word) NTNWM-F/HST
Foundation - want a way of informing trainees of events and courses (can be one a week) - email addresses not always up-to-dateWM-F/HST
Macros - from Excel into Intrepid so can upload trainee details in one goWM-F/HST
Notifications - to go through TIS so that I can communicate effectivelyWM-F/HST
Link from Concerns log to Assessments tabWM-F/HST
Validation - flag up where things have not been completed for GMC report (currently limited field validation on Intrepid)WM-F/HST
NTN management - release NTN/DRN - allocating new NTN/DRN - validation to only allow one NTN/DRN at once (NB some still have CMT (Core) until we release NTN (higher) & change)WM-F/HST
Validation on forms - ARCP, Form-RWM-F/HST
Macro usage - info from spreadsheet into TIS fastWM-F/HST
Would like a report builder - simple, easy to follow and actually goodWM-F/HST
JEST - Job Evaluation (Survey?) - could be on Intrepid. Have to print report off to see itWM-F/HST
Posts and placements - drop down on trainee to indicate sub-specialty as well as their programme - PHEM (Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine), Paediatric Emergency Medicine - may need additional panel memberWM-F/HST
Need to know have the right people on the list to be assessed - need to know previous posts, previous outcomes, x-ref lots of different things to get to the point of scheduling. Go by previous Outcomes - who needs to be assessed based on previous ARCPWM-F/HST
Exam results - would know who was getting an Outcome 2 for medicineWM-F/HST
Need to know if assessment is PYA as require an external panel member for this (JRCPTB change list regularly for this)WM-F/HST
Have difficulty finding out which stage of training GIM trainees are Stage 1/2/PYA/FinalWM-F/HST
Placements input on ePortfolio - RC Emergency Medicine will only put these on once trainees have paid their fees. Might be an issue. (Trainees tell them)WM-F/HST
Outcome 3 - automatice extension of CCT datesWM-F/HST
TIS - if could click button and automatically notify trainee of outcome would save lots of workWM-F/HST
Want to be able to draft Outcome so that trainee can't see it until it has been agreed. Intrepid currently shows draft Outcome in trainee's view. NHS ePortfolio gives you a draft view (not accessible to trainee). Anaesthetics can see it straight away.WM-F/HST
Communications to Trainee from TIS to be attached to trainee's assessment so it doesn't get lostWM-F/HST

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