Form R Overview
Form R Parts A & B (Trainee Doctors)
Form R Part A is the Trainee Registration for Postgraduate Specialty Training and is completed by trainee doctors when they first start a programme with HEE. It collects their personal information (name, contact detail etc) as well as other details such as a declaration as to what sort of programme they are embarking upon (leading to CCT or other). The registration is required in order for trainees to get a National training Number, which is a gateway to registration with their Royal College and access to ePortfoilo.
Form R Part B is the Self-declaration for Revalidation of Doctors in Training form, and contains statements on a trainee's fitness to practice as well as information such as Time Out Of Training (TOOT) which may be e.g. sickness, maternity leave or for other reasons. While this information may also be recorded elsewhere, trainees are expected to keep a record and submit details. Submitting an up-to-date Form R Part B is a requirement prior to ARCP, trainees are also expected to submit this form if anything significant changes, e.g. they are involved in a serious incident Check this. (This also applies to Part A - they should submit an update if e.g. they change their name or contact details.)
Update agreed by COPMeD 27/10/16 for implementation by 01/04/17. Here is the new version:
Form R Part A
Form R Part B
Form R Process
Process walkthrough compiled by Angelita Davies
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