Assessments - Field Validation

Assessments - Field Validation

Field SequenceField name (V10)DR fieldReference tableExample valueOther fields available in DRType (free text, drop down, check box) & InteractionMandatory (Y/N)Validation / Error MessagingFilter (Y/N)Search (Y/N)Sort (Y/N)List (S) / Detail (D)NotesDelete (Y / N)
3rd level: Event
1Assessment IDY

  • autogenerated
  • use same format as used currently

2Trainee IDY

"GMC Number"

"GDC Number"

Smart search
  • smart search

3Trainee First NameY

Smart searchY
  • search/drop down
  • can only pick from existing trainees

4Trainee SurnameY

Smart searchY
  • search/drop down
  • can only pick from existing trainees

5TypeYY - Assessment typeARCPNDrop downY
  • can only pick from existing types
  • JW added dental assessment types of IRCP, FRCP and FRCP (Stage 2) - see below for outcomes allowed
YNNS/DAssessment type e.g. ARCP, Interim etc.

Assessment status

Re-name "Status"






NDrop downN
  • can only pick from existing statuses


Review date

NN20/05/2017NDate field / date pickerN
  • must be date format

Review timeNN14:15NFree text - time NYNNND

Check if this can be seen in the DR and if any local offices use it - may be valuable for scheduling after MVP

(IO) not being used

8Programme nameYY - Programme Geriatric MedicineNDrop downY
  • must be from existing programmes
  • must be from current / past programme trainee is associated with
  • cannot be selected unless trainee name is selected
YNNDProgramme curricula membership being assessed
9Programme numberYY - Programme numberNOR067NAuto populated Y
  • when Programme name is selected

3rd level: Pre-Assessment Detail
1Curriculum NameYY - CurriculumGeriatric MedicineNDrop downY
  • restricted to the curricula the trainee is following

2Curriculum start dateNN05/08/2015NAuto populated Y
  • when curriculum is selected
NNNDPP: This will be readonly as is part of selected programme on event and not related to selected curriculum
3Curriculum end dateNN04/08/2021NAuto populated Y
  • when curriculum is selected
NNNDPP: This will be readonly as is part of selected programme on event and not related to selected curriculum
4Membership typeYMembership typeSubstantiveNAutopopulated N
  • when Programme is selected
NNNDPP: This will be readonly as is part of selected programme on event

5Curriculum specialtyYSpecialtyGeriatric MedicineNAuto populated Y
  • when curriculum is selected

6Curriculum sub-typeN?Medical?Auto populated when curriculum is selectedN
  • Should be limited to what trainee has been or is doing
----Former user (Deleted) Paul Hoang (Unlicensed) Talking to Paul we will send and store the sub-type label and not the code or id.
7Period covered fromN


05/06/2016NDate field/ date pickerNYNNNS/D

8Period covered toNN20/05/2017NDate field/ date pickerNYNNNS/D

9Portfolio review dateNN10/05/2017NDate field/ date pickerNNNNND

10WTE months OOPR/T during periodYN6NAuto populated from OOPR/OOPT placement detailsNNNNND

11Months OOPR/OOPT counted towards trainingYN3NManual input?NNNNND

12Time out of training (days)YN26NManual input - or provided by the trainee via Form R Part BNNNNND

13NTN at time of assessmentYNNTH/007/002/CNAuto populated from PCM area of the trainee record and based on Review dateNNNNND

14PYAYN - PYA?YesNDrop down "Yes" or "No"NNNNND

PYA = Penultimate Year Assessment.  Unique to the medical specialties.

In their penultimate year trainees must have this to identify what competencies they need to focus on in their final year of training.

15Grade at timeYY - GradeSpecialty Training Year 4Y - GradeAtTimeGradeAbbreviationAutopopluated from the trainee's placement history recordNNNNND

3rd Level: Post-Assessment Detail (also in Person Record)
1 - headerOutcomeYY - Outcome1NDrop down NNYNYS/D

Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) What are the possible values for this field? and what are we doing during the data migration for outcomes in intrepid with 1 (academic) or 1 (clinical) etc.

See Outcomes allowed below and Comments

2 - headerUnder appealNNNoNDrop down "Yes" or "No"NNNNNDJoanne Watson (Unlicensed) the wording of this field suggests current tense while the field in intrepid ("appealed") suggests past tense (ever) are these the same?
6 - column 1ReasonYY -  UnsatisfactoryOutcomeReason AND UnsatOutcomeReasonOther OR NotAssessedOutcomeReason AND NotAssessedOutcomeReasonOther Assessment/Curriculum outcomes not achievedNDrop downNNNNND

If outcome = 'Not Assessed' or is an outcome 3, 4 or 5 a reason must be selected from the list. Outcomes presented for selection should be determined by the Outcome value.

Must allow more than one reason to be selected

Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) what are the possible values for this drop down?

See below for reasons

3 - column 1Completion of training date (prior to review)NN04/08/2021N

Auto populated when Curriculum is selected.

Not editable


Allows the user to update the trainee's CCT date after the ARCP

Oladimeji Onalaja (Unlicensed): after a refinement meeting with Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)Paul Hoang (Unlicensed) and Former user (Deleted), this field has been temporarily removed from the current interations of Assessment.

4 - column 1Extend completion of training dateNN04/11/2021N

Autopopulated when extended training time field is completed or manual input from date picker



As above - if the trainee's CCT date needs to change the admin can either input the length of time the date is to be extended to and the new date is calculated OR the new date can be directly input.

The new CCT date is also updated in the trainee's Programme Curriculum Membership record

Oladimeji Onalaja (Unlicensed): after a refinement meeting with Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)Paul Hoang (Unlicensed) and Former user (Deleted), this field has been temporarily removed from the current interations of Assessment.

5 - column 1Extended training time (months)NN3NManual inputNNNNND

7 - column 210% Audit - Lay memberNNYesNDrop down "Yes" or "No"NNNNND

8 - column 2External trainerNNNoNDrop down "Yes" or "No"NNNNND

9 - column 2Grade at next rotationYY - GradeSpecialty Training Year 5Y - GradeAtTimeGradeAbbreviationDrop downNNNNND

10 - column 2Trainee notified of outcomeNN22/05/2017NDate field/ date pickerNNNNNDAt what point should Trainee App be updated?
11 - column  3Next review dateNN17/05/2018NDate field/ date pickerNNNNND

12 - column 3CommentsNNTrainee progressing wellNFree textNNNNND

Blue sub-section: Academic Progression (within Post-Assessment Detail)
1Academic curriculum assessedYACLY - if trainee is an academic traineeShould auto-populate from the trainee's programme curriculum membershipNNNNND
Refers to the academic curriculum the trainee is on (e.g. ACF, ACL)

2Academic outcomeYY - academic outcomeContinue on Academic ComponentY - academic curriculum assessed (checking what this does)Drop downNNNNND

Blue sub-section: Supplementary detail (within Post-Assessment Detail)
1Detailed reasons for recommended outcomeNNFree text here NFree textNNNNND

2Mitigating circumstancesYN'in hospital for 2 weeks and off sick for July 2016'NFree textNNNNND

3Competences which need to be developed by next ARCPNN?NFree textNNNNND

4Other recommended actionsYNBetter preparation for operating lists in terms of academic preparationNFree textNNNNND

5Recommended additional training time (if required)YNA maximum of 3 months ending on the date of the next CSA attemptNFree textNNNNND

6Additional comments from the panelNN?NFree textNNNNND

3rd Level: Revalidation

1Known concernsY?YesNDrop downNNNNND

2Concern summaryNN
Text from the ARCP panel with regards to revalidation (e.g. "Trainee declared unresolved significant event; no current concerns but awaiting coroner's report")
NFree textNNNNND

3Responsible officer's commentsYN
Comments the Responsible Officer needs to make on the form (as the ARCP form is the means of transferring information to a doctor's next Responsible Officer); this can either be regarding the information noted on the ARCP form by the panel (e.g. "Coroner's report received 06/11/2017 and reviewed by RO; no concerns") or to add additional information not covered by the ARCP panel
NFree textNNNNND

Blue sub-section: Documents considered: (within Pre-Assessment Detail)
1LEP reportNNYesNDrop down "Yes" or "No"NNNNND

2Form R Part BYNYesNDrop down "Yes" or "No"NNNNND

3Supervisors reportNNNoNDrop down "Yes" or "No"NNNNND

SOAR (NES only)

Not required in TIS, as Scotland onlyYes
4OtherNNSpecialty director's report
Free textNNNNNDFree text
Additional fields (within post-Assessment detail)

1Employer/exception reports

Is this used/needed? More info needed to populate this area

Is this used/needed? More info needed to populate this area

Is this used/needed? More info needed to populate this area

Is this used/needed? More info needed to populate this area
5Panel members

Logging of panel member names.

Is this used/needed? More info needed to populate this area

Form R

1Form R Part A

  • generate form
  • upload form
  • view form

Creation and display of form
2Form R Part B

  • generate form
  • upload form
  • view form

Creation and display of form

Assessment outcomes and reasons

Assessment outcomes and reasons for adverse outcomes and 'Not assessed' outcome to be allowed for each assessment are given here:

Brief explanation -

If a trainee is on the Foundation programme and their placement grade at time of assessment = F1 the outcomes allowed will be limited to 1, 3, 4 5 or 8

If the Programme is neither Dental Foundation, Dental Core or Foundation allow 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 or 9

If the Programme is Dental Foundation and the Assessment Type is IRCP (one of the new assessment types) allow 1, 2, or 5.

Note about legacy outcomes

Outcomes on assessments dated 2016 or earlier should be set to read only.

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