Assessments Design Process

Assessments Design Process

This table shows the design iterations and associated key activities to feed user research and other insight into the process. The scope of the TIS assessments application included doctors and dentists in training, pre-registration pharmacists and health sciences 

SourceDateVersionOther user research materialsOutputs

ARCP process analysis

2 x ARCP process walkthrough sessions with Angelita Davies (HEE)

14 & 21/09/16Assessments helicopter viewInitial UI concepts
User interviews

Carly Edwards - London & South East (ARCP)


Assessments helicopter viewInitial UI concepts
Andrew Petherbridge - East Midlands (ARCP & dental)19/10/16

Assessments helicopter view

Initial UI conceptsEast Midlands visit - 19/10/16

Sarah Cuckson - Yorkshire & the Humber (ARCP)

01/11/16Assessments helicopter view

Initial UI concepts

Yorkshire & the Humber visit - 1 November 2016

Stuart Sutherland & Tim Packwood (National School of Healthcare Science - annual review pilot)


Assessments helicopter view

Initial UI concepts

Healthcare Science

Sandie Gay (National School of Healthcare Science - annual review pilot)


Assessments V2

Health Science overviewHealth sciences_Sandie Gay.docx
Rosalyne Cheesman - East Midlands (National pharmacy training improvement - annual review pilot)17/11/16
Pharmacy overviewPharmacy training.docx
Julie Flowers - South West (ARCP)29/11/16Assessments V3
HEE South West Bristol visit (Anaesthetics & ICM) - 29/11/16
Matthew Hill - South West (Dentists)29/11/16Assessments V3
HEE South West Bristol visit (Dentists) - 29/11/16
Jenny Isherwood - ST6 General Surgery Trainee (Thames Valley)23/01/17Assessments V3 (Video demo incl. Trainee Portal)

Assessments App Map

TIS Big Picture

Trainee interview - Jenny Isherwood
Sandie Gay - Assessment inputs/outputs; trainee self-evaluation forms01/02/17
HSC assessments process sketch
Vicky Twigg - CT2 Core Surgery Trainee (East Midlands)07/02/17

TIS Big Picture


Trainee interview - Vicky Twigg
Rachel Hardy - School Manager (GP) North East10/02/17
GP ePortfolioRachel Hardy - School Manager, GPs

Revalidation SMLs workshop - Assessments walkthough and feedback09/11/16Assessments V2

Assessments SMLs workshop - kick-off and prioritisation for MVP12/01/17

Assessments V3

Incremental delivery of services

Assessments App Map

Assessments SMLs inaugural workshop - 12/01/16

North East - Trainees Executive Forum


TIS Big Picture


North East - Trainee Executive Forum (TEF)
North East - SPCs workshop10/02/17TIS_Prototype8f
Specialty Programme Coordinators workshop
West Midlands - Assessments administrators workshop13/02/17TIS_Prototype8f
West Midlands visit - 13/02/17
Peninsula - Assessments workshop



TIS Big Picture

South West (Plymouth) - 8/3/17
Liz Hope - Dental Coordinator East of EnglandtbcTIS_Prototype8f