Trainee interview - Vicky Twigg

Trainee interview - Vicky Twigg

7 February 2017 - Transform offices


Vicky Twigg



  • Core Surgical trainee – CT 2
  • Specialty training - currently planning ENT
  • East Midlands (Nottingham)
  • Currently on Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM) Fellowship (AKA National Medical Directors Leadership and Management Fellowship) working at the Royal College of Surgeons (OOPE)

Notes from discussion

User needs


System I can access on my phone as access to PCs difficult in hospitals (but also available on desktop for those who prefer this)T-CT2-Surg
Tools and forms that are user friendly on mobile (phone - not tablet)T-CT2-Surg
Electronic signature so that I can complete, sign and submit Form R on mobile without having to print it offT-CT2-Surg
Something I can save and come back to ifI can't complete all in one goT-CT2-Surgl
Directory of TPD email addresses (don't want a direct messaging system - happy just to email them and don't want to over-complicate things)T-CT2-Surg
Messaging system semi-useful but not essential would risk people not logging in and missing somethingT-CT2-Surg
Alerts for things you have to do e.g. Form R submission deadline; book in for ACP; ARCP date countdownT-CT2-Surg
Countdown of study leave remaining = nice to have not urgentT-CT2-Surg
Not having to resubmit information that HEE already has e.g. on Form R annual update of contact details, placement details "They already know this" - Auto-populate forms with ability to change thingsT-CT2-Surg
Tool to log sickness absence (no. of days needed on Form R) - not that useful. Wouldn't be detrimental but wouldn't be a priorityT-CT2-Surg
Formal, obvious and easy way to apply for study leave & study budget applications and ensure Trust study coordinators know the rules - Trusts don't know this is supposed to go on Intrepid (impact more on HEE than Trainee); some coordinators think only allowed 2.5 days per rotation (but actually allowed to take full 10 days if required) (Needs to have workflow for TPD sign off as Intrepid does. Also believes workflow to rota coordinator - need to check this)T-CT2-Surg
Induction guidance on study leave and other processes, where to find them, who to contact plus "How to" step-by-step guides for e.g. OOP application and easy access to relevant formsT-CT2-Surg
Information on courses and opportunities - not just mandatory but also "outside interests" e.g. management leadership, things being run by other specialties, FMLM FellowshipT-CT2-Surg
Facility to help trainees to swap placements with others - "Swaps board" would work well with CT1 & 2T-CT2-Surgl
One point of input for information required by ePortfolio and forms for HEE - e.g. rotations need to go on ePortfolio and Form RT-CT2-Surgl
Although would prefer to have face-to-face feedback in person, video conferencing useful e.g. for trainees who are on night shift when ARCP due, or on call (can't leave hospital)T-CT2-Surg
Ability to choose slot within ARCP day e.g. if on nightshift might want to choose first thing in the morning. Also ability to swap slots with other traineesT-CT2-Surg
Notifications for mandatory surveys e.g. GMC, ISCP ePortfoilioT-CT2-Surg
GMC survey - automatic way for HEE to know you've done it (currently have to take screenshot and send it to HEE)T-CT2-Surg
Rationalisation of multiple surveys about each placement from HEE and College - repetitive and not clear which is which and which goes to whoT-CT2-Surg
Social aspect - have Facebook groups etc for specialty or cohort - would be good to have something on TIS (although as HEE thing people might not want to use it). Good for e.g. special interest groups e.g. Women in Medicine. Directory of groups or noticeboard would be goodT-CT2-Surgl

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