Assessments Subject Matter Leads (SMLs)

Assessments Subject Matter Leads (SMLs)

The following people have been nominated as SMLs for the development of the assessments application. There is one SML per region for doctor and dentist training (covering all specialties), plus one for each of health scientists and pharmacy.

RegionTeamNameJob roleTelEmail
NorthYorks and HumberSarah CucksonProgramme Support Officer0114 399 1901Sarah.cuckson@hee.nhs.uk
Midlands & EastEast MidlandsHilary Booth

Appeals Officer - Assessments & Revalidation Team

0115 823 3340hilary.booth@hee.nhs.uk
London & SELondonMartyn ClarkPGMDE Business Manager020 7125 7139 or 07557 287292 Martyn.Clark@hee.nhs.uk
SouthThames ValleyYemi FolarinFoundation School Administrator 01865 785565Yemi.Folarin@thamesvalley.hee.nhs.uk
Health ScienceWest Midlands (based in the local office)Sandie GayDeputy Head of Education and Assessment0121 695 2329 or 07823 403970
PharmacyHEE national officeAmandeep DollPharmacy Clinical Fellow (Seconded)
020 78663148 or 07557 541939a.doll@nhs.net

The role...