North East - Trainee Executive Forum (TEF)

North East - Trainee Executive Forum (TEF)

9 February 2017

Introductory Briefing note & Discussion guide



  • To introduce the TIS programme
  • Understand current channels and processes for routine communication and exchange of information
  • Elicit user needs for a new trainee portal


Meeting attended by 9 trainees from different training years and specialties (see minutes attached below). Session was limited by time constraints - less than 30 minutes for discussion/workshop. AP & JW attended the rest of the meeting and picked up a number of issues where TIS/Trainee Portfolio might offer solutions (although was not the focus of the discussion at that point). These are listed below.

Issues/opportunities raised (not in connection with TIS/Trainee portal)

Equalities & Diversity coordinator - looking for a direct way of contacting trainees - current solutions include Schools' Twitter feedsNE-T
Travel and subsistence payments - this will be promoted by LET via email to all traineesNE-T
Online study leave applications - this is being looked at nationally according to LET. Paper form included opportunity to provide feedback on the course - useful feature should be maintained (Chair)NE-T
Policies and requirements on additional hours, study leave - hard to find. Can Host Trusts publish this on their websites?NE-T
GMC Trainee Survey - not mandatory but 'Non-respondent' lists sent to Trusts chase up. Comments on patient safety & bullying fed back to trusts who have to follow upNE-T
Trainee data - need to collate when get link to survey e.g. level of training (on 'census date'?)NE-T
Project to demonstrate positive contribution Schools are making to training - Louise Southern. GMC review is making local teams justify their value. No longer have positive comments box on GMC survey - only field for issues ("now can only whinge"). Need to document/demonstrate value of training supportNE-T
"Deanery" encouraging use of social media - careful but supportiveNE-T
TPDs managing rotations - about tackling to trainees and finding out what is most appropriate for them - not just a secretary sitting in a room and putting people in boxesNE-T
Colleague communications - way of trainee reps communicating with their colleagues and feeling they have the support to do so. Don't currently do it very well cross-specialty - e.g. would like a way of contacting all LTFT trainees across all specialtiesNE-T
Communication to reps - some use WhatsApp etc. Lots of schools have Facebook pages (for 'private' comms)NE-T
Hard to know who to contact about what - would be useful to publish list of SPCs - should have a "meet the team" section on websitesNE-T
LET contact details not up to date on websiteNE-T
Difficult to know who to contact about what at training trust e.g. expensesNE-T
Multiple emails about events/training (FAST training booking on website) and other notifications by emailNE-T
Study leave & budgets - clarity on rules and how to applyNE-T


Trainees and HEE/LET in attendance were asked to identify key areas of communications, integration, process etc with HEE that they would like to:

  • "Stick' - things that are working well and that they don't want to lose
  • "Fix" - things that don't work so well and could be changed through TIS

During the session we identified a third category of things to be aware of. 

This was a post-it note exercise - outputs below (NB- yellow post-its from trainees, purpose from others at the meeting - LET, Chair & Programme Support)



RCGP ePortfolio is fairly comprehensive including assessments and ARCP so would not want this replacedNE-T
Regional and micro-regional control - I worry about HEE drive for homogenous loss of identityNE-T
Don't want to be "one of 50k"
Please don't change ePortfolio again!NE-T
Retain separation of Colleges and HEENE-T
Incorporate local social media info accountsNE-T
Confidentiality of trainee info (i.e. who has access to what)NE-T
Local TPD/placement management - with opportunity for discussionNE-T
Like receiving rotational information locallyNE-T
Retain face-to-face contactNE-T
Maintain local websiteNE-T

Keep face-to-face:

  • Specialty meetings
  • Deanery meetings
  • Trainee meetings
Maintain local contacts from LETNE-T
Keep ePortfolios via College websiteNE-T
Curriculum placements/management to be kept at a local levelNE-T
Maintain communication with school/TPD with local admin involvementNE-T
Maintain local points of contact - KEEP Trainee committee, local meetingsNE-T
Anonymity of GMC survey - i.e. internet link rather than being linked to your personal account. Important for sensitive/whistleblowingNE-T
Keep ePortfolio as separateNE-T
Will this ultimately just be a duplication? Until all schools use the same ePortfolios, the same information e.g ALS certificates, DBS, ARCP will need to be uploaded on both an 'evidence' for fulfilling curriculum needs and HR requirementsNE-T
Interface with ESRNE-LET



Make it user-friendly for "older" users - don't want to have to take consultants through it
Requesting study leave should be linked in - so that 'approvers' can access an e-link rather than signing a carbon copy that I have to take to consecutive offices (and pre-populated with my details)NE-T
Filling in annual paper Form RNE-T
GMC SurveyNE-T
Multiple passwords - difficulty logging in (can we have fingerprint sign-in?)NE-T
Software that is not user friendly / needs explaining to consultantsNE-T
Repetitive nature of ARCP process - form fillingNE-T
Form R onlineNE-T
GMC survey through portalNE-T
Wifi access at workNE-T
Online rotas - linked to messages to people on the rota to request swapsNE-T
Ability to port CRB between TrustsNE-T
Study leave - nine forms pre-populated for mandatory coursesNE-T
GMC survey online through portalNE-T
Educational events e.g. conferences and ARCP/PYA - publish dates in advanceNE-T
Portal used to ensure deadlines kept by schools - PlacementsNE-T
Links between smaller specialties in other regions - improve delivery of teaching to small numbers of peopleNE-T
Improved organisation and up the speed of dissemination of informationNE-T

Transparency of info - e.g:

  • With pictures Who is my TOPD / SAC Chair / HoS / Trainee rep
  • Minutes of relevant meetings e.g. TEF
  • updates from meetings - what is new
Having to print off forms/fill in and send off (e.g. Form R) or having to scan things in e.g. ALS certificates, process of completing GMCNE-T
Having to manually fill in al the training days we attend when the data is also collected on paper in various waysNE-T
Pre-populate all forms with my info please! e.g. approvals, requesting leaveNE-T
Ways to contact other trainees by specialty/area/TrustNE-T
Form R online, Absence management online, GMC survey online, CRB onlineNE-T
Fix e-signatures preventing need to print off and scan back in formsNE-T
Needing to show documentation for each change of job even within Trust. Central portal for ID forms, DBS etc would be usefulNE-T
Don't get wifi access so being able to access trainee portal on phone would be great!NE-T


  • between supervisors about a trainee
  • with trainees
Need Trusts to be able to use it with their systemsNE-OTHER
Master passwords to access all systemsNE-OTHER
Need local adviceNE-OTHER
Ensure all info input into Oriel Transfers to TIS and/or ESR not just the info HEE needNE-LET
Trust access so not dependent on reports from LETNE-LET
Work with self-service on ESR to minimise duplicationNE-LET
Notifications automatically when expires e.g. DBS, RTW (right to work), end of contracts, GMC, LTFT renewalNE-LET
New 2016 Junior Dr Contract support e.g. support the process of work schedulesNE-LET



? Data protectionNE-T

Whistle-blowing systems:

  • Raising concerns
  • GMC Survey access
Signposting for advice/how to escalate issues - links to the existing website so we do not duplicate/complicateNE-OTHER
Online forums for Trainees - Yammer style?NE-OTHER
Advising traineesNE-OTHER

Access to:

  • Knowledge resources
  • Nationally and locally purchased resources
Access to local evidence-based practice face-to-face training e.g. Critical appraisal, Finding the evidenceNE-LET