South West (Plymouth) - 8/3/17

South West (Plymouth) - 8/3/17

Assessment administrators workshop


Gemma Heard - GP Programme Coordinator

Joe Campbell - Postgraduate School Manager (Anaesthesia/ICM, ACCS/EM, Paediatrics, Radiology and Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

Carla Miners - School Manager (Schools of Surgery, Ophthalmology, Pathology and Psychiatry)

Joanne Watson - TIS Service Manager 

Alistair Pringle - TIS Service Manager

Identify main process for managing assessments

Medical Specialties

Programme/SchoolMethod of ARCPOther notes
SurgeryST3 trainees are seen after 6 months (interim review) to ensure progression is being made and all those with an adverse outcome are seen face to face

All surgical specialties use the college eportfolio and are paperless apart from the completion of Form R and Scope of Practice.

If a trainee's CCT changes the Royal College inform the local office, for all other programmes the CCT date is updated by the local office and they inform the college.

PsychiatryAll trainees are seen face to face with the exception of those on OOP and maternity leave who are given the option to attend but is not mandatory. Trainees whose CCT date is in April/May they are seen as part of the February ARCPs and are then given their Outcome 6 via paperMoving to paperless
PathologyAll trainees are seen face to face with the exception of those on OOP and maternity leave who are given the option to attend but is not mandatory. Trainees whose CCT date is in April/May they are seen as part of the February ARCPs and are then given their Outcome 6 via paperMoving to paperless
OphthalmologyAll trainees are seen face to face with the exception of those on OOP and maternity leave who are given the option to attend but is not mandatory. Trainees whose CCT date is in April/May they are seen as part of the February ARCPs and are then given their Outcome 6 via paper
AnaestheticsYears 1, 3, 5 and 7 are seen face to face while years 2, 4 and 6 are paper onlyFor Anaesthetics each panel member must assign the outcome on eportfolio, Chair agrees and signs off, Admin must then sign off and assign the outcome to the trainee which then opens up the file for that trainee for the forthcoming year *
ICMAll trainees are seen face to face
ACCSAll trainees are seen face to face

Because of the structure of ACCS (year 1 = 6 months EM and 6 months AM; year 2 is 12 months Anaes) the trainees cannot use one RC eportfolio as they cover AM, EM and Anaes in their training, therefore:

Acute Med themed trainees use paper ARCP forms for years 1 and 2

Emergency Med themed trainees use the Royal College of EM eportfolio for year 1 but are then paper based for year 2

Anaesthetics themed trainees are paper based for year 1 but then can register and use the RC of Anaesthetists eportfolio for year 2.

The Educational Supervisor of an ACCS trainee is defined by the theme the trainee is following.

Emergency MedicineAll trainees are seen face to face
Obs and GynaeYears 1, 3 and 6 are paper and years 2, 5 and 7 are face to face
PaediatricsAll trainees are seen face to faceOn the RC of Paeds eportfolio there are two possible outcome forms to use - one for completion on day and one for creation prior to the ARCP.  If the latter is used it cannot be edited when it has been emailed to the ARCP chair *
RadiologyAll trainees are seen face to face

*NOTE: The TIS project will not seek to change the Royal College eportfolio functions however we will endeavour to reduce duplication of input where possible.

ARCP School Managers do not attend the ARCPs.  The ARCPs are arranged and coordinated by local office colleagues but do not attend on the day. 

Spreadsheets are used to work out who needs ARCPs and when - examples provided below for Radiology and ENT (Surgery specialty):

Pressure points

Trainees diarising/approving date for ARCP and trainees changing their availability for ARCP

Identification of panel members - including externals/academics and MOD reps where needed.

Creation of outcome forms either on eportfolio or from Intrepid.

Paper Revalidation forms (Form R Part B) being used.

Informing PSU of adverse outcomes.


For GP assessments only those who have been given an adverse outcome in their assessments are seen face to face. All others are notified via e-portfolio (JW to check this with Gemma).  Trainees on an Outcome 6 are not all seen.

Prior to each review a summary form for each trainee is created with the information from e-portfolio for the panel to review:

There are two forms for screening, the ad hoc one shown directly above is used for the smaller monthly panels.

The portfolio feedback ES report one shown below is used for the Summer ARCPs, it contains similar fields apart from we ask for feedback for the Educational Supervisor. Both forms were created within this team and aren’t used anywhere other than Peninsula

The screen shots below are taken from the Royal College of GPs eportfolio system .

Pressure points

Need more efficient method of communications with trainees and panel members and also to send information between admin, panel and trainees.

Duplication of input between eportfolio and Intrepid

Chasing panel chair for signed off forms

Fix or Keep exercise outcomes



Identify/gather panel members related to the programme being ARCP'ed. Academic and external panel members especially tricky to get.

Room booking

Flag on TIS to highlight an adverse outcome - to let the PSU know

Ability to run report of trainees due for ARCP

Communicating ARCP dates to multiple trainees and copying in their educational supervisor and educational team

Colour coding of outcome spreadsheet - orange for outcome 2, red for outcome 3.

Duplication of inputting outcomes on to eportfolio and Intrepid - eportfolio systems to talk to Intrepid

ARCP outcome forms and how they are populated as on Intrepid

Trainee online booking for ARCP slot based on a timetable created by admin team

Automatic CCT recalc following adverse outcome

Uploading Revalidation documents

GP screening forms work but can be onerous - would welcome better method

Electronic timetable

Chasing chair of panel to sign off the outcome from on eportfolio

On notifications - flag for trainees who don't respond

'Next review date' to be mandatory - or a reminder flag attached.

Feedback on Prototype

Venue selector - would need to be able to add venues to a list to pick from

Revalidation date in ARCP trainee view for administrators to view

When creating a new ARCP record could the Review Period be pre-populated with the Start date being the prevous review period's end date + 1 and the period end date being the date of the ARCP - must allow for manual update.

Clarify to trainees what Submission Date means on the Trainee Portal

TOOT field pulled across from Form R (trainees input this info so we can use it)

When an adverse outcome is input the system must provide a pick list to allow selection of the reason/s for the outcome

When an outcome 3 is input can we have a field/dropdown list to input the period the Outcome 3 will last for.

Outcome 2 and 3 tickbox for PSU to provide an automatic notification to colleagues in the PSU team of the outcome.

When a person is sent a notification can there also be an email/alert sent to the person's inbox i.e. as in Slack or Confluence.

Notifications to show where a change has been made.

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