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Process NamePP6 - Bulk Upload of PeopleComments
DescriptionA user should be able to add a list of individuals to create multiple person records in one go
ActorsLocal office admin
Pre-conditionsLogged in
Authorised User

Post-conditionsSearched for person in entire database
Process steps
  1. Upload data fields from spreadsheetspreadsheet
  2. System validates spreadsheet
  3. System creates new records based on spreadsheet values
  4. System presents a list of newly created records for review/update

From People - Field Validation  (when creating a person record only the fields in Personal and Contact and (for a trainee) Programme are required)

Which fields are required in spreadsheet? Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)

How should upload errors be handled? Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)

Alternative flowPP5- Create person (single)

Error: this GMC/GDC/Public Health number is already held by a person on this database

Error: mandatory fields not completed

JIRA ReferenceTIS-642
Audit LogWho created the people record and whenLog changes to any of the field values and when and who made
the changes.
Visually presented to all
