People - Field Validation
Field Sequence | Field name (V10) | DR field | Reference table | Example value | Other fields available in DR | Type (free text, drop down, check box) & Interaction | Mandatory (Y/N) | Validation / Error Messaging | Filter (Y/N) | Search (Y/N) | Sort (Y/N) | List (S) / Detail (D) | Notes | Delete (Y / N) |
PERSONAL AND CONTACT | ||||||||||||||
1 | PersonID | No | ? | System field - Automated upon creation of record | Y | N/A | N | N | N | D | Auto generated field in V10. Unique identifier of record in V10 - not sure if same kind of thing is needed in TIS? IO - Is this ID for non-trainees? If so, I recommend this is kept in | |||
Y | ||||||||||||||
| Y | |||||||||||||
| Y | |||||||||||||
Audit field | AddedDate | No | 18:21.8 | Automated - audit | Y | N | N | N | N | D | This is the date the record was created from the Oriel Import. Yes | |||
Audit field | AmendedDate | No | NULL | Automated - audit | Y | N | N | N | N | D | Update to "Last Amended Date" | |||
6 | Surname ESR | No | Cotterell | Free text character validation (no special characters aside from apostrophes and hyphens) multiple names allowed | Y | Y | N | Y | Y | S/D | ||||
7 | LegalSurname ESR (GMC Registered Surname) | No | Cotterell | Free text character validation (no special characters aside from apostrophes and hyphens) multiple names allowed | N | N | N | N | N | D | Leave in for now | |||
3 | Forenames ESR | No | Deborah | Free text character validation (no special characters aside from apostrophes and hyphens) multiple names allowed | Y | Y | N | N | N | S/D | ||||
4 | LegalForenames ESR (GMC Registered First Name) | No | Deborah | Free text character validation (no special characters aside from apostrophes and hyphens) multiple names allowed | N | N | N | N | N | D | Leave in for now | |||
8 | KnownAs | No | NULL | Free text character validation (no special characters aside from apostrophes and hyphens) multiple names allowed | N | N | N | N | N | D | Is this a preferred first name? YES. If a trainee is called Simon Christopher Smith he might prefer to be called Chris so we currently record this. | |||
9 | MaidenName ESR | No | NULL | Free text character validation (no special characters aside from apostrophes and hyphens) multiple names allowed | N | N | N | N | N | D | Is this mandatory where the person has become married whilst associated with HEE, or just optional? Mandatory according to the V10 data guide that was agreed by data managers | |||
5 | Initials | No | D | Free text | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | All initials, or middle name initial(s)?All forename initals How many are acceptable? As many as the trainee has What is it used for? Correspondence mainly | |||
2 | Title ESR | Salutation | Dr | Drop down | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | Currently a HICOM 'look up' table Standard only: Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Dr / Professor / Sir / Dame | |||
10 | TelephoneNumber ESR (home telephone number) | No | 0191 222 4595 | Free text | Y/N | Y/N | N | N | N | D | ||||
11 | MobileNumber ESR | No | 7265594268 | Free text | Y/N | Y/N | N | N | N | D | ||||
12 | EmailAddress ESR | No | | Free text | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | Any particular email address type preferred? ie Trainees address, as recommended for FORM R (B)? (Implications on registration & onboarding) YES, work email such as | |||
13 | AddressLine1 ESR | No | 1 The Street | Free text | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
14 | AddressLine2 ESR | No | The Estate | Free text | N | Y | N | N | N | D | Suggest optional Happy with optional | |||
15 | AddressLine3 ESR | No | Tynemouth | Free text | N | N | N | N | N | D | Suggest change label to "City" But cities are not in every address - not in mine for example. We don't all live in a sprawling metropolis.... | |||
16 | AddressLine4 | No | Tyne and Wear | Free text | N | N | N | N | N | D | Suggest optional Happy with that | |||
17 | AddressPostCode ESR | No | NE28 9LU | Free text | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | Suggest change label to "Post Code" Happy with that | |||
18 | GMCNumber ESR | No | 5623659 | Free text | N | Y | N | Y | N | S/D | Does this matter whether they are trainee / non-trainee? How do we ensure that the field is completed? All doctors (trainee or post training) should have a GMC number. Only really mandatory though for junior doctors (with the exception of non-medical Public Health trainees) | |||
19 | GMCStatus ESR | Registered status | Full | Drop down | Y - if GMC number is entered | Y | N | N | N | D | If person is a doctor this field should be completed - need to investigate API with GMC Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed) to be discussed? | |||
20 | GMCStartDate | No | 03/07/1997 | Free text - or calendar picker | Y - if GMC number is entered | Y - for impossible date | N | N | N | D | Why the question mark? Assuming only mandatory for doctors? YES, have removed question mark | |||
21 | GMC End Date ESR | No | 31/07/2017 | Free text - or calendar picker | N | Y - for impossible date | N | N | N | D | ||||
22 | GDCNumber ESR | No | 125635 | Free text | N | Y | N | N | N | S/D | Again, for trainee / non-trainee? All dentists should have a GDC number - but only really mandatory for trainee dentists How do we ensure completion? If person is in a dental training programme highlight if field is not completed? | |||
23 | GDCStatus ESR | GDC Status | Full | Free text | Y - if GDC number is entered | Y | N | N | N | D | No API between Intrepid and GDC currently How is this looked up? It isn't, it is all manual input. | |||
24 | GDCStartDate | No | 03/07/1997 | Free text - or calendar picker | Y - if GDC number is entered | Y - for impossible date | N | N | N | D | ||||
25 | GDC End Date ESR | No | 31/07/2018 | Free text - or calendar picker | N | Y - for impossible date | N | N | N | D | ||||
26 | PublicHealthNumber | No? | Free text | N | Y | N | N | N | SD | This is not mandatory where the person is not a trainee | ||||
27 | College | Drop-down | N | NEW This is yet to be added to ETL | ||||||||||
Sensitive Data | ||||||||||||||
1 column 1 | EEAResident | EEA Resident | Yes | Drop down | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
2 column 1 | PermitToWork | Permit to Work | Tier 1 | Drop down | Y - if record shows EEA Resident = No | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
3 column 1 | Settled ESR (residency status) | Settled | Yes | Drop down | Y - if record shows EEA Resident = No | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
4 column 1 | VisaIssued ESR (Work Permit Required) | Visa issued | 01/01/2015 | Free text - or calendar picker | Y - if "record shows EEA Resident = No" & "Settled = no" | Y - for impossible date | N | N | N | D | ||||
5 column 1 | VisaValidTo ESR (Work Permit Expiry Date) | No | 31/12/2019 | Free text - or calendar picker | Y - if "record shows EEA Resident = No" & "Settled = no" | Y - for impossible date | N | N | N | D | ||||
6 column 2 | VisaDetails ESR (Work Permit Number) | No | 523659884 | Free text | Y - if "record shows EEA Resident = No" & "Settled = no" | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
7 column 2 | MaritalStatus | Marital Status | Married | Drop down | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
8 column 2 | DateOfBirth ESR | No | 21/05/1981 | Free text - or calendar picker | Y | Y - for impossible date | N | N | N | D | ||||
9 column 2 | Age | No | 38 | Derived from date of birth | Y | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
10 column 2 | Gender ESR | Gender | Female | Drop down | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
11 column 3 | Nationality | Nationality | British | Drop down | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
12 column 3 | DualNationality | Nationality | Australian | Drop down | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
13 column 3 | Ethnic Origin ESR | Ethnic Origin | British (White) | Drop down | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
14 column 3 | SexualOrientation | Sexual orientation | Heterosexual | Drop down | N | N | N | N | N | D | Currently classed as sensitive data - need security against this field | |||
15 column 3 | ReligiousBelief | Religious belief | Christianity | Drop down | N | N | N | N | N | D | Currently classed as sensitive data - need security against this field | |||
16 column 1 | Disability | Disability | Yes | Drop down | N | N | N | N | N | D | Currently classed as sensitive data - need security against this field Where does this sit in the categories we defined? This is classed as 'Personal/Contact' | |||
17 column 1 | DisabilityDetails | No | Wheel chair user | Free text | ? | ? | N | N | N | D | Currently classed as sensitive data - need security against this field Where does this sit in the categories we defined? This is classed as 'Personal/Contact' | |||
Manage record function (keep within Personal & Contact for now - NOT AS A SEPARATE SECTION) | ||||||||||||||
1 | ROLE | No | Dr in training | Drop down | Y | Y | N | N | N | S/D | From Roles | |||
2 | Comments | No | Free text | N | N | N | N | N | D | |||||
3 | Status | Status | Current | Drop Down | Y | N | Y | N | Y | SD | Default to current upon creation of record | |||
4 | InactiveFromDate | No | 28/09/2017 | Free text - or calendar picker | N | Y - for impossible date | N | N | N | D | What is this for? Making a trainee's record inactive Can this be scheduled? Yes, very useful to be able to input a future date which will change a record's status from Current to Inactive How is this different to previous field? Isn't - so have removed previous field | |||
5 | InactiveNotes | No | Trainee taking terminal leave | Free text | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
Qualifications | ||||||||||||||
1 column 1 | Qualification | Qualification | MBBS | Drop down | Y - for basic qualification | Y | N | N | N | D | What about other disciplines in TIS? Follow same format as for medical. We need the ability to delete a qualification if it has been entered by mistake | |||
2 column 1 | Qualification Type | Qualification Type | Basic degree | Drop down | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
3 column 2 | Date attained | No | 01/07/2013 | Free text - or calendar picker | N | N | N | N | N | D | Need confirmation of the need for the entire date - month and/or year may just be needed | |||
4 column 2 | Month attained | No | July | Free text - or taken from Date attained field | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
5 column 2 | Year attained | No | 2013 | Free text - or taken from Date attained field | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
6 column 3 | Medical School | Medical Schools | University of Newcastle | Drop down | Y - for basic qualification | Y | N | N | N | D | On the Medical School reference table there should be the ability to link a medical school to the country it is in. | |||
7 column 3 | Country of Qualification | Country | United Kingdom | Drop down - or auto populated from Medical School table | Y - for basic qualification | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
Y | ||||||||||||||
Y | ||||||||||||||
| Y | |||||||||||||
Y | ||||||||||||||
| Y | |||||||||||||
Y | ||||||||||||||
PROGRAMME | ||||||||||||||
1 | Programme Name | Programmes | Core Psychiatry Training | Drop down | Y - when adding a Programme to a trainee | Y | Y | N | N | S/D | We need the ability to delete a Programme membership if it has been entered by mistake | |||
2 | Programme No. | Programmes | NOR006 | Auto populated when Programme Name is selected | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
3 | Managing Local Office | Programmes | Health Education England North East | Auto populated when Programme Name is selected | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
4 | Programme Start date | No | 02/08/2017 | Free text - or calendar picker | Y - when adding a trainee to a programme | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
5 | Programme End Date | No | 01/02/2021 | Auto populated when adding a trainee's curriculum (Programme end date is the programme start date plus the length of the curriculum followed plus any period of grace applicable) | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | Must be able to edit this date | |||
6 | Membership Type | Membership type | Substantive | Drop down | Y | Y | Y | N | N | D | ||||
7 | Rotation | Taken from Programme | NTW Rotation | Drop down | N | N | N | N | N | D | Not sure how widely this is used. Will have access to the data in V2 RB. | |||
8 | Leaving destination | Leaving destination | Same region, same specialty, promotion | Drop down | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
9 | Curriculum | Taken from the Curriculum/curricula attached to the Programme the trainee is following | Core Psychiatry Training | Drop down | Y - when adding a programme | Y | N | N | N | D | We need the ability to delete a Curriculum from a trainee's programme membership if it has been entered by mistake. Trainee can have multiple curricula attached to their programme | |||
10 | Curriculum Start Date | No | 02/08/2017 | Default to the Programme start date but allow for editing via a calendar picker or manual update | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | Must be editable to allow for the curriculum start date being after the programme start date | |||
11 | Curriculum End Date | No | 01/08/2020 | Auto populated after the Curriculum start date has been entered - will be Curriculum start date plus the duration of the curriculum | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
12 | Training number ESR | NTN | NTH/052/001/C | Drop down - from list of NTNs attached to the trainee's programme | N | N | N | N | N | S/D | Format changing
| |||
PLACEMENT* | ||||||||||||||
1 | Date from | No | 03/08/2017 | Free text - or calendar picker | Y | Y - must be valid date | N | N | N | D | To be captured within the Programme Membership it belongs to | |||
2 | Date to | No | 31/12/2017 | Free text - or calendar picker | Y | Y - must be valid date | N | N | N | D | ||||
3 | Placement Grade | Grade | CT2 | Drop down (taken from 'other grades' in the post record) | Y | Y | N | N | N | S/D | ||||
4 | Site | Site | Enterprise House | Drop down (taken from 'site' in the post record) | Y | Y | N | N | N | S/D | ||||
5 | Placement Specialty | Specialties | General Psychiatry | Drop down (taken from 'Specialty' or 'other specialties' in the post record) | Y | Y | N | N | N | S/D | ||||
6 | WTE | No | 0.7 | Free text | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
7 | Post Number | Post list | NTH/RXV3G/052/STR/001 | Drop down or smart search | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | If possible the only posts available to pick from should be the posts attached to the same programme that the trainee is following. Further to this the operator will be able to apply a filter to find the correct post number. Filter will contain the Site, Grade and Specialty. | |||
8 | Placement Type | Placement Type | In post | Drop down | Y | Y | N | N | N | S/D | ||||
9 | Status | Status | Current | Default to 'Current' but drop down to allow change to Status | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | ||||
ASSESSMENT* | ||||||||||||||
1 | Curriculum assessed | Curriculum/curricula the trainee is following | Core Psychiatry Training | Read only - dervied from assessment | Y | Y | N | N | N | D | To be captured within the Programme Membership it belongs to | |||
2 | Review date | No | 30/06/2017 | Read only - dervied from assessment | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
3 | Outcome | Outcome | 1 | Read only - dervied from assessment | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
4 | Period assessed from | No | 01/06/2016 | Read only - dervied from assessment | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
5 | Period assessed to | No | 31/06/2017 | Read only - dervied from assessment | N | N | N | N | N | D | ||||
REVALIDATION Read only view of Revalidation History page (taken from Reval app) | ||||||||||||||
1 | Episode ID |
| Y - if populated for that trainee | N | N | N | N | D | ||||||
2 | Recommendation |
| Y - if populated for that trainee | N | N | N | N | D | ||||||
3 | Revalidated by |
| Y - if populated for that trainee | N | N | N | N | D | ||||||
4 | GMC Outcome |
| Y - if populated for that trainee | N | N | N | N | D | ||||||
5 | Submitted by |
| Y - if populated for that trainee | N | N | N | N | D | ||||||
6 | Submission date |
| Y - if populated for that trainee | N | N | N | N | D | ||||||
7 | GMC Submission Date |
| Y - if populated for that trainee | N | N | N | N | D | ||||||
8 | Comment |
| Y - if populated for that trainee | N | N | N | N | D | ||||||
ABSENCE MANAGEMENT** Ashley Ransoo to facilitate with Joanne | ||||||||||||||
Absence management - Field validation | ||||||||||||||
APPROVALS**** | ||||||||||||||
Approvals - Field Validation | ||||||||||||||
GENERAL ADMIN Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) please confirm if MVP | ||||||||||||||
Document Storage | ||||||||||||||
Actions/Reminders | ||||||||||||||
COMMS Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)/ Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) please confirm if MVP, I would assume not as no functional equivalence in Intrepid? | ||||||||||||||
Messages (notifications function on TIS) |
*Further fields to be added to Placements and Assessments upon completion of the these component in TCS
** To be developed once the Absence management component has been built out.
*** To be developed once the Absence Management component has been built out. NOTE: this may also include Relocation Expenses
**** to be developed once the Approvals component has been built out. Suspect rationalisation of the current functionality in V10
Trainee import fields
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