People - Data Analysis | Trainee to Local Office Linkages
Current Assumptions for TIS
- All Local Office Admins can view/edit all trainees
- Local Office is assigned through Programme Membership and / or Trust assignation (for placement)
The data reported below has been taken from the Consolidated DR v1 on
People by Status and Record Type
Breakdown of People by Status and Record Type;
select p.Status, recordtype, count(*) as rc from [HEELIVE].[vwPerson] as p group by p.Status, recordtype order by p.Status, recordtype
Status | recordtype | rc |
Current | Admin | 6308 |
Current | Both | 28820 |
Current | Contact | 14010 |
Current | Staff | 59432 |
Inactive | Both | 8457 |
Inactive | Contact | 6229 |
Inactive | Staff | 121883 |
People by Status and Record Type
People by Status, Record Type and LocalOffice
Breakdown of People by Status, Record Type and LocalOffice, over 52k Current People rows with no Local office set.
select p.Status, recordtype, ISNULL(lo.LocalOfficeName, 'NULL') as LocalOfficeName, count(*) as rc from [HEELIVE].[vwPerson] as p left join [HEELIVE].[vwLocalOffice] as lo ON (lo.UniqueID = p.PersonID and lo.ItemType = 'Person') group by lo.LocalOfficeName, p.Status, recordtype order by p.Status, recordtype, LocalOfficeName
Status | recordtype | LocalOfficeName | rc |
Current | Both | NULL | 10332 |
Current | Contact | NULL | 7929 |
Current | Staff | NULL | 34306 |
People by Status, Record Type and LocalOffice
People with more that 1 LocalOffice assigned
29,330 Current People rows with 2 or more LO's set, max is 9
This is the LocalOffice distribution for the Current people with more than 1 LocalOffice;
select p.Status, recordtype, ISNULL(lo.LocalOfficeName, 'NULL') as LocalOfficeName, count(*) as rc from [HEELIVE].[vwPerson] as p left join [HEELIVE].[vwLocalOffice] as lo ON (lo.UniqueID = p.PersonID and lo.ItemType = 'Person') where p.PersonID in (select UniqueID from [HEELIVE].[vwLocalOffice] where ItemType = 'Person' group by UniqueID having count(*) > 1) group by lo.LocalOfficeName, p.Status, recordtype order by p.Status, recordtype, LocalOfficeName
Status | recordtype | LocalOfficeName | rc |
Current | Admin | HEEM | 1 |
Current | Admin | HEEOE | 1 |
Current | Admin | HELASE | 1 |
Current | Admin | HENE | 1 |
Current | Admin | HENW | 1 |
Current | Admin | HESW | 4 |
Current | Admin | HEWM | 1 |
Current | Admin | HEWTV | 4 |
Current | Admin | HEYH | 1 |
Current | Both | HEEM | 1970 |
Current | Both | HEEOE | 1324 |
Current | Both | HELASE | 2221 |
Current | Both | HENE | 740 |
Current | Both | HENW | 1128 |
Current | Both | HESW | 2414 |
Current | Both | HEWM | 790 |
Current | Both | HEWTV | 3599 |
Current | Both | HEYH | 1900 |
Current | Contact | HEEM | 414 |
Current | Contact | HEEOE | 17 |
Current | Contact | HELASE | 9 |
Current | Contact | HENE | 15 |
Current | Contact | HENW | 8 |
Current | Contact | HESW | 8 |
Current | Contact | HEWM | 10 |
Current | Contact | HEWTV | 4 |
Current | Contact | HEYH | 428 |
Current | Staff | HEEM | 1653 |
Current | Staff | HEEOE | 1252 |
Current | Staff | HELASE | 2232 |
Current | Staff | HENE | 642 |
Current | Staff | HENW | 1168 |
Current | Staff | HESW | 1302 |
Current | Staff | HEWM | 1148 |
Current | Staff | HEWTV | 1111 |
Current | Staff | HEYH | 1808 |
People with more that 1 LocalOffice assigned
Current People with Placements and Programmes but no LocalOffice
As no LocalOffice is recorded for these 52k Current People, then we need to use there Programme Membership or Placement to determine their LocalOffice
select p.Status, recordtype, case when plc.rc > 0 THEN 'EXISTS' ELSE 'NONE' END as placement_rows, case when pms.rc > 0 THEN 'EXISTS' ELSE 'NONE' END as programme_rows, count(*) as rc from [HEELIVE].[vwPerson] as p left join [HEELIVE].[vwLocalOffice] as lo ON (lo.UniqueID = p.PersonID and lo.ItemType = 'Person') left join (select personid, count(*) as rc from [HEELIVE].[vwPlacement] as pl group by PersonID) as plc on (plc.PersonID = p.PersonID) left join (select personid, count(*) as rc from [HEELIVE].[vwProgrammeMembership] as pm group by PersonID) as pms on (pms.personid = p.PersonID) where lo.LocalOfficeName is null and p.Status = 'Current' group by p.Status, recordtype, case when plc.rc > 0 THEN 'EXISTS' ELSE 'NONE' END, case when pms.rc > 0 THEN 'EXISTS' ELSE 'NONE' END order by p.Status, recordtype, 3,4
Current People with Placements and Programmes but no LocalOffice
This leaves 12,435 Current People that do not have a LocalOffice, Programme or Placement to indentify themselves;
Status | recordtype | placement_rows | programme_rows | rc |
Current | Both | NONE | NONE | 4983 |
Current | Contact | NONE | NONE | 7368 |
Current | Staff | NONE | NONE | 84 |
Current People with no Placements and Programmes or LocalOffice by Role
Of the Current People it;s possible to use the Intrepid user Role to further detine which LocalOffice
select p.recordtype, case when p.role IS NULL THEN 'NO Role' ELSE 'Role Exists' END role, count(*) rc from [HEELIVE].[vwPerson] as p left join [HEELIVE].[vwLocalOffice] as lo ON (lo.UniqueID = p.PersonID and lo.ItemType = 'Person') left join (select personid, count(*) as rc from [HEELIVE].[vwPlacement] as pl group by PersonID) as plc on (plc.PersonID = p.PersonID) left join (select personid, count(*) as rc from [HEELIVE].[vwProgrammeMembership] as pm group by PersonID) as pms on (pms.personid = p.PersonID) where lo.LocalOfficeName is null and p.Status = 'Current' and ISNULL(plc.rc,0) = 0 and ISNULL(pms.rc ,0) = 0 group by p.recordtype, case when p.role IS NULL THEN 'NO Role' ELSE 'Role Exists' END;
Current People with no Placements and Programmes or LocalOffice by Role
This leaves 1,091 Current People without a way of determining their LocalOffice
recordtype | role | rc |
Both | NO Role | 64 |
Contact | NO Role | 1000 |
Staff | NO Role | 27 |
Current People with no Placements and Programmes or LocalOffice Roles
RoleType | num_distinct |
SelfService.Accreditation | 2798 |
NonAdministrator.HelperFunctions | 2636 |
Educational Supervisor | 2612 |
Clinical Supervisor | 1847 |
Leave.Approver.NonAdministrator | 1746 |
SelfService.ContactDetails | 1412 |
SelfService.TrainingHistory | 1412 |
SelfService.Confidential | 1408 |
HEEWM Clinical Supervisor | 1127 |
GP Educational Supervisor | 1085 |
HEEWM Educational Supervisor | 1073 |
GP Practice Manager | 993 |
YH Clinical Supervisor | 795 |
GP Trainer | 741 |
YH Educational Supervisor | 673 |
HEEWM GP Educational Supervisor | 520 |
HEEWM GP Clinical Supervisor | 512 |
GP V9 Person Upload | 482 |
Trust Doctor | 472 |
HEEWM GP Practice Manager | 429 |
SAS Doctor | 425 |
Assessment Panel Member | 407 |
Practice Manager | 358 |
ARCP/Recruitment Assessor | 211 |
GP Clinical Supervisor | 191 |
Training Programme Director | 163 |
Foundation Clinical Supervisor | 139 |
Dental Trainer | 123 |
HEEWM GP Foundation Trainer | 111 |
GP Out of Hours Clinical Supervisor | 106 |
v9GP Assessor | 101 |
Dental Clinical Supervisor | 93 |
Dental Educational Supervisor | 93 |
Non-Trainee Doctor | 91 |
HEEWM Dental Educational Supervisor | 85 |
Activity Supervisor (Public Health) | 75 |
Foundation Educational Supervisor | 71 |
V9 Educational Supervisors Public Health | 71 |
GP Foundation Clinical Supervisor | 65 |
GP Associate Trainer | 63 |
V9 Educational Supervisors North Bristol | 59 |
Foundation Trainer | 57 |
V9 Educational Supervisors UHB | 54 |
Retained Doctor Supervisor | 53 |
Prospective Trainer | 49 |
Supervising Consultant | 49 |
V9 Educational Supervisors Gloucester | 48 |
v9GP Practice manager | 48 |
GP Training Programme Director | 47 |
V9 Educational Supervisors Taunton | 37 |
v9GP Course organiser | 33 |
V9 Educational Supervisors Swindon | 31 |
V9 Educational Supervisors AWP | 30 |
v9GP Non principal | 30 |
GP Trainer Workshop Convenor | 28 |
v9GP FCS | 28 |
V9 Educational Supervisors Bath | 27 |
SelfService.LeaveApplicant | 23 |
NE.Supervisor trainer | 17 |
V9 Educational Supervisors Weston | 16 |
OOH Supervisor | 15 |
V9 Educational Supervisors Yeovil | 15 |
v9GP GP tutor | 14 |
Academic Supervisor | 13 |
GP Prospective trainer | 13 |
GP Tutor | 13 |
DR in Training | 12 |
NE.Foundation Trainer | 12 |
GP Foundation Trainer | 11 |
NE.Training Programme Director | 11 |
Simulation Educator | 11 |
GP Associate Director | 10 |
Programme Director | 10 |
GP Out of Hours Supervisor | 9 |
v9GP Adviser / Associate | 8 |
Course Facilitator | 7 |
Retained Doctor | 7 |
ARCP/RITA Panel Member | 5 |
Academic Tutor | 4 |
GP Adviser/Associate | 4 |
Leave.HelperFunctions | 4 |
NE.GP Appraiser | 4 |
NE.TPD | 4 |
Placeholder | 4 |
V9 Educational Supervisors 2gether | 4 |
Administrator.HelperFunctions | 3 |
GP Advisor/Associate | 3 |
Head of School | 3 |
Induction and Refresher Supervisor | 3 |
Leave.Administrator.Manual | 3 |
NE.Associate Director | 3 |
NE.GP Tutor | 3 |
Person.Access | 3 |
Post.Access | 3 |
TeachingSessions.Admin | 3 |
V9 Educational Supervisors Sirona | 3 |
V9 Educational Supervisors SomPar | 3 |
v9GP Retainer | 3 |
GP Supervisor trainer | 2 |
Leave.Approver.Administrator | 2 |
NE.Advisor/Associate | 2 |
NE.Out of Hours Supervisor | 2 |
NE.Trainer | 2 |
Responsible Officer | 2 |
STC Chairman | 2 |
v9GP Prospective trainer | 2 |
v9GP Scheme organiser | 2 |
YH Placeholder | 2 |
Consultant | 1 |
NE.ARCP Panel Chair | 1 |
NE.Retainer | 1 |
SelfService.CPPS | 1 |
SelfService.FormR | 1 |
V9 Clinical Supervisors Bath | 1 |
V9 Educational Supervisors BANES PCT | 1 |
V9 Educational Supervisors RNHRD | 1 |
V9 University of Bristol | 1 |
v9GP ETR | 1 |
v9GP Leader | 1 |
v9GP OOH supervisor | 1 |
v9GP Prospective retainee | 1 |
v9GP Supervisor trainer | 1 |
YH Training Programme Director | 1 |
How to filter people via local team
Non-Trainees - use LocalOffice
Trainees - use Programme, then Posts-Sites
- Staff=trainee
- Contact=trainer
- Both=Trainee and Trainer
- Admin=HEE admin
How do we establish Trainee vs non-Trainee accurately - is recordtype sufficient - detail in the page
Current People by RecordType, LocallOffice, Placement and ProgrammeMembership
Current people by Role and RecordType
For non-trainees how 'good' is LocalOffice
Of the 49,147 Current non-trainees, 30,923 have a vwLocalOffice row, the remaining 18,224 don't
Status | recordtype | localOffice_rows | rc |
Current | Both | EXISTS | 18470 |
Current | Admin | EXISTS | 6308 |
Current | Contact | EXISTS | 6145 |
Current | Both | NONE | 10322 |
Current | Contact | NONE | 7902 |
Non Trainees to LocalOffice, Placements and ProgrammeMembership
Of the 18,224 Current non-trainees without a vwLocalOffice row, 5,829 could be identified via a Programme or Placement, leaving 12,351 that can't be identified
Status | recordtype | localOffice_rows | placement_rows | programme_rows | rc |
Current | Contact | NONE | NONE | NONE | 7368 |
Current | Both | NONE | NONE | NONE | 4983 |
For Trainees how good is Programme as a primary route, then of the remainder, how does Posts-Sites work
Current Trainees & Trainers by Placement and ProgrammeMembership
Of the 88,213 Current Trainee and Trainers, 68,846 can be identified via a Programme, 11,766 can be indentified via a Placement, leaving 7,801 that can't be identified
Status | recordtype | programme_rows | placement_rows | rc |
Current | Staff | EXISTS | EXISTS | 55603 |
Current | Both | EXISTS | EXISTS | 12740 |
Current | Staff | EXISTS | NONE | 247 |
Current | Both | EXISTS | NONE | 56 |
Current | Both | NONE | EXISTS | 8551 |
Current | Both | NONE | NONE | 7445 |
Current | Staff | NONE | EXISTS | 3215 |
Current | Staff | NONE | NONE | 356 |
Identify trainees by anyone who is in a programme or anyone who is in a placement with a training grade. Anyone else would be a non-trainee
Current People by RecordType and Placements, Training Placements and Programmes
This approach leaves over 26,960 un-identified;
Status | recordtype | placement_rows | training_placement_rows | programme_rows | rc |
Current | Admin | NONE | NONE | NONE | 6308 |
Current | Both | NONE | NONE | NONE | 7445 |
Current | Contact | NONE | NONE | NONE | 12851 |
Current | Staff | NONE | NONE | NONE | 356 |
Current People with Current or Future Placements or ProgrammeMemberships
of 108,568 Current People 61.560 have a current of Further Placement or ProgrammeMembership and 47,008 have neither.
Status | training_placement_rows | programme_rows | rc |
Current | NONE | EXISTS | 1777 |
Current | EXISTS | NONE | 7497 |
Current | EXISTS | EXISTS | 52286 |
Current | NONE | NONE | 47008 |
Current People with Current or Future Placements or ProgrammeMembership
Current People with Current or Future (Non)TrainingGrade Placements or ProgrammeMembership
Placement TrainingGrade or NonTrainingGrade statement supplied by James H
case when pl.GradeName in ('Academic Clinical Fellow','Academic Clinical Fellow Year 1','Academic Clinical Fellow Year 2','Academic Clinical Fellow Year 3','Academic Clinical Fellow Year 4','Academic Clinical Fellow Year 5','Academic Clinical Fellow Year 6','Academic Clinical Fellow Year 7','Academic Clinical Fellow Year 8','Academic Clinical Lecturer','Academic Clinical Lecturer (POST)','Academic Clinical Lecturer Year 1','Academic Clinical Lecturer Year 2','Academic Clinical Lecturer Year 3','Academic Clinical Lecturer Year 4','Academic Clinical Lecturer Year 5','Academic Clinical Lecturer Year 6','Academic Clinical Lecturer Year 7','Academic Clinical Lecturer Year 8','Academic Foundation Training','ACF1','ACF2','ACF3','ACF4','ACL1','ACL2','ACL3','ACL4','ACL5','ACL6','AF1','AF2','AF3','AF4','AF5','AF6','AL1','AL2','AL3','AL4','AL5','AL6','AL7','AL8','Broad Based Training Year 1','Broad Based Training Year 2','Clinical Lecturer Year 1','Clinical Lecturer Year 2','Clinical Lecturer Year 3','Clinical Lecturer Year 4','Clinical Lecturer Year 5','Clinical Lecturer Year 6','Clinical Lecturer Year 7','Clinical Lecturer Year 8','Core Training','Core Training MOD','Core Training OR GPST (Shared Post)','Core Training temp','Core Training Year 1','Core Training Year 1 MOD','Core Training Year 2','Core Training Year 2 MOD','Core Training Year 3','Core Training Year 3 MOD','DCT','DCT1','DCT2','DCT3','Dental Core Training','Dental Core Training Year 1','Dental Core Training Year 2','Dental Core Training Year 3','Dental Foundation 2','Dental Foundation Training','Dental Foundation Training 1','Dental Foundation Year 1','Dental Foundation Year 2','Dental Officer','DF2','FEL','Fixed Term Specialist Training Appointee','Fixed Term Specialty Registrar Year 1','Fixed Term Specialty Registrar Year 2','Fixed Term Specialty Registrar Year 3','Fixed Term Specialty Training Appt 1','Fixed Term Specialty Training Appt 2','Fixed Term Specialty Training Appt 3','Foundation Programme Year2 Academic LNR','Foundation Year 1','Foundation Year 2','FT1','FT2','FT3','FT4','FT9','FTT','FTTA','FY1','FY2','GP ACF Year 1','GP ACF Year 2','GP ACF Year 3','GP ACF Year 4','GP Registrar','GP Returner','GP Specialty Training','GP Specialty Training 1/2','GP Specialty Training Registrar','GP Specialty Training Year 2','GP Specialty Training Year 3','GP Specialty Training Year 4','Gp Specialty Training Year 5','GP STR Year 1','GP STR Year 1 Extension','GP STR Year 2','GP STR Year 2 Extension','GP STR Year 3','GP STR Year 3 Extension','GP Trainee 5','GP Trainee 6','GPR','GPRef np','GPRef p','GPST','GPST1','GPST2','GPST3','GPStR','GPSTR1','GPSTR2','GPSTR3','GPSTR4','Higher Training','Higher Training','HO','House Officer','Innovative GPR - HENE','IPT','LA1','LA2','LA3','LA4','LA5','LA6','LA7','LACF1','LACF2','LACF3','LAF','LAF1','LAF2','LAF3','LAF4','LAF5','LAL','LAL3','LAL4','LAL5','LAL6','LAL7','LAR','LAR1','LAR2','LAR3','LAS','LAT','LAT Core Training','LAT Core Training Year 1','LAT Core Training Year 2','LAT Core Training Year 3','LAT Specialty Training','LAT Specialty Training Year 1','LAT Specialty Training Year 2','LAT Specialty Training Year 3','LAT Specialty Training Year 4','LAT Specialty Training Year 5','LAT Specialty Training Year 6','LAT Specialty Training Year 7','LAT Specialty Training Year 8','LAT StR','LAT1','LAT2','LAT3','LAT4','LAT5','LAT6','LAT7','LAT8','LC1','LC2','LC3','LCL1','LCL2','LCL3','LCL4','LCL5','LEC','LL1','LL2','LL3','LL4','LL5','LL6','Local Academic Clinical Fellow','Local Clinical Lecturer','Locum appointed Trainee','Lower Training','Lower Training','MED','MTP','MTP1','MTP2','MTP3','NG-StR5','Out Of Programme','PACCS','PCMT','PCPT','PCST','PDent','PGSTR','PGSTR3','PH Associate','Post CCST Training','Pre Registration House Officer','PreReg House Officer','Pre-registration House Officer','PRHO','PSTR','PSTR3+','Registrar','Retainee','Senior House Officer MOD','Senior Registrar','SHO','SHO for OMFS only','SHO VTS','SHO Year 2/3/4','Specialist Registrar','Specialist Registrar MOD','Specialist Registrar Year 1-OLD','Specialist Registrar Year 2 - OLD','Specialist Registrar Year 3 - OLD','Specialist Registrar Year 4','Specialist Registrar Year 4 - OLD','Specialist Registrar Year 5','Specialist Registrar Year 5 - OLD','Specialist Registrar Year 6','Specialist Registrar Year 6 - OLD','Specialist Registrar Year 7','Specialist Registrar Year 8','Specialist Trainee','Specialty Registrar','Specialty Registrar - HENE','Specialty Training','Specialty Training - HESW','Specialty Training MOD','Specialty Training Year 1','Specialty Training Year 1 MOD','Specialty Training Year 2','Specialty Training Year 2 MOD','Specialty Training Year 3','Specialty Training Year 3 MOD','Specialty Training Year 4','Specialty Training Year 4 MOD','Specialty Training Year 5','Specialty Training Year 5 MOD','Specialty Training Year 6','Specialty Training Year 6 MOD','Specialty Training Year 7','Specialty Training Year 7 MOD','Specialty Training Year 8','Specialty Training Year 8 MOD','Specialty Training Year 9','SpR','SpR3','SpR4','SpR5','SpR6','SpR7','SpR8','ST9','StR','StR1','StR2','StR3','Transition posts - DOH','Trust Converted Post','VIS','Yorkshire Deanery ST','Z1 GP Registrar','Z1 Pre-Reg House Officer','Z1 Registrar','Z1 Senior Registrar','Z2 Community Post (Not','Z2 Registrar','Z2 Senior Registrar','zzGP Registrar','zzSenior House Officer','zzTrust Converted Post','ZZZ Clinical Assistant','ZZZ Consultant','ZZZ Dental House Officer','ZZZ Flexible SHO','ZZZ General Practitioner Post CCT','ZZZ GP Registrar','ZZZ Hospital Practitione','ZZZ House Officer','ZZZ Locum for Training','ZZZ Post General Practice','ZZZ Pre Registration House Officer','ZZZ Public Health Assistant','ZZZ Registrar','ZZZ Senior House Office (F2)','ZZZ Senior House Officer','ZZZ Senior Registrar','ZZZ SHO Foundation','ZZZ SHO VTS','ZZZ SpR Clinical Lecturer','ZZZ SpR Unfunded','ZZZ Trainee in Dental Public Health') then 'TrainingGrade' when pl.GradeName in ('Anterior Segment','Associate Specialist','Associate Specialist Trust','BASMU Medical Officer','Career Development Post','Clinical Assistant','Clinical Assistant Locum','Clinical Attachment','Clinical Fellow','Clinical Fellow (SpR)','Clinical Fellow (SSHO)','Clinical Fellow SHO','Clinical Fellow Staff Grade','Clinical Fellow(Hon)','Clinical Medical Officer','Clinical Psychologist','Clinical Research Fellow','Clinical Teaching and Research Fellows','Clinical Teaching Fellow','Consultant','Consultant Honorary Other Hospital','Consultant Honorary University','Consultant Locum','Consultant MOD','Consultant Split Contract','Dental Clinical Lecturer/Tutor','Dental Core Training 1','Dental Core Training 2','Dental Foundation 1','Dental Foundation 3','Dental house officer','Dental SHO','DF1','Education Research Fellow','Fellow','Fix Term Training Appointment','Fixed Term Specialty Training Year 1','Fixed Term Specialty Training Year 2','Fixed Term Specialty Training Year 3','Fixed Term Training','Flexible Careers Scheme','Foundation YR1 Standalone','Foundation YR2 Standalone','FT5','FTSTA','FTSTA Year 1','FTSTA Year 2','FTSTA Year 3','FTSTA1','FTSTA2','FTSTA3','FTSTA4','General Medical Practitioner','General Practice Registrar','General Professional Trainee','GP Practice Retainee','GP Retainer','GP Specialty Training Year 1','GP STR Year 4','GP with Special Interest','GPST4','GPSTR - Y&H','GStR1','GStR2','GStR3','GStR4','Honorary Clinical Fellow','Honorary Consultant','Hospital Orthodontic Practitioner','Hospital Practitioner','Junior Clinical Fellow','LFY2','LL7','Locum Appointment Service','Locum SHO','Locum Speciality Dentist','Locum Specialty Doctor','Locum Staff Grade','Longitudinal Year 1','Longitudinal Year 2','Medical Training Initiative','National Grid - SpR','National Grid - ST','NG-SpR4','NG-SpR5','NG-SpR6','NG-SpR7','NG-SpR8','PH Specialist','Post CCT','PRE GPSTR','Pre-GP','Public Health Assistant','Public Health Post','Research Fellow','Research Registrar','Resident Medical Officer','Resident Medical Officers','Salaried General Practitioner','SAS','Senior Clinical Fellow','Senior Clinical Medical Officer','Senior House Officer','Senior House Officer - Dental','Senior House Officer Locum','Senior House Officer Trust','Senior SHO','Simulated Patient','SOTC Consultant','Speciaity Doctor - Trust Locum','Specialist Registrar Honorary','Specialist Registrar Locum Service','Specialist Registrar Research Trust','Specialist Registrar Trust','Specialist Training Reg (lvl 3r) – HEWMD','Speciality Dentist','Specialty Doctor','Specialty Doctor - Agency Locum','Staff','Staff Grade','Staff Grade (SG)','Staff Grade Locum','Staff Grade Practioner (SG)','StRHigher','StRLower','TCP','Teaching and Research Fellows','Top Up Trainee','Trainee in Dental Public Health','Transport Fellow','Trust Foundation Grade','Trust Grade','Trust Grade Doctor - Career Grade Level','Trust Grade Foundation 1','Trust Grade Medical Retinal Fellow','Trust Grade Specialty Doctor','Trust Junior Grade','Trust Middle Grade','Trust Practitioner','Trust Registrar','Trust Senior SHO','Trust SHO','Trust SPR','Trust Str - Higher','Trust Str - Lower','Undefined','Undergraduate','Unspecified','Vascular Fellow','VR Fellow','Yorkshire Core Training 1','Yorkshire Core Training 2','Yorkshire Core Training 3','Z1 Clinical Assistant','zGStR3','zzClinical Fellow','zzFTST1','zzFTST2','zzFTST3','zzGP Practice Retainee','zzGStR3','ZZZ Associate Specialist','ZZZ Clin.Fellow/Trust Dr','ZZZ Clinical Assistant (Para 94/10','ZZZ Clinical Fellow','ZZZ Clinical Medical Officer','ZZZ Dental Public Health','ZZZ Fixed Term Training','ZZZ Flexible PRHO','ZZZ Flexible trainee','ZZZ Foundation Year 1','ZZZ GP Returner','ZZZ Hospital Orthodontic Practitio','ZZZ Hospital Practitioner','ZZZ Leicester Trainee','ZZZ Medical Student - HYMS','ZZZ Medical Student - Leeds','ZZZ Medical Student - Sheffield','ZZZ Middle Grade','ZZZ NCHT Trust Grade SpR','ZZZ Permit Free Trainee','ZZZ PH Specialist','ZZZ Retainee','ZZZ S. Senior House Offi','ZZZ Senior House Officer (Unfunded)','ZZZ Senior Lecturer','ZZZ Sessional GP','ZZZ SHO (VTS)','ZZZ Specialty Doctor','ZZZ Staff Grade','ZZZ Staff Grade (SG)','ZZZ Staff Grade (STG)','ZZZ Staff Grade Practioner (SG)','ZZZ Staff Grade Practioner (SGO)','ZZZ Staff Grade Practitioner (SGI)','ZZZ Top Up Trainee','ZZZ Trust Grade','ZZZ VTS/Clinical Fellow') then 'NonTrainingGrade' End
Status | training_placement_rows | nontraining_placement_rows | programme_rows | rc |
Current | EXISTS | EXISTS | EXISTS | 29 |
Current | NONE | EXISTS | EXISTS | 28 |
Current | NONE | NONE | NONE | 47086 |
Current | EXISTS | NONE | EXISTS | 52124 |
Current | EXISTS | EXISTS | NONE | 3 |
Current | EXISTS | NONE | NONE | 773 |
Current | NONE | NONE | EXISTS | 1882 |
Current | NONE | EXISTS | NONE | 6643 |
Current People with Current or Future (Non)TrainingGrade Placements or ProgrammeMembership
Current People without a listed Training Placement or ProgrammeMembership by LocalOffice
There are 183 current people that have a Current of Future placement of a GradeName not in James' list;
Status | training_placement_rows | nontraining_placement_rows | nonlisted_placement_rows | programme_rows | lo_rows | rc |
Current | NONE | NONE | EXISTS | NONE | NONE | 53 |
Current | NONE | NONE | EXISTS | EXISTS | SINGLE | 31 |
Current | NONE | NONE | EXISTS | EXISTS | NONE | 48 |
Current | NONE | NONE | EXISTS | NONE | MULTIPLE | 6 |
Current | NONE | NONE | EXISTS | NONE | SINGLE | 19 |
Current People without a listed Training Placement or ProgrammeMembership by LocalOffice
Current People without a Current or Future Training Placement or ProgrammeMembership by LocalOffice
Of the 53,729 Current People without a Current or Future Training Placement or ProgrammeMembership, 85,654 have a LocalOffice assignment, and the remaining 20,963 dont;
Status | training_placement_rows | nontraining_placement_rows | programme_rows | lo_rows | rc |
Current | NONE | EXISTS | NONE | MULTIPLE | 53,729 |
Current | NONE | NONE | NONE | MULTIPLE | 6859 |
Current | NONE | EXISTS | NONE | NONE | 4153 |
Current | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | 16810 |
Current | NONE | EXISTS | NONE | SINGLE | 1649 |
Current | NONE | NONE | NONE | SINGLE | 23417 |
Current People without a Current or Future Training Placement or ProgrammeMembership by LocalOffice
vwGrade.istraininggrade v's vwPlacement.IsTrainingPlacement v's CASE statement
istraininggrade | IsTrainingPlacement | TrainingData | rc |
NULL | No | NULL | 1 |
NULL | Unknown | NULL | 1 |
0 | No | NonTrainingGrade | 148 |
1 | Yes | NULL | 1 |
1 | Yes | TrainingGrade | 237 |
vwGrade.istraininggrade v's vwPlacement.IsTrainingPlacement v's CASE statement
vwGrade.istraininggrade v's vwPlacement.IsTrainingPlacement
istraininggrade | IsTrainingPlacement | rc |
NULL | No | 1 |
NULL | Unknown | 1 |
0 | No | 148 |
1 | Yes | 238 |
vwGrade.istraininggrade v's vwPlacement.IsTrainingPlacement
For Discussion
# | Comment | Owner | |
1 | How is linkage assigned currently? | We believe that consolidation populates the Local Office table using the RecordOrigin field from the V1 DR - this is set based on the instance of Intrepid the record was sourced from when the DR is built overnight. It maybe that Hicom further update this Local Office field (its many to one with People) based on other criteria, we need to ask them. FW- Request for Local office on Data Repository.eml Intrepid_ConsolidationSecurityUpdates_Proposal V5.docx (ref (this document is definitely out of date, thus the need to clarify exactly how the local office table is populated with Hicom - included here for reference) | Russell Steel (Unlicensed) |
2 | Should we allow users directly assign local offices? | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) | |
3 | How do we track changes? Should this be visible? | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) | |
4 | How do we manage the trainees who are already assigned to multiple local offices in DR? | Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) | |
5 | |||
6 |
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