People - Feedback

People - Feedback

1EEA resident, Permit to Work, Settled status and Ethnic Origin info does not appear in the Person record but does exist in V10 - example record is GMC no. 6092685 Not sure if this is a DR issue or a plumbing issueTISDEV-2955Joanne Watson
2Qualification 1 for this trainee (GMC no. 6092685) does not exist in V10 so not sure where it has come from
TISDEV-2956Joanne Watson
3Programme information is not coming through correctly - trainee with GMC no. 6107040.
TISDEV-2957Joanne Watson

Following conversation (Former user (Deleted)Alex Dobre (Unlicensed)Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)Ashley Ransoo) had on Save behaviour, the understanding was concurrency/stale data message would only come up if 2 admins are editing the same section. This does not seem to be the case in the following scenario:

I was logged in as 2 admins at the same time. Both goes to the same person record. Admin A loads 'Personal data' section, Admin B loads 'Sensitive data' section. Admin A then makes a change to contact number and Save, followed by Admin B making a change to ethnic origin and click on save. Admin B gets warned by stale data error message.

Assuming that 'Sensitive data' and 'Personal data' are 2 different sections, as they load 2 different pages with different sets of fields, then the optimistic locking stale data error message should not appear in the above scenario.

Nb: This does not happen when editing and saving 'Personal data' and 'Qualification' sections for e.g.

Concurrent editing  TISDEV-2952 - Getting issue details... STATUS Ashley Ransoo
5Date fields are currently only date picker, user cannot type in a date or manually edit a date without using the date picker. In a scenario where I have already filled in the form, and picked a date and then decide to wipe it off using backspace, I lose everything and I am taken back to previous page. Not a nice user experience and I believe not WCAG compliant. 
TISDEV-2953 - Getting issue details... STATUS Ashley Ransoo
6I've just been given log in details so am having my first look around the People section. The first thing that has jumped out at me is the ability to search for people in a more detailed way. I have just tried to search for one of my trainees who has a very common surname and have been given 185 people to look through. Is there a way to do a more advanced search where I can do a search including their first name as well as surname for example? To be investigated further

Ticket up (IO)


Simon Davis

Is all the live data definitely pulling through from the repository as I looked for a couple of specific trainees and have had difficulty finding the records of them on TIS?


Priya Das - core med trainee and Rashi Joshi also core med. I had to log into intrepid to get their GMC numbers and I was able to find them by searching by GMC. I think the issue was more to do with how the trainees are organised once you've entered a name. For instance once you search Das it brings up any trainee with those letters in their name rather than prioritising that as a surname. It also isn't clear how the names are then organised, is it by first or surname or by GMC number? Many thanks

Can't find trainees as search function isn't sharp enough................GMC numbers please.

Then look into potential missing trainees.....


Sinead Hannify


From the person record are you able to manage the status of the trainee or is this covered in a different group?

In the Field Validation doc we have shown that the Manage Record function is in the trainee record itself (JW 30.10.17)

However, this leads on to an interesting question - should a trainee's record me made automatically inactive when the Programme End Date is reached?  Question to be posted in People channel

Sinead Hannify

After a name is selected via search how are the list of trainees organised? It doesn’t look to be in alphabetical order? This means if there are over 100 results and you can’t yet search by first and surname it’s difficult to find the trainee you are looking for.

Need to enable sortation on headers

Ticket up (IO)


Sort on column headers

Sinead Hannify
10it would be useful to maintain the recently accessed records function that intrepid has. As once you leave a trainee record it reverts back to the full list of trainees. 

Ticket up (IO)


Sinead Hannify
11if you start to type a surname intrepid suggests possible auto fill options, which can be helpful if the surname has very specific spelling.

Ticket up (IO)


Sinead Hannify
12Currently, if you open a People record and go to Programme membership, the 'Programme end date' and 'Curriculum end date' fields are not editable. The date values cannot be edited. This should not be the case. Both should be editable

Ticket up (AR)


Done but link to 2933 and3549

Joanne & Ashley

When I go into the notifications tab on TIS i cannot seem to get out of there onto another screen. the only option i can find which does something is to click on the log out button.

Navigation issue - Matt looking into 

Ticket up (JW)


Simon Davis

When i have logged out and re-enter my details on the page it presents me with it takes me to the error 404 page again - not sure if this is a Internet Explorer quirk. However if i click the link i have saved in my notes then it logs me straight back.

Potential Keycloak issue

Ticket up (JW)


Chris looking into

Simon Davis
15Are we able to add new trainees onto the TIS system? I have had a few goes at inputting the details for a dummy user and it is not letting me save my progress or move from the personal details sectionValidation issue - JW to investigate
Simon Davis
16Is all data from V10 national on TIS? I am trying to find some of my trainees and for one reason or another they are not coming up. I am searching by Surname and by GMC but no luck?

Same query as raised by Sinead.  Issue with ETLs.

Asked for examples.

Simon Davis
17I am finding some transitional movements from section to section difficult. For instance I have moved from people to posts and back to people to find that i can no longer see any people. Probably a simple reason but i have spent 10 mins trying to unpick it and cant. Instead had to log out and back in. I take it it is this sort of thing you want us to feed back via this route? 

Fixed - cannot replicate at 15/1/18

But yes, this is good feedback.

Simon Davis
18Trying to add a programme to an existing trainee. The pop up calendar for programme end date and curriculum end date is not working and it is not posisble to type the date in manually. I think having this option would be helpful as often it is quicker for people to do this for things like programme start dates. The curriculum pop ups are blank at them moment as well so these cannot currently be added. As such it won't let me add a programme to the trainee.AR: Internally raised on #5. TISDEV-2953 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Simon Davis
19Do we need to record completion and outcome of the exams (AKT, CSA) GP trainees do on TIS? Some local offices seem to record this on Intrepid but i know RCGP eportfolio is often the primary system for such data.Not for MVP. we may revisit this but I see e-portfolio as being the place for this sort of data and any view on TIS will be pulled from eportfolio in the future.
Alistair Pringle, 15/11Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
20I've loaded a document into the Files section of this channel which details the proposal for the new NTN format.  The doc has been around for a couple of years but we are now in the position to develop this so if you have any comments please let us know.

Simon Davis, 8/11:

No strong feelings really on the composition of the new numbers - i think the proposals aren't the simplest but will work fine. More concerned about implementing a change. Am i right in assuming that all current trainees transferring across will need to change their NTN's to this new format or will they keep their original and only new trainees will be recorded in this new fashion? Also what about historical data which transfers across? Will there be a capacity to keep their NTN's somewhere on record? 

JW, 15/11: 

I can't comment on how this will be implemented - this is for you and your colleagues to agree. When a process is agreed we can design the system to meet the requirements. Can we open this discussion up to the rest of the channel?

Joanne Watson, 8/11Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
21Quick question for you all - do any of your trainees use ESR self service?

Andrew Petherbridge, 15/11:

Ah, then we don't use it as far as I'm aware.

Joanne Waton, 7/11
22I was just wondering really if  there would be room for shortcut keys in the new TIS system? So currently intrepid doesn’t use shortcuts but the buttons F1-F12 could be shortcuts to pages within a record. (e.g. F1 would take you to the main page of a trainee’s file, F2 would bring you back to the search page from any page you are on.)"Not MVP - but mentioned as an improvement area by a dev.
Lynn Bradley, 22/11Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
  • click through to 2 pages and it freezes
TISDEV-3250 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Ify, 06/12
  • no records, but thousands of pages
previous ETL issue, has been addressed

Ify, 06/12

  • create: why are initials required again?
To be discussed with SMLs - see also 125 (initials = mandatory?)
Ify, 06/12Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
26Re 25 - grammar on error messageTicket to be raised
Ify, 06/12

Could we have your views on trainees Personal details with regards to 'Surname & Legal Surname' and 'Forenames & Legal Forenames'. Just wanted some clarification on who uses the 'Legal' fields and for what purpose. Is it a correct assumption to make that Both Legal Surname and Surname should hold the same values if there is no change to trainee's surname during their period of training? Likewise, for Forenames and Legal Forenames, should these have the same values unless changed during their training period or kept blank?

we use Legal Forenames/Surname for their 'legal' name (i.e. the one that's on their passport, driving licence etc.), and for Forenames/Surname we have their practising name (i.e. the name under which they're registered with the GMC). This means their 'main' name (for ARCPs, revalidation documentation etc.) is the name under which they practise as a doctor, but we also have their legal name (i.e. the other name they may be legally known as) for reference

we received a copy of the passport ID page as part of the new starter documents when doctors join a programme. Gwilym Williams may be able to provide more clarity on this though.

'Known as' is generally for other names the trainee may be known by, i.e. if they identify themselves (and therefore may be identified by TPDs) by a slightly different name (usually a shorter version of their name)

I think the legal names are auto-populated with the same details as forename/surname initially, but then can be amended later if necessary. No idea how 'Known as' is populated. I don't think we pay much attention to it in EM

The Known As is used ad hoc and populated manually as far as I know

The reason for two fields is that a doctor can register with the GMC under one name (lots of doctors don't adopt a married name for instance) but their legal name may be different and this is the one that needs to match for payroll purposes with the ESR interface.

Ashley Ransoo
LASE have had 2 recent cases of trainees changing gender. Its something we haven't come across before as far as I am aware but has an impact on the trainee record as the trainee receives a new GMC number. The trainees old GMC record still remains on the GMC website but as inactive and the new one with the new name (if applicable) and gender is also added but as active. This in itself isn''t an issue but our concerns for LASE were if an complaint was raised against the trainee using the old GMC number as this isn't recorded anywhere and the old and new GMC records on the GMC website do not link to each other (which is appropriate considering its a public site). I think there should be a national process/guidance as I'm sure some regions will have similar cases in the future. I don't think its appropriate to link the 2 GMC numbers on TIS as this is quite a sensitive area but could this be recorded somewhere confidentially

New requirement - Need to be able to add multiple GMC/GDC numbers against a trainee/trainer record, with old one recorded as part of sensitive data (restricted).

Need to also ensure that the changes shown in the audit record can be restricted to only those colleageus who have access to the sensitive data fields

Ticket up

TISDEV-3706Matt Butcher 6/12/18
Having an issue when i search a trainees name the below happens, basically the screen discolors slightly where it doesn't let me type anything then goes back to normal but hasn't actually brought the trainees record up? 
Do you know if this is a common issue, i know a couple of my colleagues up here are having the same problem
Has it happened this year - Alex did some refactoring of the People data between Christmas and the New Year
Adam Booth 14/12/17
Has the discussion been had about the need to keep status field? Inactive/Current. There are issues with this in the consolidated system as when a trainee is moving between regions, they are being incorrectly made inactive. We have previously talked about not having a status field - essentially a trainee is "current" if they are in a programme and a trainer is "current" is they have an approved accreditation pathway. By removing the status field we would remove quite a bit of admin from teams and also avoid incorrect data where regions are falsely making trainees inactive as they are active in another region. We are discussing with Intrepid leads at moment but interested if this has been discussed for TIS at all (CLH)

I added the following to the approvals section a few weeks ago – it would be good to have your thoughts on this:

At our North East TIS meeting the other day we discussed the option of putting an end date against a role and then the system can automatically set the record to inactive. I have been thinking about this and.....

•This wouldn’t really work if you had more than one role (I'm looking at this from a trainer record perspective)

•What we could maybe do is have an end date for each role so that it makes the role inactive but not the record. On intrepid there is not the option to deactivate a role from a person’s record, you can only delete it which then removes the trail of previous roles which causes me issues when providing information to the Director – I have to sit and trawl through files. 

•We could also have a start date against the role and this could be used from an approval perspective? I only use accreditation pathway to record the start and end dates of a trainer’s appointment – I am not too sure if anyone would require more fields than this. (Tammy - NE)

Hi, I would echo Claire's point about removing the status field altogether and instead having it as a derived field. For trainers is there a way we could simplify the role and accreditation pathway? At the moment we have to assign the role first and then add the pathway, but I feel it would be simpler to just be able to add the pathway and have that automatically update the role. It just seems like an extra unnecessary step to have to add both. The pathway also has the dates of approval so I think it would solve Tammy's trainer history issue (Gwilym - EM)

Conversation with People SMLs needed.

However is very much post MVP 

Claire Le Houx 4/12/17
I noticed there is a college field against the person record. Doesn’t this work better against programmes? The college a person is associated with can vary depending on the programme they are in

Does this sit better in the Programme OR curriculum tables - do we need to see it surfaced in People at all?

Claire Le Houx 27/12/17
I have noticed it isn't possible to search for a full name or partly completed surname? For example, I can find Donna Weiand by searching for Donna or Weiand, but it would be helpful if the search returned hits when typing in 'Donna W' or her full name. Sorry if this has already been brought up.

Need to review search function in system - queries relating to the search function have been raised in the Post feedback too. 

Will speak to devs and ticket up.

Dave Roxborough 3/1/18

When adding a new person record:

  • When I put the GMC number in it doesn’t automatically populate the GMC status, start date and person’s name which it does on V10. It would be good if this information was pulled across from the GMC – is this something that is being worked on?
  • I tabbed along the fields which then made the calendar appear on GMC end date and GDC start date – I now can’t get rid of these fields without selecting a date but I don’t want to populate a date? If I click on a date I then can’t delete it, I just have to select another date.
  • Once I have populated the first page and clicked save nothing happens – is this because the next stage hasn’t been released?

GMC API - meeting with Ashley on the 12/1 to discuss.

 Only GMC/GDC/PH numbers are now mandatory (also allowing for UNKNOWN and N/A) see point 48

 Saving a new Person record does nothing - dev chat and ticket up.

Tammy Armstrong 3/1/18
Sorry to hijack your but something related to this which was a common issue on V10 was that if a trainees GMC number wasnt active yet (e.g. still going through the med school to Foundation process) you couldnt set up a profile for them properly on Intrepid as it couldn't verify who the person was so the system would just keep throwing up errors. It would be great if this could be considered when addressing Tammy's issue.

Value of UNKNOWN will be possible therefore issues like this should not occur.

Stuart Morris 3/1/18
- Role column seems unneccessarily large - could it have a hover over function

- Could only search one key word at a time so if enter full name then not showing the results

- Rather than have ID number next to persons name can it be GMC? users finding ID number confusing

Hover over function for Roles - other SML input?

Same feedback from Dave R at NE - will speak to devs about search function and ticket up.

Yes, will speak to devs about the surfacing of the ID on the person form and list and create ticket to get it removed

Claire Le Houx 3/1/18

The point I made regarding not being able to delete a date actually applies to all of the fields with dropdown lists.

I note that the roles aren’t showing in the sensitive data; manage record function but these are showing on the people search screen.

I am unable to type a programme name in the programme membership section and there is no drop down list available – I know this may be covered in the programme component.

Is there any way we can filter on the role and owner? I am not sure if this has been discussed before so apologies if it has.

System does not allow for a value to be removed when it is a drop down (applies to both mandatory and non mandatory fields).Speak to devs and ticket up.

Ticket up - ETL issue?


Query why Tammy couldn't add a programme as function works on 11/1 - but this does link to the issue raised in the Programmes and Curricula SML call about local office users only having access to their local office programmes. When typing in programme it is impossible to know if you are selecting the programme that belongs to the users local office.

Alternative (interim) solution is to allow the user to input the programme number as this is local office identifiable.

Ticket up a filter on the role and owner columns - role may be difficult as there are so many of them


Tammy 3/1/18
unable to make any changes to a person record - save button doesnt seem to work. Not sure if this is because of the mandatory fields not filled in? If so a lot of the fields that show as mandatory on TIS wont be populated when the data comes over from Intrepid which means cant edit the records. How were these mandatory fields decided? Think too many fields are mandatory as people will struggle to always populate these
- Showing an error message "Mobile number should not contain invalid characters" when the mobile number has a space in it e.g. GDC 271151 
- Cant get the filters to work on person page - if try and filter by programme name it doesnt work.
- Doesnt appear to be pulling through EEA resident, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or role
- If date for a when a qualification was attained is blank then it is showing as 1970 on TIS
- Programme memberships are pulling through quite strange - see trainee GMC 7489639 - seems to have merged the 2 programme membership records and giving them each others dates.
- When tried to save a programme membership record it showed the error message "Curriculum with id 131 does associated with programme" - not sure what this is referring to?

See point 48

 remove validation on this field - ticket up (point 48)

inaccurate qualifications data coming through - ticket up for investigation

Programme membership info not being shown on People list - ticket up.....may be due to ETL issue or info not coming through from DR? Ticket up and check

Ticket up


Ticket up

Claire Le Houx 3/1/18

on the Person Search screen is it the intention for the Placement and Programme related columns to display the current placement/programme details? (they are currently showing as blank for all person records)


If so would it also be possible for some of these fields to also display at the top of all the individual person screens just below the name and number (In a similar way to the Person Summary in V10)? In particular I think the Programme Name, Site and Placement grade would be most useful so that we can see this info at a glance .

Yes - ticket raised




Ticket up - but possibly not for MVP

Gwilym Williams 3/1/18
39Trainee names not in alabetical order -cant search results by 1st or surname Duplicate - see point 9
Sinead Hanniffy
40Ability to maintain recently accessed records or an auto fill option/suggestion based on previosly searchedDuplicate - see point 10
Sinead Hanniffy
41College field agaisnt person records-suggested to be moved to programmesDuplicate - see point 31
Claire LeHoux
42NTNS - not yet decided as to how this will be managed in TISManual creation as MVP - no formal confirmation of new format going into Gold Guide

TISDEV-2374 - manually assign NTN/DRN to trainee

TISDEV-3350 - Bulk assign NTN/DRN to trainees

Claire LeHoux
43Role column seems unneccessarily large - could it have a hover over functionDuplicate - see point 35
Claire LeHoux
44Could only search one key word at a time so if enter full name then not showing the resultsDuplicate - see point 32 and 35
Claire LeHoux
45Rather than have ID number next to persons name can it be GMC? users finding ID number confusingDuplicate - see point 35
Claire LeHoux
46A common issue on V10 was that if a trainees GMC number wasnt active yet (e.g. still going through the med school to Foundation process) you couldnt set up a profile for them properly on Intrepid as it couldn't verify who the person was so the system would just keep throwing up errors.Duplicate - see point 34
Stuart Morris
47Trainer links missing - associated site/trust/specialty, accreditation pathway & linked supervisors to programmes

In dev backlog 






Claire Le Houx

unable to make any changes to a person record - save button doesnt seem to work.

Not sure if this is because of the mandatory fields not filled in? If so a lot of the fields that show as mandatory on TIS wont be populated when the data comes over from Intrepid which means cant edit the records. How were these mandatory fields decided? Think too many fields are mandatory as people will struggle to always populate these

Ticket up - Save function is not working.

Mandatory fields to be limited to Surname, Forename and membership number (allowing for values of N/A and unknown). Ticket up

Claire Le Houx
49Showing an error message "Mobile number should not contain invalid characters" when the mobile number has a space in it e.g. GDC 271151 No spaces in telephone numbers imported from Oriel
Claire Le Houx
50Cant get the filters to work on person page - if try and filter by programme name it doesnt work.Ticket up - fix programme filter (link also to getting Programme info to appear on the Person list)
Claire Le Houx
51Doesnt appear to be pulling through EEA resident, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or role

Devs to investigate.

Could be ETL issue or these fields may not yet be available to us in DR

Ticket up


Claire Le Houx
52If date for a when a qualification was attained is blank then it is showing as 1970 on TISTicket up - Dup
Claire Le Houx
53Programme memberships are pulling through quite strange - see trainee GMC 7489639 - seems to have merged the 2 programme membership records and giving them each others dates.Ticket up
Claire Le Houx
54When tried to save a programme membership record it showed the error message "Curriculum with id 131 does associated with programme" - not sure what this is referring to?Ticket upTISDEV-3710Claire Le Houx
55PH number field lets you save numbers and letters and performs no validation of characters 

Do the SMLs want validation in this area?

If so, what are the rules please?

Maria Kist
56GMC and GDC number fields validate charatcers but not have a minumum number set - potential can enter icorrect numbers/number of digits

Do the SMLs want validation in this area?

If so, what are the rules please?

Maria Kist

57Saved GMC and GDC numbers not coming up in fields on the main people list when searched even though they are presentThe list of People in TIS is currently not being refreshed with updated data when an edit is made to a Person record. If you click the Person record to view it again you'll see the original edit has been saved. (we're mid way through a performance improvement which we needed to share to make the list usable)TISDEV-3449Maria Kist
58Cant determine whether new record is saved- no indication. Can the saved button change to 'saved' once done?

Apply common rule - remains grey when no changes are to be saved but goes pink when a change is made and needs to be saved?

Ticket up


Maria Kist

59Cannot deactivate record. Inactivation function is within 'sensitive information' , is that the best place for it?  It doesnt let you save inactivation until Ethnic origin, religious belief and other fields filled . Cant fill other fields because Ethnic origin is a drop down but nothing is listed. Mandatory DOB field earliest date is 2008, doesnt go ealier nor lets you fill manually so cannot enter DOB, Religious belief-nothing in drop down

Mandatory fields to be limited to Surname, Forename and membership number (allowing for values of N/A and unknown). See point - 48

Ticket up - contents of reference tables

Ticket up DoB dates

Review contents of Sensitive Data page (rename, move contents?)

Maria Kist
Do you have an indication of when the work is planned for the trainer bits to be developed? E.g. associated site/trust/specaitly, basic approval dates and linking supervisors to programmes. Just want to give our quality department an update on when they should expect to be able to test. Thanks!
We've captured these requirements as stories now so they're ready for Dev but I can't say when these stories will begin to be worked on at this moment. Will keep you updated, likely to be an update after next planning session on Wednesday (AP)

Claire Le Houx
61Make a trainee inactive - Trainee 7284337 > Sensitive Data > Change status to inactive & Give them a role. But cannot save the page because there are no referencs in the ethnic origin drop down which is mandatory. Should ethnic minority really be a mandatory field? If it is not already present the user would have to guess.Duplicate - see point 48
Andrew Horton 29/11/17
62Use filters to reduce the number of trainees I see down from 245518 - Selecting a programme filter does not result in any changes to list of people being returned.Duplicate - see point 50
Andrew Horton 29/11/17
63Search for the trainee Bethan Bavington George - No records are returned but one trainee should be returned. Person search is not good enough. It appears GMC is the only sensible method of trying to find a specific trainee. If I just search George (trainee surname) it brings back 1400+ records as it is searching forenames and surnames. The Sort tools do not work. Search function to be reviewed. Duplicate - see points 32,35 and 44
Andrew Horton 29/11/17
64Update the 'College' field on the personal details page. Nothing happens. I typed in a free text choice 'Royal college of physicians' and clicked Save. Left the record and went back in and it had not been saved. Choice should have been saved or a drop down field should have been present for me to choose the correct option from.

For review and fix - ticket up.

See also point 31

Andrew Horton 29/11/17
65Update the 'Sensitive data' page - The drop downs are now present for Ethnic Origin or Religious belief. Cannot save any changes to the page. I presume because a mandatory field is missing?

Issue with save function - see point 33

Ethnic Origin and Religious belief reference tables not present 12/1 - JW

Andrew Horton 29/11/17

Add a new person record. I complete all the mandatory fields of Title, forenames, surname, initials, telephone number, email, address line 1, post code and mobile number. Press Save. (See sheet 1 for screenshot of completed fields). The page goes grey for a second looking like it was saving yet nothing has actually happened. You cannot navigate to another section of the person record. If you go back out of the person record and search for them the record is not present.

GMC start date - does this really need to be mandatory? A trainee has to renew every year as far as I knew. I don’t think deanery teams would have simple access to this information.

Issue with save function - see points 33 and 66

Reviewed mandatory fields - no longer mandatory

See point 48

Andrew Horton 29/11/17
67Review qualification details - Some of the relevant information has been pulled over from Intrepid but the qualification and Medical School are missing. Whilst some of the reference table items may have been made inactive we still need to preserve previous information.Issue with ETL - see point 52
Andrew Horton 29/11/17
68Went into a person record for Paul Brady GMC No: 7284337. At the top of the page is the trainee name and the numbers 130184. What is this?Duplicate - see point 35
Andrew Horton 29/11/17
69Add a programme membership to a person via People > Programme Membership but unable to attache a programme to a trainee. There are no curricula to choose from. I went to the programme to try and add curricula to it but there were no options available.Programme add function fixed however the curriculum end date does not auto calculate (programme end date does) and when inputting the curriculum end date manually it does not save when you save the rest of the programme info - JW 12/1TISDEV-3549Andrew Horton 29/11/17
70Why aren't forenames and surname fields next to each other?Screen size? Three column view has the Forenames and surnames along side each other.
Andrew Horton 29/11/17
71Surely something on the GMC/GDC numbers section should be mandatory?Duplicate - see point 48
Andrew Horton 29/11/17
72Telephone and mobile number start as mandatory but this warning disappears once one field is populated. Is this correct?One or other - but mandatory fields to be revised in Person record
Andrew Horton 29/11/17
73GMC Status field - the drop down is full of nonsense references. 

Reference tables to be limited to current values only.

Feedback received from Posts SMLs also

TISDEV-3551Andrew Horton 29/11/17

Navigate to people section - I can navigate to and from the People section.

Success! Thank you.
Mike Richardson 4/1/18

Search person - I can search but I don’t know which fields it compares my text to, eg it doesn’t appear to allow me to search for email addresses. Also Smith will return 1000s but John Smith returns 1 (surname St John Smith). We can’t page through 1000s looking for the one we want.

Updated – Clicking on the magnifying glass doesn’t appear to do anything, you have to press the return key.

Search rules need to be reviewed due to multiple issues across the site, tool tips/guidance would be helpful

Bug - magnifying glass should activate search - not so

Mike Richardson 4/1/18

View people list - Page navigation seems ok. I assume the initial order is by ID but once you have sorted it by Forename or Surname you don’t appear to be able to return to ID order. Programme filter doesn’t appear to work (doesn’t just show people on the programmes selected).

New ticket - alphabetic sorting on list and filtered list

Programme filter bug to be raised (it may not yet be implemented)

Mike Richardson 4/1/18

View and edit person record - Calendar always defaults to Jan 1 2018. Can’t pick years before 2008. Calendar won’t disappear unless you pick a different date. No visual indication that Save has worked (should be greyed out until further changes are made?) Headings (selected from dropdown) don’t fit in boxes. Got Access is denied when trying to add a placement.

What should calendar default be and where is this viewed?

Date should be made available prior to 2008, how far into the past?

Save rules updated and will be implemented imminently

Placements to be discussed separately, but thid was due to permissions error that has now been fixed

Mike Richardson 4/1/18

Having saved a new person record it doesn’t appear in the search list.

Person records can be created on an individual or bulk basis (not yet implemented), there may be a permissions issue which is why you cannot see the indivdual create journey trigger point.


Link to 57 or general save issue

Mike Richardson 4/1/18

Remove a person record from a programme - Programme disappears when clicking on (-) icon which I assume you then should Save. But on exiting and re-entering the Programme Membership section the programme is still there.

Requires review with Devs, possibly need to review the whole process of removing programme membership
Mike Richardson 4/1/18

Navigate to people section - works fine. No problems

Dave Roxborough 4/1/18

Search person - Can search for person but by only using their first name or surname. Typing full name returns no hits.

Also, would be very useful to type first name and part of surname eg first letter of surname for a quick search. 

Search rules need to be reviewed due to multiple issues across the site

Dave Roxborough 4/1/18

View people list - Will you be able to filter by ‘owner’ to narrow search down?

Filtering needs to be implemented - possible bug or new ticket required
Dave Roxborough 4/1/18

View and edit person record - Can view and edit fine. Would be helpful, in Programme Membership, for current programme to be at the top

Discuss with SMLs for consensus - position of current programme membership
Dave Roxborough 4/1/18

Create a person record - Works fine

Dave Roxborough 4/1/18

Bulk upload of people - not tested - function not built

Not yet available
Dave Roxborough 4/1/18

Manage Oriel import of trainees - function not built

Not yet available
Dave Roxborough 4/1/18

Remove a person record from a programme - Works fine

Dave Roxborough 4/1/18

Search person -  Great when searching by GMC number.  Long list of names when searching by name that needs to be filtered, not as easy to use in this respect.

Can "Role have a filter button put on it, it would be useful to filter out all but Dr in Training.  Alternatively could the only records that show automatically be Dr's in training and a filter button added to search for anyone else?

Search rules need to be reviewed due to multiple issues across the site
Amanda Barber 28/12/17

View people list -  Seems to work okay.

Would be useful for all inactive trainees to be filtered out rather than having to choose this on the filter.  It would also be useful for a filter for local office.  Currently no information showing in records when clicking on them


New story - filter "Inactive" trainees by default from list pages

Amanda Barber 28/12/17

View and edit person record - Currently no information showing in records when clicking on them so can’t check editing works

Possible permissions issue, or ETL issue - to be investigated further
Amanda Barber 28/12/17

Create a person record - Telephone number field won’t allow a space, will this be a problem when records pull over from Oriel if they have a space?

There is no GMC look up to check registration status and start date.

It would be useful to have a drop down list of Colleges if we are expected to populate this field.

Unable to save the record but presume this is so you don’t end up with lots of erroneous data.

Telephone number will be mapped correctly (Ashley Ransoo please confirm)

GMC lookup / automation to be discussed

New ticket - drop down of Colleges (from ref table)

Confirm Permissions on edit - may be impacting save actions for some users

Amanda Barber 28/12/17

Navigate to people section - PASS

Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

Search person - There need to be separate search boxes for different fields (Surname, Forenames, GMC Number, etc.). Searching for everyone via one search box is impractical when you are searching for someone with the surname ‘Davis’ for example as there are hundreds of results. Searching for Ann Davis does not work though either to find Ann Theresa Kadkheeni Davis.

Search rules need to be reviewed, but having separate boxes will not change the results brought back - the issue is with the logic applied in the back end, this is a known issue
Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

View people list - There is an “Owner” column for local office but it is not possible to filter on this column. The programme membership, training number, and placement details are missing from the search view. The programme filter does not work. It is possible to choose one or more programmes from the dropdown menu but the list of individuals does not reduce to those only one the selected programmes. The list of individuals displayed just stays the same.

Why is the ID relevant to display on the front end? Surely, this unique identifier is irrelevant to front end users.

Owner column should be filterable - new ticket or bug? TBC

There are only so many fields available in the list view, it will quickly become unwieldy so the coumn headers should be reviewed separately (Matt Leech to confirm what the max should be)

Programme filter does not work - does not limit the records based on selection

The rationale for showing the System ID is because there are (edge) cases whereby the user has both a GMC and GDC number, the design does not currently allow for the display of 2 numbers. If required, this can be reviewed.

Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

View and edit person record - The GMC start date is mandatory and it is not possible to save the record without populating this field. This field should automatically populate via a link with the GMC register. Users do not know this information to populate the field correctly themselves. The calendar on the GMC start date field only goes back as far as 2008. The system should indicate that the save was successful.

Mandatory fields can be edited - GMC start/end dates if GMC is not populated

Automation is to be discussed, is this functional equivalence?

Update calendar so that it goes back further than 2008

Save rules amended across site, implementation is pending, but it includes save confirmation

Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

Create a person record - The telephone number, address, and GMC number fields are mandatory. How do you create a person record for a practice manager who does not have a GMC Number? How do you create a record when you do not know all of this information? These fields should not be mandatory. I have put details into the GMC number fields but it is saying I still cannot save the record because the GDC fields have not been populated. If the GMC fields have been populated this means the GDC fields are not required for the record. As stated earlier, none of these fields should be mandatory.

I just created a new person with a surname of “Peninsula Test” and saved the person record. I cannot find this new person when a search for them in Person Search.

Requires further discussion with SMLs as only certain role types can be added to TIS i.e. Trainees and Trainers, does a Practice Manager fall within these role types?

Mandatory fields can be edited - remove telephone number, GMC/GDC number & address as mandatory

There appear to be generalised issues with Search functionality - to be reviewed with Devs

Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

Bulk upload of people - There is no bulk upload option to test.

Not yet available
Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

Manage Oriel import of trainees - There is no Oriel Import section to test.

Not yet available
Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

Remove a person record from a programme - It is way too easy to accidentally click the (-) button and delete a person’s programme membership by mistake. At the moment though, the (-) function does not seem to work. When you click it the programme disappears. But when you click save and then re-enter the record the original programme membership details are still there rather than deleted.

Agree very easy to remove a programme from a trainee's record

How is this managed within Intrepid currently? e.g. is there secondary validation? Yes, user needs to confirm that the programme is to be removed.

Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

Change a curriculum start date - When you change a person’s curriculum start date it automatically generates a curriculum end date that is nonsense. I typed in 01/08/2007 for the start date and it calculated the curriculum end date as 08/01/2007 which is before the curriculum start date.

There appears to be an issue with the calculation, it should be "start date + length + period of grace" - this will be reviewedTISDEV-3549Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

Identify GMC number - The “ID” number listed after a person’s name at the top of the page should be their GMC or GDC or Public Health number rather than the system generated Unique ID. The Unique ID is irrelevant for the front end.

The rationale for showing the System ID is because there are (edge) cases whereby the user has both a GMC and GDC number, the design does not currently allow for the display of 2 numbers. If required, this can be reviewed.
Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

Are all the programme membership details correct? - The Training number is NULL for George Botros (6161385). This information is not pulling through from Intrepid properly.

NTN's are yet to be implemented
Alice Brindle - 8/1/18

General Navigating - The screen seemingly randomly went grey for several minutes at a time making it impossible to navigate anywhere. Appears to be system performance related. When I log out and log back in and try to navigate anywhere the same this occurs. The screen is greyed out and it is not possible to do anything.

NFRs have not yet been defined/applied, but discussions will begin imminently based on projected user volumes
Alice Brindle - 8/1/18
I've just logged onto TIS to try and find trainees within a particular set of programmes using the Programme Name filter on the People list.  When I type in NWN it gives me a list of all the programmes with NWN in but it is not sorted into alphabetical order.  Would it be possible to have the filtered lists in alphabetical order as it makes it easier to find the ones you want to choose?  Thanks!
Create new ticket - alphabetical sorting for list pages and filtered lists (this has been highlighted for other components also)
Dale Gilbert 8/1/18
Should it also amend the People list as you choose the options?  I've chosen a set of Programmes, but the People list doesn't change.
Further detail required - is this a question around filtering?
Dale Gilbert 8/1/18
106I’ve noticed a minor bug when using TIS on IE 11. For any blank fields on the ‘Person Details’ screen the field shows as ‘Start Typing’ in the same font as a completed field, regardless of whether the field is selected. This makes it difficult to see at a glance where the gaps in the record are. Whereas on Chrome it seems to be displaying correctly (i.e. these blanks fields do show as blank, and ‘Start Typing’ only appears when you select that particular field)Create new ticket - start typing should only appear where the user has placed cursor
Gwilym Williams 10/1/18

Navigate to people section

It doesn’t look very user friendly initially due to the long list of all users on the main screen. I think once all the fields are completed on this screen (progamme etc.) it will look neater and therefore nicer to use.

Yes, work to be done in this area re ETLs and filtering to make it more user friendly

Laura Waddups



Search person

Can only sort by name - It would be good if the Id column also had the option to sort too as I couldn't get back to the original order of trainees very easily

List shows all trainees with name searched by, but in no particular order, and by a mix of surname and firstname. Also if you then delete the name in the search box, the results remain the same in the list - it would be good if it automatically went back to the master list again once the search text had been deleted

Duplicate - see point 32 re inproving search functionality

Laura Waddups



View people list

I typed in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery in the progamme column and selected one of the options but nothing changed in the list of trainees I could see. Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery is also there muliple times with no obvious differences in the programmes.

Duplicate - see point 50

Laura Waddups



View and edit person record

I could amend but it wouldn’t let me save without completing all the missing data fields that were there before me going in to the record – how have these mandatory fields been decided? This will mean we cant edit any records where we don’t have this information.

I could edit the GMC/GDC number but when adding a date, the calendars wouldn't disappear off the screen meaning I had the GMC start date and end date calendars open at the same time, blocking the fields below. I couldn’t get them to disappear without either exiting the record or clicking on a date. To delete the date, I had to highlight the date, then click backspace (as delete wouldn’t work) which then took me out of that screen and back to the master trainee list. When i re-entered the record, the change to the date had been made even though i hadn't saved it (as i had been redirected back a page automatically)

Nationalities are recorded multiple times on the drop down menu. I couldn’t save the record as there is no drop down for Ethnic Origin and it’s a required field.

I amended the name of a trainee within their record and while this showed on the main editing screen, the changes didn't then show within the master list of trainees

Duplicate - see point 48

Ticket up (and apologies for the frustration Laura)

Duplicate - see point 65

Duplicate - see point 57


Laura Waddups



Create a person record

The fields are in a bit of a strange order - with legal forename followed by surname, and forname followed by initials and then legal surname. This doesn't make much sense when completing the fields.

It would be good if the initials box populated itself once the forename and surname box had been completed.

There is no option for 'Miss' in the titles box.

The telephone number can be added with only 3 numbers. The postcode can be completely made up.

Only the personal details option worked on the drop down - you couldn't add sensitive data, qualifications etc, even once the record was saved. I couldn't find the (saved) record once saved.

Navigation - will look into

Ticket up

Ticket up (add Miss to Titles reference table) but check why it does not match V10?

Try to replicate

Laura Waddups



Bulk upload of people

Not able to test

In flight but not fully developed

Laura Waddups



Manage Oriel import of trainees

Not able to test

In flight but not fully developed

Laura Waddups



Remove a person record from a programme

When trying to edit a programme membership record - An error message occurred with a sentence that didn’t quite make sense - 'Curriculum with id 85 does associated with programme'. In GMC 79144

Ticket up

Laura Waddups



Oriel Integration:

Just a couple quick observations.

There is no programme start date in the recruitment import template column which i'd expect to be there. Unless perhaps it's derived from curriculum start.

Ethnic origin for example is not a mandatory field, which I totally agree with, but it is currently a mandatory field on TIS. My hunch is it shouldn't be a mandatory field on TIS?

Tom de Salis:

Current Recruitment Import template doesn't have Programme Start Date, the system assumes Curriculum #1 Start Date (column AL) is the Programme Start Date. This also true when setting up a Programme Membership manually - Programme Start Date is not an editable field, you can only change it by editing the curricula followed

James Harris:

if TIS automatically determines the ProgrammeStartDate to be the same as the CurriculumStartDate then it probably isn't necessary to have a separate field.


Programme Start date should be automatically populated with Curriculum#1 Start Date - Ticketup

Andrew Horton



Oriel Integration:

Ethnic Origin - I would agree that it shouldn't be mandatory on TIS as I don't believe it is required that trainees declare this?


James Harris



Oriel Integration:

Minor point - please could the validation on the fields for TIS match the validation on Oriel? Currently, if we have to run an Oriel report and use the Recruitment import spreadsheet, we have to clean up the data in several columns before V10 will accept it

Tom de Salis



Oriel Integration:

This is something we could look into when creating the custom report to be run off of Oriel. I know exactly what you mean but do you have a few examples to mind to make it a bit easier to investigate?

Clarie LeHoux:

We have done quite a bit of work on the reference mapping between Oriel and TIS so will all be automated - will need to share this so you can all see how its working. I have also had a go at designing a custom report from Oriel with Ashley Ransoo can share with you all. Might need tweaking but its a start! I think it might be helpful to have a skype meeting so we can go through you all the work done so far and include your feedback

Tom de Salis



Oriel Integration:

For example, Nationality in V10 is British, French etc, but in Oriel it is Country pertaining to nationality ie UK, France etc

Claire LeHoux:

Tom de Salis Ashley Ransoo has done mapping of Nationality and Country and can share. The plan is for this all be automated as all this information will be pulled through from Oriel rather than having to enter it onto the recruitment import. This process will build in the mapping of the data between Oriel and TIS. 

Tom de Salis



Oriel Integration:

In theory everything should come through the Oriel import link at the moment, but for various reasons this hasn't been possible at certain points this year (e.g. UKFPO decided they weren't going to process their applications to offer accepted, or the Oriel programmes on the consolidated V10 being completely unfiltered and unusable). In these scenarios, we use the recruitment import spreadsheet as a backup

Ashley Ransoo:

Fom the new proposed process, Recruitment Import only needs basic details about the trainees, hence why we have included a new field called 'ApplicantID' which is the Oriel PIN in the import. The only mandatory fields from in the Recruitment import are Forenames* and Surname*. The rest if available from Oriel will be automatically brought across at the time of import. With regards to Foundation, if they are enabled to be extracted from Oriel in the nightly process, the similar proposed process would apply in importing the trainees.  

Tom de Salis



Oriel Integration:

I have raised on my feedback that there is an issue with the number of fields that are mandatory on TIS - lots of them shouldn't be mandatory as it is stopping us from being able to edit records as we dont have this info for lots of records on Intrepid and may not collate for everyone


Based on feedback received should we just use the same rules as Recruitment import template for the fields that need to be mandatory? i.e. just Surname and Forenames plus Legal Surname and Legal Forenames on TIS UI as these are needed for ESR.

Claire LeHoux


122I have access to the test site as well as the live revalidation module. I have to use the link https://apps.tis.nhs.uk/admin/ in order to navigate to the people section. This opens on this section and the only other section besides revalidation that I have access to currently.

Navigation between TCS and Reval being looked to.

Need to have one URL only

Sinead Hannify
123Search - 

Can only search one name at a time e.g first or surname, unable to find trainees when both names are added. Can also search via GMC.

Programme or post info not pulling through on search page however columns ther but info is blank. Makes it difficult to determine you have the correct trainee if a generic/ popular name. had to use GMC to find specific trainee and required an extra step of locating GMC number before I find trainee

View - Lots of blank IDs when the initial list brought up. unsure what order the names are displayed is when a name is entered into search. Doesn’t seem to by ID number, alphabetical surname or forename. Some difficulty in finding the correct trainees.

Sinead Hannify

Would be preferable if the GMC number rather than the TIS ID number is displayed next to the trainee name at the top when viewing trainee record.

Very easy to edit all fields – feels too easy and that records could be accidently amended if rushing and clicking around the page. (like that you have to specifically select save to update. If a mistake made was able to navigate away from page without saving to undo overriding.

When adding programmes would be helpful if could make suggestions instead of having to type programme. doesn’t let you save unless the exact right programme is typed. (does state Programme name should be selected among the available options but no options given) even when I copied the programme name from intrepid was not able to add programme the filed was red

Predictive typing - raised in Programmes feedback and ticket raised


Sinead Hannify

Would be useful if the initials could pre populate if these are mandatory fields

Was able to type any number of digits into the phone number fields, like that the email address field recognises when an invalid email address is used, able to type any format of postcode.

Able to type any number of digits for GMC number.

When creating person record I was only able to complete the first page, not able to complete any subsequent information on the other person pages e.g sensitive info, programme info, qualifications

Record did not save.

Sinead Hannify
126No programme information was pulling through when I looked at the system (15/1/17) so unable to test.

Sinead Hannify

Can only search on one name, either forename or surname – cannot put full name in

Lynn Bradley

Can filter by status, could put forenames in alphabetical order.

No data in programme column so will test this at a later date

Lynn Bradley

Could search and edit – in theory a good thing that it would only let me save if there were no "red error messages" however please see feedback note below for ID5

On a side note the trainee I searched for had wrong data in – is this ok or do I need to give you the record details

Details please!

Lynn Bradley

Known as field has typo – says know as

I inputted a GMC number, GMC start date and GMC status but wouldn’t let me save record as it was asking in red for GDC info too as should be one or other or UNKNOWN or N/A

Good spot

Investigate and raise ticket

Lynn Bradley

Couldn’t find anyone in a programme to remove them – happy to do this at a later date

Lynn Bradley

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