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Process NamePP7 - Manage Oriel Import of TraineesComments
DescriptionUsers should be able to view a summary of recently imported trainee person records and edit the contents of each one 
ActorsLocal office admin
Pre-conditionsLogged in
Authorised User


Process steps
  1. Select Programme/Programmes from filter list
  2. Validate that the trainees on the list are new starters in the local office
  3. Add mandatory fields
  4. Add additional required data (if available) e.g. NTN
  5. Authorise import of trainee details from Oriel into TIS
  6. Confirmation received of successful import

How do you currently view/edit import errors? Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)

Error message appears to let the operator know what the reasons for non import are. The errors should be corrected on the import spreadsheet before the import function is tried again.  It is possible to select records to be imported if some of the records are correct but the best course of action is to correct all inaccuracies and import the entire spreadsheet in one go.

The total number of records that have been imported is shown to the operator.

Mandatory fields should be defined on the import spreadsheet to avoid the non import of records.

Alternative flowPP6-Bulk upload of People
  1. Update (do not create) when a person's record already exists in the database 
Where mandatory fields are not complted at time of import suggest a quality dashboard/data extract be produced to indicate the missing values in each person record
JIRA ReferenceTIS-715
Audit LogWho created the people record and whenLog changes to any of the field values and when and who made
the changes.
Visually presented to all
