Full team availability 9-day Sprint * 13 10 dev team members | 117 days | 90 days |
Simon Chris Jay Matt | -9 days -2 days -1 day -1 day |
Total team absence | days-13 days |
(Note: an exceptionally high level of absences for illness this Sprint c. -20 days in total across the team)
Sprint Priorities
The following list was the prioritisation output from Sprint Planning - largely a stabilisation Sprint:
The following items to be shared by team members during this sprint review
Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,assignee,status,business value,story points (effort),priority (bv*sp) |
maximumIssues | 100 |
jqlQuery | project = tisnew AND type not in (Sub-task, Epic) AND (assignee not in (benjamin.witton, Chris.Norman, Nazia.Akhtar, david.short, james.harris) OR assignee is EMPTY) AND sprint="Sprint 66" and status not in ("Not required") ORDER BY status DESC, assignee ASC, cf[11231] ASC, cf[11233] ASC, cf[11237] ASC |
serverId | 4c843cd5-e5a9-329d-ae88-66091fcfe3c7 |
Item | TIS Ref / Owner | Status | Description of work Link. e.g. to working software https://apps.tis.nhs.uk/ (note: use Dev for obfuscated data) Loom video of completed work https://www.useloom.com/ |
Technical debt & Non-functional requirements: |
Knowledge transfer: |
- Confluence housekeeping - especially deleting documentation that is out of date. Ongoing
- Dev standards (Dev meeting / series of meetings). Ongoing
- Pairing / Mobbing
- Git-commit messages
- Walk-throughs (prep as you go - links?).
- Architectural level diagrams
| - Andy Nash (Unlicensed)
- All Dev team
- All Dev team
- All Dev team
- All Dev team
- All Dev team
| Ongoing
| Most of TISDEV has now been culled and TISNEW populated with only the relevant stuff. One or two bits still left to do. |
Resource Planning: | Andy Nash (Unlicensed) |
| Ongoing recruitment push: - two new Apprentice Devs (Manchester) confirmed to be starting next Sprint (4 Feb).
Outstanding vacancies - London: 1*DevOps engineer, 1*FSD and 1*FED
- Manchester: 1*Lead Dev, 1*FED and 1* Full Stack Junior Dev