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Attendees: Clare Wright James Harris Kavitha.Shankar Fiona Muchet

Previous Actions and Demos -


  • Regional ‘All Other Rounds’:

    • Clare to speak to Jon on if these need to be grouped and if so, how. Is there any update on this? - James has figured out a way of grouping. Any future grouping can be brought in later when required.

  • Competition Ratios Cross over applicants -

    • Question - for Max cross over Applicants for a specialty

      Should we also count “applied withdrawn” applicants when looking at max applications for a specialty?

      For eg - Applicant 232055 in offer round “2025 AFC Round1 Medical” had 68 distinct applications 51 of which were withdrawn? would this give an actual picture of the num applications for specialties? - “Applied withdrawn” can be included in the report. Also the Academic rounds need not be shown in this view of report

    • Question - For Max crossover applicants for a specialty

      can we use a combination field of Offer Year + Offer Round to show crossover applicants per specialty OR Leave it to users to filter the required combination. For example for Cardiology num crossover Applicants = 408 consisting of 2 offer rounds . But distinct Applicants in each round is 118 + 299 which add up to 417. this may be slightly confusing. - This report was envisioned differently so Fiona will share existing reports to give an idea.

Q&A / Feedback

Fiona will set up a date/time to show the current reports for cross over applicats that they have