Attendees: Clare Wright James Harris Kavitha.Shankar
Previous Actions and Demos -
Application Count Dashboard -
Fill Rate Dashboard -
Staff group sorted was a problem with NDW. Will look to use these field to make filtering more robust.
Hicom are planning on doing a ‘Hotfix’ to add the fields of ‘Submitted Yes/No’ and ‘SubmissionDate’ in the near future. Have asked Hicom to add these 2 fields
Competition ratios - - TIS21-6675Getting issue details... STATUS
Competition ratios details - - TIS21-6993Getting issue details... STATUS - in progress
Questions from Data Analytics Team
Regional ‘All Other Rounds’:
Clare to speak to Jon on if these need to be grouped and if so, how. Is there any update on this? - James has figured out a way of grouping. Any future grouping can be brought in later when required.
Competition Ratios -
Question - for Max cross over Applicants for a specialty
Should we also count “applied withdrawn” applicants when looking at max applications for a specialty?
For eg - Applicant 232055 in offer round “2025 AFC Round1 Medical” had 68 distinct applications 51 of which were withdrawn? would this give an actual picture of the num applications for specialties?
Question - For Max crossover applicants for a specialty
can we use a combination field of Offer Year + Offer Round to show crossover applicants per specialty OR Leave it to users to filter the required combination. For example for Cardiology num crossover Applicants = 408 consisting of 2 offer rounds . But distinct Applicants in each round is 118 + 299 which add up to 417. this may be slightly confusing.
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