This page is shows where we are with PPT (what we have done so far) and what still need to be done in terms of users feedback
Can move ‘Approved’ placement to ‘Draft’ and then re-approve (if there is need for that to make changes). BUT any changes made to this placement will not go to ESR except if it is placement start from and to date to change ( for change of date, it will follow the normal change of date notification agreed with ESR and send date changes notification to ESR ). Moving ‘Approved' placement to ‘draft’ won’t withdraw any notification from ESR. User will need to use ‘Delete’ button to withdraw a placement which is the BAU (it has not changed) and ESR will get a withdrawal Notification.
Can use the ‘Update’ button to update placement fields in ‘approved’ state without need to move to draft. BUT any changes made to this placement will not go to ESR except if it is placement start from and to dates change ( for change of date, it will follow the normal change of date notification agreed with ESR and send date changes notification to ESR )
Placements in ‘draft’ are display in the UI with a red ring round the placements to differentiate from ‘approved’ placements. ‘Approved’ placement will not any coloured ring round it
Past Placement appears grey?
Present Placement appears Green?
Future Placement appears Amber?
Placement types:
What still need to be done
Placement Bulk Upload permission for Programme and Trust admin roles: 2 options to be decided by Dev team/PO; either; a) Ideally restrict them (Programme and Trust admin roles) from being able to bulk upload placements OR b) Set to DRAFT only for these 2 types of users when bulk uploading.
Amendments/Update made to CURRENT/PAST placements, the status to remains in APPROVED for Programme Admin User Only.
TISNEW-3656 Amendments/Update made to CURRENT/PAST placements, the status to remains in APPROVED
SCENARIO: Amendment/Update of dates to Past, Current and Future placements that are in approved state
We want to know what happens to the combinations if the amended dates fall into the past, current and future for Programme Admin users:
Placement/update fields | Past | Current | Future |
Past | Approved | Approved | Draft |
Current | Approved | Approved | Draft |
Future | Stop from happening- Just delete- Create a ticket: | Stop from happening- Just delete and create a new one- Create a ticket; | Draft |
PPT Users Permissions:
Mugabee: Need to find out the difference between TPD and Admin users?
Response: You don’t need to know the concept but if interested James can talk you through
Mugabee: Our thought for this ticket is that it is Just TPD user
Response: It is only for programme Admin users
Bulk Upload Permission: Any user that can create placement and update/edit placements on UI should be able to Bulk upload. This permission will be withdrawn for Progamme Admin and Trust Admin roles.
Type of users | Bulk upload (placement stays as approved and not draft in Bulk Upload) | Create Placement in UI
Placement stays as Draft/approved? | Approve Placement in UI | Update/Amend Placement in UI
Placement stays as Draft/approved? | Comment |
HEE Trust Admin | No | Yes | No | Yes | |
HEE Admin | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
HEE Admin Sensitive | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
HEE Admin Revalidation | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
HEE TIS Admin | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
HEE Programme Admin | No | Yes | No | Yes | |
TcsAdmin | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
BulkUploadAdmin | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PersonAdmin | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
ETL | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Other tickets raised
Feedback from PPT demo: Need to be prioritised and tickets raised where necessary
A report in Tableau for draft vs approved placements exist? Nothing at the moment exists.
Also useful for teams to have a report to have a look at what is in the draft / approved placement data before for data quality deadlines. Field of approval or draft - What about if too much in draft? problem solved now but some teams may need to check drafts
Can build a link into Tableau to go back to TIS
Some form of Validation and display for posts with; a) expired funding, b) Current funding (and if funding is running out), c) future funding?????? How do we put this into the reporting tool? Posts that are available - all current posts or post-funding? Any post attached to the programme are displayed. Would need to check if the posts are actually funded or not. Could only show posts that actually have funding. Sometimes posts might be set up that has future funding? Could include all posts but have a clear indication that the post is not currently funded. If one expired before now, don’t include. If now and has the funding or if future funding - show? What about if funding is going to expire? Perhaps this should all go into the report.
Adding Placement: Drag and Drop feature……etc
TPD Feedback - think it will take them longer to use the UI than the spreadsheet - start and end date of every single trainee. Drag and drop hicom feature dropped as not dropped on the day. Is there a way to have a better way to do the dates? Could this be pre-populated? Allow for exceptions? Anyways to allow dates to be added more quickly? There will be some change management process - 3 different ways to add placements.
PPT UI display:
A way to show or link to other specialities? Within the same programme - main speciality and specific types of training - TPDs might like to see this? Need to investigate more and engage in more discussions on how TPDs are going to be using PPT