What is a Trust?
- Trust is a grouping of sites
<insert relationship diagram>
Permissions (strict)
- Users should only see own posts & trainees/trainers
- People (current, future, past) << possible to also achieve past/future via reporting, without implementing in TIS
- Assessments << low priority for now?
- all sites have a trust or another site
- Site can be trust and a site
- 1:many site to trust relationship
- Only one main parent of a site
- link TIS user to Trusts and build management of table
- Develop add hard filters in TIS
- Add permissions & roles to key cloak
- need to build relationship in profile service and securities in TIS
- Deploy permissions into end point for posts & trainees
- Only relevant for current trusts
- Concerns
- Performance challenge by adding new filter (can be checked in half day)
- Can one user be linked to multiple trusts?
- Where do we get the trust information?
- How many trusts do not have people linked? Which ones?
- Changes to URL can bypass permissions controls << security can be built later
2-6 weeks to build (checks, design, build, test) << dependency on design
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