Course & Event Management - Alternative Tools | Agora Presentation


  • OBJECTIVE: most important to understand how it can be integrated with TIS
    • business use, is not a decision within our scope
    • wider business discussion of costs and business continuity to be facilitated by Ray


  • rest APIs used for front end course data so possible to integrate
  • attendance is stored within Agora database, however work would be required to provide this and their teams can manage this process
    • X-API, the experience API?
  • eportfolios need courses and absence, however this would be future functionality for Agora as well as for TIS


  • Agora only stores name and email address, no GMC or other data stored
  • admin can enter event information individually or in bulk (via spreadsheet), then share link to the event
  • Authentication and creation of accounts on the fly to be explored

Benefits to TIS

  • allows admins to set up events and track attendance / study related leave
    • this information can be managed on their site and integrated with TIS
  • allows trainees and trainers to book themselves onto courses, attend and automatically update their person records with this information
    • trainees will still need to apply for study leave - to be discussed internally how this could work if this goes ahead

Next Steps

  • Neil Ralph, National Programme Manager (2nd Floor) has discussed potential to use with other training information dissemination
  • confirm next steps with Ray Hill