2021-09-29 NDW ETL overnight jobs failed


Sep 29, 2021


@Reuben Roberts @Andy Dingley






NDW downstream processes compromised, including Hicom Leave Manager data transfer

Non-technical Description

The overnight job to transfer data to the NDW for the TIS production, staging and NIMDTA environments failed. This in turn triggered the failure of the NDW ETL process, and consequently the data transfer to Hicom Leave Manager. Due to further oversight, the same issue recurred the following night. In both instances, the TIS and NDW jobs were rerun, but Hicom only imports data once a day, so this system would have been left with data two days stale. The following graphic indicates the downstream effects, particularly the ‘Hicom Leave Manager Server’ swimlane: ETLs on Swim-lane .


  • Breaking change in third-party component, and subsequent misunderstanding that the initial job rerun was not a fix to the underlying problem per se.


  • Slack monitoring alert.


  • Reran the NDW-ETL processes using the last known-good version.

  • Investigation into the root cause discovered the breaking-change in the 3rd party image builder for the component

  • Pending a roll-out of a patch, upgrading the TIS-NDW-ETL from Java 8 to Java 11 resolved the issue


  • Sep 29, 2021 03:00 - 03:40 BST #monitoring-ndw Slack channel alert that the first of three overnight jobs failed.

  • Sep 29, 2021 07:53 BST Those jobs were restarted.

  • Sep 29, 2021 09:11 BST All jobs had completed successfully.

  • Sep 29, 2021 09:13 BST Pavel at NDW notified

  • Sep 29, 2021 12:00 BST Pavel indicates that the NDW ETL has been run successfully

  • Sep 30, 2021 03:00 - 03:40 BST #monitoring-ndw Slack channel alert that the first of three overnight jobs failed (unfortunately the broken task images were still ‘live’ for the services)

  • Sep 30, 2021 06:30 BST These jobs were restarted.

  • Sep 30, 2021 07:30 BST All jobs had completed successfully.

  • Sep 30, 2021 07:40 BST Pavel at NDW notified

  • Sep 30, 2021 09:06 BST The revised component deployed successfully, and tested on staging

  • Sep 30, 2021 11:04 BST Pavel indicates that the NDW ETL has been run successfully

Root Cause(s)

Action Items

Action Items



Action Items



Rebuild tis-ndw-etl using Java 11

@Reuben Roberts


Possibly update component documentation to flag-up deployment process (to mitigate against future assumptions causing this sort of issue)

@Reuben Roberts


Review previous NDW-ETL failures to highlight in particular partial-runs, since these cause most disruption in downstream systems (which interpret missing data as having been deleted)

@Reuben Roberts

Done: Text is as follows:

Here is a quick summary of the NDW ETL failures. This year, we have had 5 failures (if you count the latest one as a single failure spread over two days). Last year there were 6. Of the failures this year, only one appears to have been a partial failure: 2021-03-10: 2021-03-10 The NDW ETL failed and didn't recover for PROD & STAGE

This seems to have been triggered by an outage on the NDW side.

I guess this suggests a few things to me:

Failures of the existing NDW ETL are not particularly rare, but partial failures are.

The incidence of failures has not dropped much since last year, so the various actions/interventions in response to the failures have not (yet) had much impact. Possibly there is simply quite a diverse range of situations that can cause failure.

Mitigating against complete failures, e.g. by better notifications to downstream parties and/or automated retrying of the jobs, would be likely to see active service, but as the 'cost' of data that is one day stale is not so high, the benefit might be marginal.

Ensuring that the job either completes successfully or fails entirely (or prevents downstream processes from reading the partially populated database by e.g. removing the credentials whereby their process connects to the database at the start and recreating them only at the successful completion of the job) might be more valuable, even though it covers a less likely scenario.

Further planning / ticketing work to mitigate against this in future


Questions exist over NDW capacity to implement their end of a revised queue / stream of changes that we send, instead of the existing monolithic process. However, TIS could modernise our side with a new-to-old interface of sorts, as per the ESR BiDi project.

Lessons Learned

  • Assumptions as to the CI/CD pathway for a specific component can be problematic.

  • It would be useful to flag-up non-standard deployment paths in component documentation

  • As Hicom is an external company, there is potentially less flexibility in rescheduling jobs, and general negotiations would need to occur within a contractual framework. This also underlines the need for a consistent reliable service from the TIS side.